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India successfully tests Nirbhay cruise missile

so 300 in 10 mins and 40 min of flight is remaining so thats is 1200..so in total ~1500km ............nice
And if you go by that 10 min flight, the speed calculates to roughly to around mach 1.51... Sub-Sonic???
India test-fires indigenously developed N-capable 'Nirbhay' cruise missile
Last Updated: Friday, October 17, 2014 - 10:25
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Zee Media Bureau/Deepak Nagpal

Balasore: India on Friday test-fired the indigenously developed sub-sonic long-range cruise missile 'Nirbhay' from the Integrated Test Range at Chandipur.

The missile took off at 10:04 am and after reaching a height of 800 metres, took a sharp turn towards the Bay of Bengal.

Sources at the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) said it will only be known after 11:00 am whether the test was successful.

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Today's test was the second developmental trial of the nuclear-capable Nirbhay missile.

The missile was test-fired for the first time on March 12, 2013 from the same base. However, the flight had to be terminated mid-way, as deviations were observed from its intended course.

India has in its arsenal 290-kilomere range supersonic "BrahMos" cruise missile which is jointly developed by India and Russia. But 'Nirbhay' with long-range capability is a different kind of missile being developed by the Aeronautical development Establishment (ADE), a Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) associated lab in Bangalore.

Nirbhay blasts off like a rocket but turns into an aircraft later. It is capable of flying at tree-top level which protects it from being detected by radars. Also, it has the capability to manoeuvre around its target to strike with precision.

The missile can carry conventional as well as nuclear warheads and hit targets between 700 to 100 kilometres away.

Nirbhay has a good loitering capability, good control and guidance, high degree of accuracy in terms of impact and very good stealth features.

Officials say the missile will add a new dimension to the Indian armed forces' capability.

(With agency inputs)
Did Russian helped India with this or they have done it by themselves this time?
Don't burn with jealousy, man. Learn to accept India's missile superiority. :P

And then, your Babur is just a fire and forget missile without any sophisticated guidance system. In contrast Nirbhay is an 'intelligent' highly maneuverable missile with artificial intelligence which helps it to loiter in the area like a drone, select its target and and then homes on to it.

It's a quantum leap in technology compared to your Babur. :happy:
O cut the crap its just like Babur with same range and qualities but you are free to live in blind nationalism but that doesn't change the fact that Nirbhay and Babur both are copies of Tomahawk cruise Missile
India’s indigenously developed nuclear capable sub-sonic cruise missile ‘Nirbhay’, which can strike targets more than 700 kms away, was today test-fired from a test range at Chandipur in Odisha.

“The missile was test-fired from a mobile launcher positioned at launch pad 3 of the Integrated Test Range at about 10.03 hours,” said an official soon after the flight took off from the launch ground.

“Flight details will be available after data retrieved from radars and telemetry points, monitoring the trajectories, are analysed,” the official said.

It is the second test of the sub-sonic long range cruise missile ‘Nirbhay’ from the ITR.

The maiden flight, conducted on March 12, 2013 could not achieve all the desired parameters as “the flight had to be terminated mid-way when deviations were observed from its intended course,” sources said.

India has in its arsenal the 290 km range supersonic “BrahMos” cruise missile which is jointly developed by India and Russia. But ‘Nirbhay’ with long range capability is a different kind of missile being developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).

Keywords: Nirbhay, India cruise missile
Cruise missile ‘Nirbhay’ test-fired - The Hindu
O cut the crap its just like Babur with same range and qualities but you are free to live in blind nationalism but that doesn't change the fact that Nirbhay and Babur both are copies of Tomahawk cruise Missile

Dnt compare state of art Nirbhaya with old tech like Tomhawk or babur

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