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India to be fastest-growing economy globally in both 2022 and 2023: IMF

GDP growth is just 1 part of the equation.
The thread is about a forecast

Forecasts like these have an impact in decisions of investors which in the end improves India's economy

In regard to income inequality, has it gotten better or worse since India's economic boom?

The answer is obvious
The problem with india is sure it has a booming tech industry, good growth indicators, a lot of unicorns and startups, etc but that literally only benefits the top 5% society. There is no bottom up grassroots level change besides new tech startups being created each year. Hence the income inequality in india is some of the worst in the world. Until you have industrialization and manufacturing that benefits the low-middle class you won't end up anywhere. In this regards bangladesh is actually doing well. They found something they are good at which is textiles and are slowly working their way up. India seemed to skip the industrialization phase and jumped straight to services.
You do t need to be a scientist to understand a common principle.

Indian economy shrank disastrously during COVID. This growth rates reflects gaining back what they had lost not necessarily new growth. More of a catch up on the lost ground .

These RSS trash are masters of manipulation.

Here is the latest news :

Notice the trend …. 9%… no wait 8.7% no wait 8.2 percent ….. BJP economists working at IMF are destroying the credibility of this institute

I see bias in IMF as too many Indians are there
This is really uncalled for.

Here, there are 2 Indians out of 4 IMF analysts in this recent IMF livestreaming
What do you propose, that they should have their academic qualifications stripped, and summarily dismissed?

Is this the level we are to expect from a distinguished member?

Whilst congratulations are in order, I do think this was/is going to happen naturally. India (and China) are only re-taking the role they used to play in the world economy for hundred of years. We'll probably also see a shift in their political/military belligerence, as rise of economic might almost always signals a more expansive mindset. Will be interesting to see how China and India manage their relationship in the coming years.
I am far more interested in seeing a reduced militarisation and an increased economic relationship with India for Pakistan. If we are to grow at our natural pace, both of our countries need to step back from this continued jamming of the armed forces with more and more cannon fodder, subtracting them from the work-force and compensating them for what is, in the ultimate analysis, non-productive labour.

GDP growth is just 1 part of the equation. There is huge disparity in income distribution, only a handful of people are getting richer. A huge majority of people have been driven into poverty.
I wish this could be re-written in letters of gold.
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Do you have problrm with suicide by killing oneself or you have problem with suicide by blowing oneself to kill others as well. I am sure that you have no problem with second one. Naturally, zihadi can't have problem with second type of suicide.
Please stop these personal attacks, and this naked Islamophobia.

I was just beginning to wonder whatever happened to " India fastest economy in 5 years" threads !!
We aim to please. :enjoy:🙏
Ah, the "moron" now wonders about your sanity because in your frenzy to talk about some stupid "fastest growing economy" news you so casually dismiss news of an unnecessary suicide of a human that happened only because of India's extreme Capitalism. Read the thread why that is. Or should your brother or sister suicide for you to realize that a human should be given dignity and the 60+ million well-fed and well-protected stray dogs in India shouldn't ?

How about these unnecessary and avoidable deaths ?
Success is not a free lunch, An athlete has to sweat for the training, a soldier has to bleed to win wars,
similarly sheer success comes at the cost of high pressure and the ones who are stronger creates the new & improved world. Survival of the fittest is still true

There are enough opportunities in India, Nothing is impossible if one puts his head down work 15 hrs a day, literally nothing,
Success is not a free lunch, An athlete has to sweat for the training, a soldier has to bleed to win wars,
similarly sheer success comes at the cost of high pressure and the ones who are stronger creates the new & improved world. Survival of the fittest is still true

There are enough opportunities in India, Nothing is impossible if one puts his head down work 15 hrs a day, literally nothing,

Efficiency of a any random person in a demography varies wildly, so your statement of achieving the impossible by working 15 hours a day is blatantly wrong. And if you keep forcing a person to achieve 'the standard' the society sets for him to be successful, sooner or later he will end up with depression, and in some cases, will end up taking his own life.
This is really uncalled for.

What do you propose, that they should have their academic qualifications stripped, and summarily dismissed?

Is this the level we are to expect from a distinguished member?

I am far more interested in seeing a reduced militarisation and an increased economic relationship with India for Pakistan. If we are to grow at our natural pace, both of our countries need to step back from this continued jamming of the armed forces with more and more cannon fodder, subtracting them from the work-force and compensating them for what is, in the ultimate analysis, non-productive labour.

