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Indian Air Force News & Discussions

1) Where did you read me saying that -16's are stealth? My post was mere mocking the silly article, hope you got the sarcasm out of it. I know the -16 A LOT more than you do. So I know how unstealthy it is.

2) Aggression is not usually a "retaliatory" action. Its the first one. So the big "retaliatory" strikes don't mean it was the aggressiveness, as you own post suggest. Those were "a response" to the actual aggression. Plus, its very easy to send BIG retaliatory strikes to an enemy SEVEN times smaller than you. Try doing that to the Chinese or a country your side.
Interesting part is, the SEVEN times smaller country has got you SO obsessed with them that I find it rather interesting!!

3) The "two front war" is a pipe dream. I can assure you of that. The only nation that has that capability is the US. Even Russia will reach her threshold if it was to go to war with a couple of Central Russian States, the EU at the same time (keeping the US out of it, just for simple comparisons). The Russians, for the next three years, are ONLY good to act like a big bear and fly their bombers across. For "actual" war....there is billions of dollars required and a force ready to go. Neither of which Russia has or can afford right now!!

4) Those 400 jet big exercises were to appease the Hindu nationalists about the soup-o-paowah India. Nothing more. In reality, the Chinese alone will field over 400 jets at a time in case of a way, and Pakistan I think, has about 300-400 battle ready jets like the Israelis. So not sure how "Swing" roles can 400 jets do while facing serious attrition.

You are talking like the 400 jets will go attack one place and without any loss, they'll go to the next war zone. Its a story like Kids in the Zoo going from animal to animal for fun.

5) The mighty SU-30's case.....well, in Pakistan and India's case, how do you track an F-16 (or multiple) from 300-400 miles away due to the supa-dupa radar of the SU, when the planes aren't even airborne???

Both the SU and the -16 will see each other within 100-140 KM range as when the SU's are detected, the -16's are scrambled. I heard the SU was taking an Indian astronaut to the moon too, let alone scrambling them on a UFO. You guys are too advanced for the world. You can keep these macho stories to yourself, no one on here is impressed with childish comments, irrelevant to the post.

6) Thrust vector...what do you want me to tell you about that? I am hating to destroy your little imagination. But here, the TV is ONLY good for one maneuver. For example, one missile chasing after the SU, the SU does cobra maneuver and say loses the lock. But for the next 15 seconds (which is too long in jet fights), the mighty SU is literally like a Duck sitting in a Pond. The SU would've bled all the energy and would be picking it back up and would be unable to do any serious maneuvers. With 4-6 BVR missiles, drop tanks or heavier loads....take the recovery time to 25-30 seconds.
And this gap is the best time to use AIM-9X or Guns after the SU pulls Cobra, you then pull a Sidewinder, end of the show. Too much for TV.

The US military has pioneered pretty much all military technologies. There was a reason they didn't really care for TV as much.
Last, in Russia's case and dog fights....the US war machine is right. The Dog fight era is over. The US strategy is take out majority of the enemy's air defense and fighters before the actual combat even starts, and enforce Air Dominance, if not total Air Supremacy.

The -22 can each take out half the squadron of jets, even if you divided than number by half, a few -22's can take down a couple of squadrons of enemy's top end jets, like the SU-30's and all. IMO, 25 -22's should be able to take out about 4-5 enemy planes at the minimal, that's over 100 enemy jets taken out, without them knowing what hit them and from where!!

1) Next time mention it in a bracket like ( am just kidding or its sarcastic ) or people will think you are a Moron. Read it comments it's sarcastic but your knowledge itself.

2) so per your stupid conclusion 1st strike is aggression. So even if retaliation is way beyond the 1st strike it's not aggression but pure love ? FYI kid Aggression is a way of expression of anger . 1st or 15th strike there can be aggressive retaliation too you dumbo.
---- On Pakistan obsession. We don't care about western front any more. It will take another 30 years just to match our current fleet given the economic situation of our western neighbour .We are focused on our eastern front. We are not lagging behing on capabilities but we lost of precious time to develop infra and modernise them . We are doing it now. With our new government working hard . They already outclassed our expectations. And still going on .

