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India Soars High - KPMG

It is not about racism, but about the governance system and the social mentality. We know many of you love to soar high on some western cheer leading articles or government statistics, but not too many of you actually care about the bottom part of your own society, those without internet voice. The inclusiveness of social development is deep rooted in Chinese mind, but not so much among internet Indians. Many of you would click "thanks" on the articles like "India has 360 million Internet users, 2nd highest in the world", but never bother to find out just how many of them can afford data charges, and actually benefit from Internet.

We are all "brainwashed" one way or the other, the difference is we know it, but you don't. That's why you are more subject to biased information than Chinese. Just look at all those "superpower" threads and how many of you click "thanks".

As for the Chinese government statistics, I personally don't know how much water in them, but I do know China's economy is 5 times of India's, Chinese people live 8 years longer than Indian, and Chinese got lot more Olympic medals.

Don't get upset, get even, for the sake of your Mother India. :cheers:

I agree with the points I have made bold. I will try to explain in very short and simple way.
You see in India if you open a paper or any (most) of news articles/shows everywhere they tend to show only negative/pessimistic thoughts on India. We don't celebrate our past or achievements but always question them and ourselves (don't know why). So when we see some third person actually appreciating some of the observed accomplishments/past (actually there would be many if we actually open our eyes) then the few (like me) feel little glad that at least some good is happening/happened internally.

Our politics is an entirely different subject. I don't know how else to describe it. We/I some times feel I would be glad if we have something like CCP governance in India but I fear if that party is something like congress then no one can save us even god. Apart from congress (I will be flame baiting many of my compatriots for this) every system has its own pros and cons, and a solution will not be yielding same results in all the scenarios or regions.

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