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Indian agenda of cutting Pakistan to size

Bangladesh went its own way, it’s not part of the wet dream that is akhand bhrat so what are you croaking about.
So while West and East Pakistan might have separated, the dreamt up Hindu bharat didn’t get anything back into it territory

we won five villages.......google turtuk, u won sh!t....
Jinnahpur!!!! :argh: Jinnapur was the fake Conspiracy stereotyped by your own people why are you blaming India for that. It was Nawaz Sharif who started "Operation Cleanup" and killed thousands of Muhajirs of Karachi and many even don't know what happened to their beloved one. And Operation clean up could not get Karachi rid of Target killing culture of Karachi.

And regarding your Sindhudesh, it was not Indians who said," You made us Red-Indians in our own home." It wasn't Indians who started Urdu vs Sindhi riots. And where is the proof of India's involvement.

And Balochistan, your poor Rahman Malik accuses India but don't have proof to show because there is no India in Balochistan.

Stop trolling if you don't know that facts, or may be you are not trolling, then in that case stop lying.

---------- Post added at 04:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:18 AM ----------

If all else fail blame the Indians damn those cheeky Indians they are Good i mean who knew ISI and our Generals were following Indians Agenda all along when they started Supporting Wahabi extremist at all cost with Saudi money wow these Indians Are good think about it guys they controlled Pakistani security and had them do things while having the Saudis finance it brilliant just brilliant.:rofl:

You meant "Shitty"? never mind that is how we interpret it...
we won five villages.......google turtuk, u won sh!t....

We have captured Chamb from the indics and now have brigade head quarter there , I have sipped tea there with great satisfaction that indic army was kicked out from this region that is now ours

We beat up the indian deployment at Hussaniwal BAAADDDD , real bad .. the indian officer in charge of that front never came and sat at the rear head quarter shitting bricks ... even after the war Hussaniwala remained Pakistan .. it was retuned as part of the post war negotiations

read it here yourself
1971 War: The Battle of Hussainiwala

after joining BSF and only six months of training i was sent to ulloke bop with 15 other new recruites in oct 1971.all the new jawans were placed in bunkers under the bundh near to pak post. on 3rd dec eve pak artillery started shelling.after 15 minutes a head constable came to our bunker and ordered new recruites to their positions.then he asked me to join him.he told me that he will command the coy as no other senior was there.all at bop then knew that all the officers were veiwing a film at ferozepur on that day..it was once or twice we had a visit of our coy comdt in a week and that just for few minutes.so that havildar from majitha in amritsar had command and i was his assistant.

we went bunker to bunker to support our fighting jawans it was very heavy shelling from pak army.we heard pak tanks not far from us in the direction of checkpost.then me and him we went to store and picked up rum and distributed it to every jawan in every bunker.while we went to mmg bunker our jawans complained that they have no more firing pins so they can,t fire.then we sent a wireless message to our hq to supply the needed pins.we got the response that they cant help us and we can bring it ourselves.it was river in between and no boat.our jawans fought in courge but without firing power it was use less.then around 0300 am we got a wireless message from 15 punjab that the bridge was captured..our wireless operator did knew little english and asked me what it means.in the meantime we heard that a major in 15 punjab is fighting fiercly with his forces against pak army at the bridge.now bsf- we didnot had any officer to lead our forces,they all were at ferozepur.but bsf nco,s and jawans fought bravely whole night.i am still proud of this little i could do for my country.i quit bsf in 1974 after 3 years.

The above account from BSF recruit recounts the Pakistani assault on Hussainiwala and admits that their resistance was futile in the face of the Pakistani assault and we uprooted their defences and in the end the only solace Indians on that front had were some left over rations of rum
We have captured Chamb from the indics and now have Brigagr head quarter there , I have sipped tea there with great satisfaction that indic army was kicked out from this region that is now our!

We beat up the indian deployment at Hussaniwal BAAADDDD , real bad .. the indian officer in charge of that front never came and sat at the rear head quarter shitting bricks ... even after the war Hussaniwala remained Pakistan .. it was retuned as part of the post war negotiations

read it here yourself
1971 War: The Battle of Hussainiwala

The few BSF personel that were left , just got drunk to save them from the torment of the advancing Pakistani attack

The above account from BSF recruit recounts the Pakistani assault on Hussainiwala and admits that their resistance was futile in the face of the Pakistani assault and we uprooted their defences and in the end the only solace Indians on that front had were some left over rations of rum

chamb is still in india, idk wat are u smoking.....i just checked it on google.....
chamb is still in india, idk wat are u smoking.....i just checked it on google.....

you poor illitrate indian , chamb is no longer in india , we have presence there now

The battle ended in a Pakistani victory as the Pakistanis were able to successfully take control of Chamb from India, this allowed Pakistan to Gain at least 45 square miles (120 km2) of Indian territory.