3) Wonder what you are thinking about Russia !!! Seriously you are a kid. Russians are not Cuba or Mexico. They are the most dangerous super power which will challenge entire US Nato forces single handedly . Go through the history kid . It's a big subject to understand with the Knowledge you posses which says F16 will poss a huge challenge for IAF Su 30 MKI . Kid let me let you these money problems won't last for long at the times of war. All you need is technology , resources and manpower . This the survival of a civilisation we are taking about . Every single Russian will take part at the times of war . Read about How Russia bounced back from being invaded to invading the mighty Germany. And check the ways they used to produce needed weapons in short time. US just can dream about invading Russia. That's why you have whole European and US have ganged yo bang the single mighty Russia .... lol Moron

4) Most popular joke of urs. India deployed 400 combat jets with 200 other aircraft from heli to tankers for an exercise . This is not computer game where in one scene you declare war and in other in next part you will be in battle field flying 300 for 16 Mr. Fan boy. It need lots of preparation and planning to organise what we presume as two front offensive . And you telling that China will just right way send it's 20 - 40 squadron against India ... how foolish was that. If IAF decides to initiate it's offensive it's first and foremost objective will be to destroy the Airfield and paralyse the enemy .... So don't be a stupid . Again kid it's not play station to play again . It's all in if it comes down to survival .

And result don't have to be in the favour of numbers . But the technology of the weapon system and the ability of the pilots. I don't talk about pilots ability it's not fair. All humans are equally capable . So on technology basis Sukoi MKI are far more advanced than F16/F18/J10 /J11 / Chinese flankers 27 s or Su 30 MK2 /MK . Su 30 MK2 is originally inferior to MKI . WHICH FORMS THE MAIN ATTACK FIGHTER OF PLAAF . So with 272 MKI we will in good position to handle two front war . For our western neighbour our upgraded Mig 29 , mirage jags will do the trick . For China we will throw our maximum Flankers to take out our enemy airstrip and so paralysing it's air combatants. So Get real kid ...

5) Do even know the difference between Miles and Kilometres ? And what kind nonsense is this. MKI and F16 will detect each other at the same distance .As per you it will be 100-150 km .... WOOOW great . So is this also sarcastic or your real face which you are ashamed of ? Huh. ... let prove how stupid is this .

MKI RADAR : Note Russians usually calculate with 5 m2 as RCS margin.
N011M has a 400 km search range and a maximum 200 km tracking range, and 60 km in the rear hemisphere. The radar can track 15 air targets and engage 4 simultaneously.These targets can even include cruise missiles and motionless helicopters.

Now your Stealth fighter F16 . As it as to be stealth to evade N011M for at least 200 km of its range . With RCS of 4-5 m2 in clean configuration look at your radar range if super fighter F16
F16 Radar -- Range: 296.32 km, 184 miles
Range for 5m2 aerial target is 105km ....

Did you see what will happen ? Even before you get a lock on Su30 mki your pilot have to either abort or perform evasive measures . As 2 BVR missiles will be on you from very high altitude . Even before you can realise about incoming sukois. With play load of 8 T and with numerous hard points MKI pilots can afford to Fire 4 targets simultaneously and pull back for the next following fighters to finish the task .
So are going say that you are being psychiatric or sarcastic .... ? Better accept your nonsense. Own it like a man . These are u r own words .

6) This is amazing comedy ever !!!! Explain to me how did you expected that IAF pilot will stall and float in the air when it's been chased by enemy jets ... ? How moronic was that ? Don't you think these are done for the airshow just to show the abilities of the pilot and the machines itself ? For example when your super Fighter F16 is chasing our MKI in a dog fight these MKI can decelerate and let F16 pass through and so now from being a prey Sukois will start to hunting down in a dog fight mode. We can position the angle to lock F16 and fire with cannon or heat seeking short range missiles and have the splash !!! All the performance in the air show are the collection of tactics used in the real fight . It depends upon the situation and mind set if the pilot whether to accelerate or decelerate . Pull up or pull right. ... Under stood kid ? So we won't stand there like duck or peacock .

And what was that ? F22 will take down half the dozen MKI squadron ? How the hell ? Do explain with states how you came to this brilliant conclusion ( best u r brain can do) ?

What did you think F22 is some kind of invisible fighter with no physical properties ? Do ever understand the stealth and counter measures ?

