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India watching China's military growth: IAF Chief

India pays top Rupees to Russia to have Indian name painted on Russian missile and India calls it Brahmos Missile. LOL

Thats Probably Why It says 50.5% of the capital is from Indian side, and Its a basic Common sense that With so much stake in the Company its also the Prime responsibility Of the Major Stake holder to Innovate More and Excavate Core technologies for the Betterment of the Missile... Hell This is basic Economics, If only You would Have known, Pakistan would not have been In the Top 10 lists;)...
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well even if no nuke war india will never gonna win against chinese and even china are watching india too as indians watching them difference is chinese are very clever when they bring some new weapons that chinese always wanted the weapon tech to be given to china they buy tech of a weapon and at other hand india buys weapons and its maintannance as they have limited number of that weapon but china can buy how many at anytime they want no limits

Wow You Just figured it Out, But Iam Afraid U jumbled the Thoughts, India Buys Weapons On TOT, Do U know what that Means??? It is also Like Buying Technology, Along with the Weapon, so Who is More clever?? Anyways I do not want to Question the Integrity of the PLA Institutions as I myself rate them Ahead of India, But that dosent Bring Out the fantasies U just brought out.... And what do u mean by china has no limits in buying weapons?? do that have magic pot?
well a lot of factors r involved here,sure not only Su-30mki but also Mirage-2000 mk2 and Mig-29 can penetrate deep into Chinese land and move to their high profile targets.

But neutralizing the entire Chinese SAM batteries is not an easy particularly which is so high in number so therefore i conclude reaching Beijing is virtually impossible

On the other hand number matters a lot,Chinese airforce is 3 times bigger than IAF,moreover if have some of top class fighter's mentioned above,then we also have platforms which r obsolete like MIG-21 and MIG-27

Moreover we r also facing force depletion,though it is not a long term problem,we have our money invested in atleast 3 different fighter programmes and lot of other purchases which include strategic airlifters,AEW platforms and mid air refullers

Anyway PLAAF is also one of the dedicated and strong air force so in future also i think Indian planes intruding deep into china is not a possibility

But in future,if any kind of conflict arises,the war is not going to happen above the skies of Beijing or Delhi,the war will b b limited ,fast and will b only fought in the border areas

Your own air force official is saying they can penetrate deep into Chinese territory. Do you mean he made a technical comment that has no substance?

My another question is question how many times China's PLA or any Chinese media has made such comments as China is preparing for military confrontation with India. Now, if China keeps saying that it is preparing for war with Russia, will Russia feel easy?

It is not paranoia that I am spreading here, but a matter of awareness that says India is hostile towards China.

Therefore, I say, considering China's Geo-strategic location and history of diplomatic relations with the rest of the world, China should not relax now. It is not yet the time to relax. Even if we look at Asia, we can see how everyone is stockpiling arms, even some small island countries are not exceptions. India is the most prominent global arms importer... recently US declared it will sell state of the art aircrafts and other military hardwares to India which india has agreed with already.

Unfortunately, some Chinese members will say I am wishing military coup in China. :rolleyes: China is opening itself, that is fine, but at the same time, China should be alert for the changing global political pattern, particularly in China's neighborhood where vulnerability remains.
Your own air force official is saying they can penetrate deep into Chinese territory. Do you mean he made a technical comment that has no substance?
You can judge a force with its ability and intention.From the comment of the Indian Air Force chief,I can feel its intention to penetrate Chinas territory.But I am not convinced if it has the ability to do so.Maybe we need some Indians to put some solid stuffs on the table to convince us they have the ability.For example,the Indian Air Forces annual budget,trainning,logistical surpport,C4I ability,organisation comparing the PLAAF.
Wrong cheap products doesnt need to be of less quality... if you buy products of less quality it is your fault... as a nation or a business men you will never end up doing this.. ultimately you will end up bankrupttttt.... A product costing cheap will have lot of underlying reason... and i never talked about cheap but about flawed or less quality product... Cheap quality products actually is good for country economy and all the business is competing only for these two things...

And how does this tie in with defense products? Are there many flawed weapons for sale?

This theory works for everything even for defence... Consider you produce engine of less quality (e.g.) huge smoke, more fuel consumption, less mileage or what ever... you can have adverse effect in loosing a lot... more sorties means more maintenance cost you will end the war quicker without having any resource to fight... Flawed or low quality products ....

Secondly lets see the other angle by money... if you can save money by importing engines with the above features on positive note than your local engine... then?? If you choose your local product for the above and if you end up spending more money you will not be recognized for future deals :agree:... Some countries encourage local product for pride.. they do some sacrifice on some of the assumption...

promise to reduce the cost by reducing the training (incase of aircraft engine)... because you cant justify a budget if you are really concerned on economy....
No event of war in sight to risk :agree:.. plus plus lot of reasons....

The point I am making is no Superpower has their military supplies dependent on another nation. If supply lines were cut spare parts for aircrafts engines, ammunition etc could literally ground the nations defense to a halt. This is not some economics mumbo jumbo its common sense. China is a superpower and thats the why it has to maintain its own weapons manufacturing complex regardless of cost.

are there any better typesets for chinese? I keep on seeing this broken character font, which is hard on eyes.. I do not mind my inability to understand a language .. .at least put it on a better typeset so that it does not hurt my eyes.
are there any better typesets for chinese? I keep on seeing this broken character font, which is hard on eyes.. I do not mind my inability to understand a language .. .at least put it on a better typeset so that it does not hurt my eyes.

Porque lo leiste si no lo entiendes? Para estar comodo mejor cierra tu computador y no leas nada. Mientras la idioma china sirve a 1300 milliones de poplacion :azn:
1) China is not a democracy. Had China been a democracy it would not have faced the kind of negativity it is currently facing ... basically, in todays world no one trusts a dictatorship 2) China's policy of associating with rogue nations like N.Korea, Sudan and Gen. Musharaf's former home country ... basically, in today's world you are known by the company you keep. If you hang around with villains you will be treated as one. 3) Unnecessary military posturing towards unnecessary pieces of land -- arunachal pradesh, spratly islands. By openly coveting these areas, China has portrayed itself as an agressor to the whole world which I feel was a very stupid and cheap move by a powerful country like China.

one fallacy after the other

1. china is a more open society than india and a lot of other countries, democracy is meaningless unless the majority of people are involved - this is not the case in india where you have hundreds of millions of poor, and many millions of minorities who are not gaining anything from democracy - whats good about your democracy?

not to mention that india has an awful human rights records, therefore by western standards they have nothing to shout about.

2. not worthy of response.

Your own air force official is saying they can penetrate deep into Chinese territory. Do you mean he made a technical comment that has no substance?

My another question is question how many times China's PLA or any Chinese media has made such comments as China is preparing for military confrontation with India. Now, if China keeps saying that it is preparing for war with Russia, will Russia feel easy?

It is not paranoia that I am spreading here, but a matter of awareness that says India is hostile towards China.

Now common,if an officer says a plane a intrude deep into China does not means that the plane will meet with no resistance or we r showing hostility towards China

Beijing is almost at the opposite end of India and by saying that he was only displaying the capability of aircraft and never did he said that India is preparing for war with China

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