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India Soars High - KPMG

I would take 3rd party reports more seriously than those from Indian Gov or from the consulting firms authored by Indians for a logical reason

This is a 3rd party report lol. Do you know what KPMG is?

India is making progress, no doubt, but Soars High? Which India we are talking about? I am sorry, but I always view India as two different entities, First India and Second India.

As usual you making statements without reading the report to get the context. You have no clue just how disastrous the last administration was...neither do you want to educate yourself on it. India is definitely soaring high compared to before, and will soar even higher in future given Modi's performance so far. It is all relative scales we are building up on.
I've seen this in western UP. I was told about growing a pulse crop in between two or three cereal crops as it improves Nitrogen content leading to lesser consumption of Urea.
We were taught that in geography. CBSE zindabad. Lol
I haven't seen farmers in Kerala follow crop rotation so I was apprehensive if it's true for farmers across India.
I've seen this in western UP. I was told about growing a pulse crop in between two or three cereal crops as it improves Nitrogen content leading to lesser consumption of Urea.

Yup thats a standard thing to do in farming. The cycles are just a lot spread out in some countries (further away from equator especially).....but the strategy remains the same....alternate what something consumes and what it "fixes" into the soil so there is complementary approach as much as possible.

Normally in parts of rural Canada where I have mostly been, they alternate corn and soyabeans (there are only 2 growing cycles at most in Canada per year).
We were taught that in geography. CBSE zindabad. Lol
I haven't seen farmers in Kerala follow crop rotation so I was apprehensive if it's true for farmers across India.
In TN it is paddy, ragi, ground nut or sugar cane , but most of them go for 2 paddy and ragi in a year. Good rainfall means its paddy all the way. Crop rotation requires a lot of effort from farmer to prepare the land ,different fertilizer ..etc.
I'm sorry. I'm deviating from the topic.
I just wanted ppl to know how Economic times, world bank and Bloomberg have found a way to circumvent India's map laws.

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@ranjeet which app is it that was launched by the govt for reporting misleading and sensationalising news articles?
In this case ET,Bloomberg etc have clearly shown India sans J&K. Thot will report it.
Bypassing the Map rule, by putting cards on Kashmir :angry:

Edit: realized you are saying the same thing. A few people messaged hmo and pmo on twitter about this yesterday lets see what happens.
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In TN it is paddy, ragi, ground nut or sugar cane , but most of them go for 2 paddy and ragi in a year. Good rainfall means its paddy all the way. Crop rotation requires a lot of effort from farmer to prepare the land ,different fertilizer ..etc.

Do we know the status of the soil health card program in recent days?
This is a 3rd party report lol. Do you know what KPMG is?

As usual you making statements without reading the report to get the context. You have no clue just how disastrous the last administration was...neither do you want to educate yourself on it. India is definitely soaring high compared to before, and will soar even higher in future given Modi's performance so far. It is all relative scales we are building up on.

The author is an Indian, so my statement stands true. They are many of them working for big consulting firms, thanks to their mastery of English.

As for a democratic country, people elect their leaders, as it was told, so you can't blame the last administration for any mischief, you should blame the people who voted them into power. The burden or power is on the voters. Wasn't it the advantage of the democratic system? I know you are a big fan of Modi, and think he would be the Hero who would somehow end all miseries that NCP or INC brought upon Indians and take India to the realm of superpower. No, I don't think things are as easy as changing the head of state. Social Structure Change is the cake, "Clean India" or "xyz India" is the icing, so tell me how many 5th graders can read like a normal 5th grader, don't tell me the percentage of enrollment; tell me how many people who can use Internet for their life, don't tell me how many people own a smart phone that has internet connection.

Here is an article published in LA Times 19 years ago, take today's reality against what they have predicted, it may shock you:

In TN it is paddy, ragi, ground nut or sugar cane , but most of them go for 2 paddy and ragi in a year. Good rainfall means its paddy all the way. Crop rotation requires a lot of effort from farmer to prepare the land ,different fertilizer ..etc.
You're right. It requires a lot of effort.
Add to it the fact that the plants which help in restoring nitrogen into the soil are usually not cash crops.
Another problem is the excess use of fertilisers.
Off topic but seeing that graph reminded of a thing my grandad told me (miss him) whenever Rajasthan and MP gets good moonson supply of dals (grams) is always surplus that year

Also the acreage under dal has increased a lot this year.
No, I don't think things are as easy as changing the head of state.

Hahaha, you think its just a head of state change.

First of all he is not the head of state. (And yes changing the actual Indian head of state would have no effect at all on anything).

2nd you have little to no idea about how the politics work in India at all regarding its democracy (and what levels exist of it)...and no I don't have the time or inclination to educate you. The report is for those that want a summary and actually want to ask specific details in which case a conversation may be had....rather than "oh its authored by Indians...and is a "consultancy" based rigmarole....and therefore cannot be valid".

so tell me how many 5th graders can read like a normal 5th grader,

Do you know if the previous govt has even referenced contemporary ASER findings and specifically put an action plan to address the problem? Do you know what this govt has done in comparison? I bet you don't.

Also have you looked at whether the situation is homogeneous one or if there are states where there has been drastic improvement (which others are now looking at implementing with regards to teacher training and standards verification)? I bet you haven't.

Instead you take probably one article you came across and probably had one number stick in your head and decide oh well thats the stagnant situation everywhere. I take a different approach, I look at the reports in detail with a fine tooth comb to gather a better picture. The results even under the previous administration, as bad as it was, contain some very interesting pieces of information state wise (because again you fail to realise what the balance of power is between centre and state in India given you think the PM is a head of state). The same data is not even out yet for this current administration to judge them on....but I can certainly see a trend from the publications they have released and much greater interaction they have promoted with local socioeconomic groups and local NGOs.

So is it worth taking the time to convince you otherwise? Nope.

I for one will be watching the ASER reports that come out in the next couple years (they havent even released the one for 2015)....because I know what the time lag is for education reform but I also know its not stuck in a rut like before....and there is evidence in a lot of data out there to illustrate that.

But you are free to believe what you want.
It's stupid to say that since it's written by an Indian it must be biased in India's favour. Does KPMG not endorse the report? It does cause if it did not, the author would be floating his resume...

And no mastery of English doesn't land you in jobs which require skill and insights.
CBSE zindabad.

I haven't seen farmers in Kerala follow crop rotation so I was apprehensive if it's true for farmers across India.
Again can't quote for the areas i haven't seen but i've seen this practice in soya bean growing areas of Madhya Pradesh.
In areas in and around Narmada and other smaller tributaries, farmers are able to get three crops an year (with one oil seed crop).
Sharbati Wheat grown in region is renowned for its quality.

Again can't quote for the areas i haven't seen but i've seen this practice in soya bean growing areas of Madhya Pradesh.
In areas in and around Narmada and other smaller tributaries, farmers are able to get three crops an year (with one oil seed crop).
Sharbati Wheat grown in region is renowned for its quality.

Why am I not surprised?
But isn't Soya part of mixed cropping?
I have heard maize,soya and rice can be used for mixed cropping.
Btw that reminds me, in Kerala ppl follow something called alley cropping, where banana trees are grown along with tapioca. As in there are alternate rows of banana trees and tapioca(that's how I remember it to be).
the only reason farmers go for paddy and wheat is because of assure fixed price and surity of govt buying it they are afraid of going after other crops because of unsurety so this government opening up e-market for farmers could change that mindset if implemented properly

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