Well I am not aware of countering stealth but I know for sure that when loud mouth like you keep shouting about 1 F22 will kill 10 sukois are nothing but bulshit. Do
For example Your super power F16 ever happen to face under development tejas in 1:10 ratio then your pilot will have few options left to run back or die like a brave heart . It's a done deal . And with drops tanks and missiles your

F16 will have to drop the drop tanks and start evading when high altitude and long range fighter like su 30 MKI

So all your comments are sarcasm or mention in brackets that ( All I saw is for fun or in sarcastic way or am a moron so don't care what I saw) so people can mover on.
Vinod Nebb Vir Chakra & Bar, both 1965 and 1971 operations. Bravo!! Salute

People evacuated from Yemen seated in an IAF C-17 Globemaster-III aircraft at Djibouti prior to taking off to Mumbai, evacuated by the Indian Air Force (IAF), on April 05, 2015.

IAF's fighter jet crashes in UP's Chitrakoot - The Times of India
TNN | Apr 6, 2015, 02.52 PM IST


An Indian Air Force fighter plane has crashed in Chitrakoot in Uttar Pradesh. (Photo: ANI/Twitter)

NEW DELHI: An Indian Air Force fighter plane has crashed in Chitrakoot in Uttar Pradesh, according to reports.

The two pilots onboard the jet are missing.

According to Times Now, eyewitnesses saw the two pilots ejecting out before the plane crashed
Modern MiG-29K / KUB - the second plane with such an index, and is a typical fighter generation "4+". When resemblance to the ancestor of the last century its combat capabilities differ dramatically. All information about the plane we have collected in infographics.

MiG-29K - a multipurpose deck fourth-generation fighter. Available in single and double (MiG-29KUB ) modifications. The current MiG-29K has an internal index "9-41" (MiG-29KUB - "9-47"). "9-41 / 47" was not just a new modification of the MiG-29 , he became the basis for the whole unified family .


MiG-29K - a multipurpose deck fourth-generation fighter. Available in single and double (MiG-29KUB) modifications.


MiG-29K. Photo: Max Cat / russianplanes.net

Modern MiG-29K / KUB - the second plane with such an index. The first was the MiG-29Kwith an internal index CB "9-31", developed on the basis of the original MiG-29 in the mid 80s . Prototype "9-31" was tested in 1989-90 years on the "Admiral Kuznetsov" (at the time - "Tbilisi") together with the prototype of the future of the Su-33 . It was originally planned creation of a mixed air group, but for economic reasons, means hardly been able to find only one car, and was chosen the Su-33 . However, this was not the end for marine MiG-29 - RAC "MiG" aircraft self-propelled, he offered for export and took part in air shows. Huge positive role in the rebirth of the MiG-29K played the Indian Navy's interest in purchasing it for their advanced aircraft carriers. The first flight of the prototype of the MiG-29KUB held in January 2007.

The current MiG-29K has an internal index "9-41" ( MiG-29KUB - "9-47"). "9-41 / 47" was not just a new modification of the MiG-29 , he became the basis for a unified family.On its basis the "land" modification of the MiG-35 "9-61 / 67" (previously designatedMiG-29 M / M2, and a MiG-35 implies a more advanced version of the perspective), is also planning to purchase the Russian Air Force.

MiG-29K / KUB is a typical fighter generation "4+". When resemblance to the ancestor of the last century its combat capabilities differ dramatically. This is achieved primarily due to the new generation avionics.


MiG-29KUB. Photo: Alex the cartridge / russianplanes.net

The aircraft is equipped with a radar "Zhuk-M" with a slot antenna array, which detects fighter at a distance of 130 km, surface targets such as "Destroyer" - up to 200 km.Provided support for ten air targets and the simultaneous firing of four of them. The aircraft is equipped with optikolokatsionnoy station, the possibility of suspensionsighting and navigation containers.

MiG-29K / KUB is able to apply a wide range of guided weapons "air-land" - air bombs, anti-ship missiles ( X-31A , X-35 ), antiradar ( Kh-31P ) and general-purpose missiles (X-29T ). Avionics' open architecture will allow in the future to easily integrate new weapons. Ability to apply guided weapons to destroy ground and surface targets will qualitatively new possibilities Air Group aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" .

