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India strong enough to face China, says Centre after reports of another inc

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Jun 24, 2012
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India strong enough to face China, says Centre after reports of another incursion


The Centre has said the country is strong enough to face any incursion from China, after reports emerged of Chinese forces entering the Indian territory again.According to media reports, around 50 Chinese soldiers riding on horses and ponies crossed into Indian territories in Chumar sector of Ladakh for two days on July 16 and 17, and carried placards which asked Indian forces to leave the “occupied territories”.

The Army sources confirmed the incursion saying that Indian troops had intercepted a patrol party of China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) in the Chumar sector and after the usual banner drill between the two sides, the PLA patrol went back into their territory.

“Whatever China is doing is very unfortunate. The government will definitely take it up with China and will protest. China needs to stop all such activities,” said Congress leader Rashid Alvi.

But it gave another change to the Opposition to attack the government. “There is no leadership in this government and that’s why such incidents are taking place. And the way China is trying to position itself in Pakistan, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, it’s a warning for India, but the government is refusing to pay attention. We condemn this failure on the government’s part,” said BJP leader Prakash Javadekar

This is the latest incident of an incursion by Chinese forces into the Indian territory and comes within a month of Defence Minister A K Antony’s visit to Beijing where the issue was taken up in the bilateral talks.

Last Wednesday, the government, in a major boost to the Indian Army’s war fighting capabilities along the Line of Actual Control, gave the go-ahead for the creation of a corps including deployment of 50,000 additional troops along the China border.

In April this year, a platoon of Chinese soldiers had slipped across the border in the middle of the night. The stand-off became a major diplomatic tangle between the two countries.

Link - India strong enough to face China, says Centre after reports of another incursion | idrw.org
Wish they start a war and wake up the whole defence circles...and I hope it turns into a two front war so that things will actually shake up the sleeping government.
Indians are garbage-talking and low quality......still act like superman for no reason.

......But we assure you, you are stronger than Pak-China or any neighbors....
Indians are not brave people. They will bow their heads to the Chinese for the time being. Eventually they will bow theirs heads to the Chinese like they did to the English, on a regular basis.

In their defense, they will justify their cowardice by saying, we have trade relations. Trade relations are more important.

But the reality is that Indians are scared race.
Ḥashshāshīn;4551006 said:
You can keep believing that, but until you actually do something it's all talk. So far India hasn't done anything...

India is strong but not the govt...!
When these so-called "incursions" were happening, the Indian Defence Minister was drinking tea and living it up in China.

That shows how serious they are about it.


When they get serious they will cancel these visits.
When these so-called "incursions" were happening, the Indian Defence Minister was drinking tea and living it up in China.

That shows how serious they are about it.

When they get serious they will cancel these visits.

Indians know they will get backhanded by China like in 1962, thats why they are keeping quiet.
India should focus on its internal situations especially dismantling on the matterhorn of red tape that is its government and giving its citizens proper hygiene facilities rather than make bs about comparing them to china. they cannot do anything to/against china as seen in the so called recent "stand off" China supplied their men and the Indians just watched as the dude up their posted they are scared.
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