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India steals limelight at Farnborough air show

It would have been more impressive if we had Indian developed products out for international market. There were 5 Indian firms at the airshow, would be interesting to know how many business opportunities they came across.

Agree with you.India must try to sell as many dhruvs and other machines as possible.Th dhruv is a tested machine and has been succesfull in ecuador ,maldives etc..
So, the reason India stole the limelight was that we are going to buy defense hardware stuff???

By that logic next time B'desh can "steal the limelight" too?

Isn't that misplaced euphoria?

It would have been more impressive if we had Indian developed products out for international market. There were 5 Indian firms at the airshow, would be interesting to know how many business opportunities they came across.

Totally agree.

I know India is not spending a lot as percentage of their GDP on defense, but the money they spent on is not in the right place. Those money will be in a better use if some of it goes to research and development of its own equipment rather than loading the pockets of other countries' manufacturers. Falkland War was a very good lesson that in time of war, no one can be trusted for your supply of arms when you really need them.

Also, I don't think Germans will be really proud if there is an article saying that they are the biggest auto importer in the world.
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This shows india's money power. All the major arms vendors are trying hard to woo india to get a share of huge indian defense market.:cheers:
After all, india is not a kind of country which is dependent on foreign aid to purchase weapons.

Totally unncessary dude..please edit your post..dont want the bolded part here..why bringing it here..give respect and take respect
Totally unncessary dude..please edit your post..dont want the bolded part here..why bringing it here..give respect and take respect

Dude where is the controversy here??:confused:
I haven't mentioned any particular nation.
Even strong nation like israel receives aid from west.
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All these publicity stunts for our government while already so many of our fighter pilots have lost. We must not clap and cheer for these evil politicians until we see a stemming of IAF pilot attrition rate.
And there was a thread that Please dont bring poverty and stuff...........

Don't blame us then.....[/QUOTE
sir which part of the sentence does it mention poverty ?
The stupid kind of comments like free stuff and AID purchase leads to derail and later Indians will get reply of toilets and poverty..........

And then you say we start it.......

Its clear who do...
Look at the source...:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Instead of the rofls , you could have checked if the deals described in the source are factually wrong or if the news itself is false.

If the article is factually wrong you can debate over it.

If not interested continue the rofls.

Instead of the rofls , you could have checked if the deals described in the source are factually wrong or if the news itself is false.

If the article is factually wrong you can debate over it.

If not interested continue the rofls.


Who gives a crap about the deals.. The way its presented is as if everybody who came to the show saw India everywhere. The deals are made during the corporate days... for companies and customers only. For the thousands of general public.. the "limelight" was stolen by the raptor, the A400 and for aviation enthusiasts even the Thunder was a welcome sight.

My Rofl's are directed at the usual gleeful headlines given by your papers and media on deals.. as if you had anything to do with it apart from having lots of greenbacks..
Generally those people who brag throughout a party about having bought a "ferrari, a condo and a learjet" are labelled as narcissistic upstarts.
so yea.. ill keep my :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

P.S.. yes.. I have developed a massive disdain of Indian media and General attitude of Indian members about my country even with many attempts to play neutral and welcoming.. so I have a lot less tolerance for bad mouthing my nation and its achievements and have a much greater tendency now to display the same sort of sarcasm and demeaning attitude towards India and its achievements.
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Who gives a crap about the deals.. The way its presented is as if everybody who came to the show saw India everywhere. The deals are made during the corporate days... for companies and customers only. For the thousands of general public.. the "limelight" was stolen by the raptor, the A400 and for aviation enthusiasts even the Thunder was a welcome sight.

My Rofl's are directed at the usual gleeful headlines given by your papers and media on deals.. as if you had anything to do with it apart from having lots of greenbacks..
Generally those people who brag throughout a party about having bought a "ferrari, a condo and a learjet" are labelled as narcissistic upstarts.
so yea.. ill keep my :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

But the thread is about the deals.
After all companies showcase their aircrafts and deals are made on shows and which is the highlighted part in the article.

Even there is a thread about JF-17s possible sale to its customers including Indonesia and others. Do you hold the same rofls for that thread too?/

The papers heading is towards serving its country... the header was posted in Indian media for the reading of its Indian subscribers.

It is posted in Indian defense section so that Indian members can know about the deal.

A similar rofl in Pakistan defense section about a JF-17 deal can get me a permanent ban here and i am not that stupid to do that.

So sir please continue your rofls while relevant members discuss the deals and the highlighted relevance of it in the Indian defense industry.

Big words from folks who up until now receive aid in one form or the other and were until 10 years ago receiving massive amounts of aid from the world over.

Please check your arrogance. If India can get off foreign aid, so can others. The vast majority of your current equipment has been acquired through Russian assistance or soft or forgiven loans. Don't forget the recent past so quickly to score points here.

Sorry Sir!

India Mortgaged her Gold and then "Paid Off" the Mortgage and reclaimed the gold.

India has neither Begged nor been Helped by Loan Forgiveness but I do know of Countries which have.

However, it is possible that I am not aware of "Loan Forgiveness" to India. Would you please let me have any Sources along with the Links?

Thanks in Advance.
india as a big customer steal the show???? I am sure all countries selling are delighted to give that pat on indian back.

Funny!! Than what do you expect? Who should steal the show??? :lol: We have the money to buy and we are doing that and we can also shift their policy.
Look at the source...:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Have you seen the picture on top of the article Thaindian News...?
let me post it here..


Funny!! Than what do you expect? Who should steal the show??? :lol: We have the money to buy and we are doing that and we can also shift their policy.

This is as stupid as saying China can influence US's policies by buying their treasury bonds.
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