Instrumentation cabin built in accordance with modern trends - around color LCDs capable display different information. In the cockpit there are three in the cab on the MiG-29KUB - four. Complement their helmets with the system displays on the screen directly in front of the eyes of the pilot. Of course, they also perform the function of targeting. At the moment, the supplier of helmets for Indian and Russian MiG-29K / KUB is a French company Thales.


MiG-29KUB. Photo: Max Cat / russianplanes.net

Cockpit on the MiG-29K / KUB has a rare feature. Its lantern common to single and double versions - always "long". On single MiG-29K place the second crew member takes an extra fuel tank. This feature leads to the fact that the difference between the MiG-29Kand MiG-29KUB can be used only if you can see the second place in the cockpit.Structurally similar to the MiG-35 ( MiG-29 M / M2), the situation is similar.

Aircraft MiG-29K / KUB are mass-produced for the Russian Navy carrier-based aircraft and the Indian Navy.

India on contracts in 2004 and 2010, purchased a total of 45 fighters, delivery is scheduled for completion in the next, in 2016 . Aircraft carrier air group form the basis of "Vikramaditya" (modernized "Admiral Gorshkov"). Given the ongoing construction of the first aircraft carrier of its own design "Vikrant" close to "Vikramaditya", and plans to build another, larger, RAC "MiG" looks forward to additional orders.

Russian Navy has signed a contract for the supply of 20 MiG-29K and four MiG-29KUBin 2012. . The last car will be delivered this year, now being trained pilots. In the near future aircraft will enter the Fleet Air Arm aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov". As planned quarter of a century ago, they serve together with the Su-33 , which is planned to upgrade and save the service until 2025 .
The Enigma of the Russian and Indian Air Force

Aircraft designed to avoid radar detection by reducing radar signature, infrared signature, radio-frequency signals are known as stealth aircraft. Stealth technology is a combination of technologies that greatly reduces the chances of detecting an object using conventional systems. Development of stealth technology is believed to have started in Germany during World War II. Even though these aircraft are imparted with the stealth technology no aircraft is completely invisible to radars, rather these aircraft's are tough to be detected on conventional radar.

The Nazi Germany Horten Ho 229

The Germans designed the Horten Ho 229 aircraft with an intention to avoid radar detection. The Horten was constructed using mixed technologies; the center pod was made from welded steel tubing and wing spars built from wood. The wings of the aircraft were made from two thin, plywood panels which were soaked in a carbon matter which were glued together with a charcoal and sawdust mixture. This design greatly reduced the radar signature of the aircraft. The aircraft design was later tested in US where the results showed the aircraft to be invisible to the Britain's Chain Home early warning radar. By 1970, Lockheed Aircraft started designing stealth technology which was part of the next-gen bombers which were being designed for the US forces.

The Lockheed Martin F 117 Night Hawk

Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk is considered the first purpose designed stealth bomber. The stealth aircraft saw the combat in December 1989 during Operation Just Cause in Panama.

With the western countries inching forward with stealth capable aircraft design the Russian forces were left vulnerable to undetected attacks. To counter this threat the Russian’s constituted the ‘Prospective Airborne Complex of Frontline Aviation’ or the PAK-FA program under which a fifth-generation fighter would be designed to the Russian Air Force. The aircraft would be designed by Sukhoi for the PAK FA programme. The project was code named T-50. T-50 was deigned to be multirole aircraft which could perform both air superiority and ground attack sorties.

The stealth technology is an extremely demanding field and it required technologies which Russia alone could not conquer. The Russian’s inclined towards India which could partner in the project under a co-development clause. Russia and India enjoyed a longstanding and wide-ranging cooperation in the field of defense.

India-Russia military technical cooperation has evolved from a simple buyer - seller framework to one involving joint research, development and production of advanced defense technologies and systems. A deal in this regard was signed between Sukhoi and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) to co-develop a Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) for the Indian Air Force. The FGFA will be produced either as a single-seat or two-seat FGFA and will be witnessing developments in as many as 43 ways from the T-50. IAF is believed to induct around 144 of these single manned FGFA by 2020. There have been plans to produce a naval version of the FGFA but nothing in this regard has been confirmed by the Russian sources.

The Saturn-Lyulka 117S, the power of T-50.