I wish this could be re-written in letters of gold.
indos used to be a normal poster but in the last month i see he has developed a obsession with comparing with India .
Soon he will start making threads on every metro line that opens in Indonesia.
Its actually disrespectful to Pakistanis as this is a Pakistani forum and his comparisons should be with Pakistan.
The problem with india is sure it has a booming tech industry, good growth indicators, a lot of unicorns and startups, etc but that literally only benefits the top 5% society. There is no bottom up grassroots level change besides new tech startups being created each year. Hence the income inequality in india is some of the worst in the world. Until you have industrialization and manufacturing that benefits the low-middle class you won't end up anywhere. In this regards bangladesh is actually doing well. They found something they are good at which is textiles and are slowly working their way up. India seemed to skip the industrialization phase and jumped straight to services.
Hey man, it doesn’t work like that, everytime India creates a new billionaire, it also creates hundreds/thousands of jobs as wellnumerous indirect jobs and increased flow of money in the economy. So it helps everyone.

While its true we jumped to services directly but through PLI schemes, industrialisation is being promoted here.

You do t need to be a scientist to understand a common principle.

Indian economy shrank disastrously during COVID. This growth rates reflects gaining back what they had lost not necessarily new growth. More of a catch up on the lost ground .

These RSS trash are masters of manipulation.

Here is the latest news :

Notice the trend …. 9%… no wait 8.7% no wait 8.2 percent ….. BJP economists working at IMF are destroying the credibility of this institute

The forecasts are of the FY2022-23, pandemic induced recession was the thing of FY2020-21 and the low base effect was seen in FY2021-22. And projections are meant to be changed and updated, its not that always they’ll be the same. Anyways GoI also revised its GDP of FY2020-21 and which caused a slight increase in absolute numbers and hence a decrease in GDP growth rate figures.
indos used to be a normal poster but in the last month i see he has developed a obsession with comparing with India .
Soon he will start making threads on every metro line that opens in Indonesia.
Its actually disrespectful to Pakistanis as this is a Pakistani forum and his comparisons should be with Pakistan.
That apart, he is being positively hostile, in every way, on every occasion. What is this?
As India's GDP grows, the rich will get richer, and the poor will get poorer. They have to enrich the poor people, eliminate the hardcore poors. Otherwise the income gap will get wider, there will be more farmers' protests and unrests.

Efficiency of a any random person in a demography varies wildly, so your statement of achieving the impossible by working 15 hours a day is blatantly wrong. And if you keep forcing a person to achieve 'the standard' the society sets for him to be successful, sooner or later he will end up with depression, and in some cases, will end up taking his own life.
My point is hard will get you somewhere where is better than the current,
Same amount of effrort for a person X will get him rolls royce & for person Y it will get him a Hyundai
but both of them will move in the right direction (in different speed), which is not possible if you keep dreaming of socialism and equality,
My point is hard will get you somewhere where is better than the current,
Same amount of effrort for a person X will get him rolls royce & for person Y it will get him a Hyundai
but both of them will move in the right direction (in different speed), which is not possible if you keep dreaming of socialism and equality,
I’m in no way a proponent of socialism, in fact coming from West Bengal, I consider these commies as scum by default. :D
We need to see Q1 2022 real growth first that for India will come up in late May. I dont know why they put India GDP growth so high despite Q 4 2021 shows around 5 % growth.

We will see real figure soon, I will save this thread, my prediction India economic growth will not far from Q4 2021 figure which is around 5 %

I see bias in IMF as too many Indians are there

Here, there are 2 Indians out of 4 IMF analysts in this recent IMF livestreaming

Realized how powerful India is at the IMF after Sri Lanka's financial debacle and India pulling strings in Sri Lanka's favour. India has a top seat I think.

Take a look at this:
NEW DELHI: India on Tuesday urged the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to urgently provide financial assistance to Sri Lanka to help the island nation cope with its worst economic crisis in decades, according to an official statement.

The matter figured in finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s meeting with IMF managing director Kristalina Georgieva on the margins of the IMF-World Bank spring meetings in Washington. Sitharaman raised the matter hours after a meeting with her Sri Lankan counterpart Ali Sabry.

Sitharaman “indicated that IMF should support and urgently provide financial assistance to Sri Lanka”, and Georgieva assured her that “the IMF would continue to actively engage with Sri Lanka”, according to an official statement.


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