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India vehemently ratifies the two nation theory after 8 decades of denial.

I confess I am and am sad about it, I might in some level revel that Pakistan is much more pathetic than any country in the world and how gifted we are compared to Pakistani's, who - apparently separated from us looking for a better future - but its amazing to see how pathetically they failed in their failed endeavor. The more I read about Pakistan the more I figure that even Bihar and UP is far more blessed than the wretchedness that surrounds our neighbor and I am serious about it - I would have felt the same if I was a honest Pakistani.

This is the clear inferiority complex - you are not neutral regarding us, this speak to what you seek to deny, thank you for confirming it again my friend.

Well, we have not killed 15000 Shia, taken them down from buses and killed if their names sounded like Shia?

Itni kyon naraazi hai.

Hawa subah ki taazi hai... ;)

Similar to how thousands of low cast untouchables being massacred and also religious and ethnic minorities being treated by the bitch mother india, regarding the anti Shia violence has more to do with proxy Saudi and Iranian hostility being played out, I have Sunni in my family as well as Shia, one of sister-in-laws, is indian Punjabi.
This is the clear inferiority complex - you are not neutral regarding us, this speak to what you seek to deny, thank you for confirming it again my friend.

OK -if that's what inferiority complex is compared to - I knew it would come to that - (and overseeing a literal ruination from the best seat available in the house) - I told you so.
OK -if that's what inferiority complex is compared to - I knew it would come to that - (and overseeing a literal ruination from the best seat available in the house) - I told you so.

It's ok my little indian friend, you are an indian, that is both your crime and your punishment.
It's ok my little indian friend, you are an indian, that is both your crime and your punishment.

Only for an PDF Indian - because half of India or maybe more doesn't even know where Pakistan is - it hasn't been a punishment yet, because I haven't felt punished to be on PDF - also I am 6' 2" and weigh a 100 kgs so I am not little by any Pakistani standard though.
just some fancy comment. As I wrote

Choose First Speech of 22 March 1940: Pakistan was meant to be a nation exclusive for Muslims, where they won't have to live with Hindus.
Choose Second Speech 11 August 1947: Pakistan was meant to be a secular state where Hindu and Muslims will live together.

With this conflicting speeches, entire Pakistan still confused after 7 decades. :laugh::laugh:

Neither Pakistanis nor Mr.Jinnah are responsible if you are misinterpreting his words ( intentionally or not ) . This isn't what it remotely says where they wont have to live with Hindus , the magic word I believe is domination and them having all power . The second guarantees the minorities equal status and rights , but under a Islamic democratic system .

Only for an PDF Indian - because half of India or maybe more doesn't even know where Pakistan is - it hasn't been a punishment yet, because I haven't felt punished to be on PDF - also I am 6' 2" and weigh a 100 kgs so I am not little by any Pakistani standard though.

And the Spaghetti Monster is real , right ? :D
Only for an PDF Indian - half of India doesn't even know where Pakistan is - it hasn't been a punishment yet, because I haven't felt punished to be on PDF - also I am 6' 2" and weigh a 100 kgs so I am not little by any Pakistani standard though.

Your need to post your "vital statistics" like some glamour model, again speaks to your inferiority complex.
And you know this how, please reveal to us your years of scientific research on the cultural and historical links of east of Indus and west of Indus. Come on professor indic - your bias and prejudice knows no bounds.

That's a history all South Asian or foreigner historians have referred it, Indus river is not just a river but a historical border that divided two races living east and west of the Indus until they got united into Pakistan. ;)

Things change after 60+ years. ;)

That's the other thing. ;)
That's a history all South Asian or foreigner historians have referred it, Indus river is not just a river but a historical border that divided two races living east and west of the Indus until they got united into Pakistan. ;)

That's the other thing. ;)

No there has been constant interaction, both ethnic, linguistic and inter marrying, it is not an insurmountable barrier.
Your need to post your "vital statistics" like some glamour model, again speaks to your inferiority complex.

I did to make it clear that not all Indians are little as you so large heartedly interpreted. Other than that, I don't see a use of displaying my vital statistics here.
So , what is the Indian obsession with Two Nation theory if it doesn't concern you at all ? Though , then our friends from across the border trying to question or oppose the TNT would prove you wrong at any instant in some other thread about ' not caring for some hypothetical theory ' , something I have seen as a regular occurrence in every darn Pakistan's internal problem related thread mostly ever since I have joined this forum . Doesn't matter where the word was coined , its a reality now .

Who started this thread trying to validate two nation theory based on BJP's landslide victory in the general election in some other country. ;) BTW, most of modern generation Pakistanis themselves find Two Nation Theory insufficient to claim a distinct Pakistani identity, now they are found new theories like White Nordic Pakistanis are different people from 'darker' Indians or how Pakistanis are only similar to 3% Indians. 8-)8-)
I did to make it clear that not all Indians are little as you so large heartedly interpreted. Other than that, I don't see a use of displaying my vital statistics here.

But you did anyway, those sort of vital statistics don't interest me in any way. Maybe Mr Modi would be considering he is a bachelor
No there has been constant interaction, both ethnic, linguistic and inter marrying, it is not an insurmountable barrier.

Tell me what similarity does a Pashto language has with Punjabi, Punjabi shares more similarity with Bengali language compared to Pashto. ;)
Who started this thread trying to validate two nation theory based on BJP's landslide victory in the general election in some other country. ;) BTW, most of modern generation Pakistanis themselves find Two Nation Theory insufficient to claim a distinct Pakistani identity, now they are found new theories like White Nordic Pakistanis are different people from 'darker' Indians or how Pakistanis are only similar to 3% Indians. 8-)8-)

Not validation but confirmation - there is a difference.

Tell me what similarity does a Pashto language has with Punjabi, Punjabi shares more similarity with Bengali language compared to Pashto. ;)

Both are from the same family of languages, and one who speaks one, can easily learn the other.
But you did anyway, those sort of vital statistics don't interest me in any way. Maybe Mr Modi would be considering he is a bachelor

Again, it's you who's going at a tangent - all my posts I didn't insult you on a personal level did I? but it was you who resorted to calling me a little Indian when i know pretty well that I most probably would be a giant compared to most of your family - now you resort to bringing in on your gay tendencies and fantasies, which does not really fancy me - to each his own is what I believe.
Yes he suffers from what is known as the Oedipal Complex, that is why he hates on us, Pakistanis - very good observation Mamba bro, are you a psychologist or psychiatrist in your professional life.

Lol no I am doing a minor in psychology but it has nothing to do with my observations about him. He has hounded me for over two years so I already know what he is like is all.

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