Battle of Chamb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Battle of Chamb-1971

You Indians have a lot in common with the jews , you manipulate money , you manipulate history and you manipulate information outlets but there is nothing you can do about the in-your-face realities other than cringing , conniving and rubbing yourself in the hope that you'll do some damage to Pakistan
you poor illitrate indian , chamb is no longer in india , we have presence there now

Battle of Chamb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Battle of Chamb-1971

You Indians have a lot in common with the jews , you manipulate money , you manipulate history and you manipulate information outlets but there is nothing you can do about the in-your-face realities other than cringing , conniving and rubbing yourself in the hope that you'll do some damage to Pakistan

those articles are about battles, nowhere it says chamb is still with pakistan, stupid......but google chamb map and u will references to india, not pakistan, idiot......
those articles are about battles, nowhere it says chamb is still with pakistan, stupid......but google chamb map and u will references to india, not pakistan, idiot......

When has google started being the reference for boundaries between india and Pakistan , we know you indians are very touchy about whole of Kashmir and show all of it as part of india but that’s not the reality on ground , on ground 1/3 Kashmir is Free Kashmir ( Azad Kashmir ) and the 2/3 is indian occupied Kashmir
It’s the same story with point 5353 in Kragil that india lost but in drawing competitions will show it as part of india
If you still if you think that Chhamb is in india then try driving up to it and see if you can go there :lol:
When has google started being the reference for boundaries between india and Pakistan , we know you indians are very touchy about whole of Kashmir and show all of it as part of india but that’s not the reality on ground , on ground 1/3 Kashmir is Free Kashmir ( Azad Kashmir ) and the 2/3 is indian occupied Kashmir
It’s the same story with point 5353 in Kragil that india lost but in drawing competitions will show it as part of india
If you still if you think that Chamb is in india then try driving up to it and see if you can go there :lol:

ok google is wrong, but u sir, ur great hands wrote this so chamb is a part of pakistan.....happy now???
ok google is wrong, but u sir, ur great hands wrote this so chamb is a part of pakistan.....happy now???

The Battle of Chamb was near the LoC , after the capture of Chamb it was never returned , I've been there so I know its not in india any more , you can go draw up some fantasy map if you choose to do so
The Battle of Chamb was near the LoC , after the capture of Chamb it was never returned , I've been there so I know its not in india any more , you can go draw up some fantasy map if you choose to do so

Sir, at least give one link that shows it being part of Pakistan. All the links above is from the battle of Chamb it doesn't say anywhere that Pakistan controls it.
Sir, at least give one link that shows it being part of Pakistan. All the links above is from the battle of Chamb it doesn't say anywhere that Pakistan controls it.

Military History: Chamb 1971, CHAMB, KARGIL

Line of control was some miles west of present LOC before 1965 and 1971.However at that tie it was known as Cease Fire Line or CFL.In 1965 Pakistan captured area till Fatwal Ridge.However Pakistan surrendered back to India till Cease Fire Line of Pre 1st 1965 War as per terms of Tashkent Agreement.

In 1971 War Pakistan captured area till Tawi River and retains it as per terms of Simla Agreement.After Simla Agreement the CFL was renamed as Line of Control or LOC.

indian army was twice beaten on this front first in 65 , then in 71. After 71 though it was not returned as was done in 65
Military History: Chamb 1971, CHAMB, KARGIL

indian army was twice beaten on this front first in 65 , then in 71. After 71 though it was not returned as was done in 65

Well the world knows who got beaten!...In the history of world, after second world war only Pakistan army posses the very distinguished privilege of surrendering and drooping their weapon by a staggering 79,700 army men!!!

And in-fact Pakistan even issued stamp requesting for release of 90,000 Pakistani POW in India, below is that stamp's scanned copy...


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What a waste of time.

This guys read some ex-army chief saying that $h!t so the Pakistanis are jumping like a cat on a hot tin roof.

Even if is the intention of the evil Indians,The Pakistanis are not the noble lot who want well all good for India.

Some of the Pak members mentioned above the India and Pakistan are eternal enemies,its just that we achieved our objectives and the Pakistanis couldnt.
Yaar mujhe lagta hai ki apki sarkar ke sath media bhi biased hai kab tak galat cheeje padhte rahoge. Make a plan to come India.
whatever owr pakistani freinds think about there love for muslim's but the hard reality is very different from the general notion's prevelent on this forum , without naming anyone half of my hamily or more than that moved to pakistan in 1947 & even got claims but now they are repenting since after what has happened in karachi in the last two decade's with them & shame dosent stops there even today they are called 'mujahirs' in a land which was formed to safegaurd there interests & i can tell this that the hindu's who came from there are called indian's , nobody calls them names & i think they are one of the most influential people in al walks of live here , specially in north india ,they have full benefits as any other indigenous race & my beloved old delhi has more 'punjabee's as we call them than say orignal muslim's , jain's , bania's & pandit's of easterwhile dilli sheher as we knew it but the same cant be said about my immidiate family across the border.

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