The power plant for the aircraft is the fifth generation Saturn AL-41F turbofan engines The T-50 design employs an interim super cruising and thrust vectoring engine. The first of the T-50’s under production will use the Saturn-Lyulka 117S. 117S are an upgraded product achieved by clubbing AL-31F and improvising the technologies of AL-41F in the system. 117S is believed to produce a thrust of 142 kN with the afterburners engaged and about 87 kN of thrust without the afterburners. The engine is believed to be equipped with circular thrust vectoring nozzles.

The FADEC System

The engine is believed to have incorporated infrared and RCS reduction measures. The engine has full authority digital engine control. The engine is equipped with FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Control) which is a system consisting of a digital computer, called an Engine Control Unit (ECU) and also controls other critical aspects linked with the control and functioning of the engines. Employing FADEC in an engine can help it to perform at maximum efficiency under any given condition. FADEC works by receiving multiple input variables of flight conditions and this is analyzed by the ECU. The analyzed data is checked against the set parameters and any changes indicated are returned to the required default value for achieving the appropriate flight conditions. The use of FADEC can greatly increase the efficiency of the engine and can protect the engines against any intolerant manual operations. The workload during flight on the pilot is reduced significantly with most of the critical tasks being completed by the FADEC.

The Circular- and box-nozzle thrust-vectoring configurations have been tested during various test flight. The later T-50 will be out fitted with a more advanced engine which has been code named Izdeliye 30. The Izdeliye 30 will be offering a thrust of about 40000lb. The aircraft can achieve a max speed of about Mach 2 with this power plant. The aircraft can cruise at speeds up to Mach 1.8. The aircraft has a climb rate of about 1200 feet per minute. The aircraft is claimed to have an operational range of about 4590 km. The engines are believed to have a service ceiling of about 65000 fee

The T-50 is equipped with a powerful avionics suite which can be considered as an evolution of the avionics suite which was formally available on the Flanker series. The avionics package on the T-50 will be an upgraded package of the existing Su-35S avionic design. The primary avionics systems on board the T-50 are the Sh121 multifunctional integrated radio electronic system (MIRES) and the 101KS Atoll electro-optical system. The Sh121 is equipped with the N036 Byelka radar system which is an advanced active electronically scanned radar system which was developed by Tikhomirov for the T-50 project.

Byelka X,L Band AESA Radar

The transceiver functions are formed from numerous small solid-state transmit/receive modules. AESA radars function by aiming their beam by emitting separate radio waves from each of the module that finally interfere at an ascertained angle in front of the receiving antenna. The N036 radar system consists of a main nose-mounted X-band AESA radar. The avionics suite also has two N036L-1-01 L-band arrays on the wing's that can be used for friend-or-foe identification. The L-band arrays can also be effectively used for electronic warfare purposes. The N036UVS computer and processor enable the system information to be significantly enhanced. The electronic countermeasures of the aircraft are taken care of by the L402 "Himalayas" systems.

The enhanced computer systems enable the processed data to be transmitted across other platforms which greatly reduces the work pressure on the pilot. The UOMZ 101KS Atoll electro-optical system includes the 101KS-V infrared and track system. IRST system is a method which uses the infrared radiations emitted by objects to detect and track them. IRST gives all-round situation awareness. This system can effectively used for laser aided counter measures against heat seeking missiles. The system involves thermo graphic cameras. These systems are passive which means they do not emit radiations like radars this can help in stealth feature on board an aircraft. The system is integrated on the star board side of the aircraft. This system has been used on Su-27, MiG 29, F-35 lightning, F 18 hornet, Saab, the JF-17 Thunder Block-II, Typhoon and the Rafael. The package also includes the 101KS-U ultraviolet warning sensors and 101KS-N navigation and targeting pods.

T-50 is to be designed with an glass cockpit which is equipped with an 15 inch multi-functional LCD display. The cockpit is also included with Heads up Display (HUD) unit which is a transparent display that presents data on a display unit without requiring the user to look away from his actual viewpoint. The HUD system consists of a projector unit, a combiner, and a video generation computer. The projection unit consists of a Lens and a display unit at the focal area. The combiner is typically an angled flat piece of glass which is usually located in front of the user. Combiners receive an special coating which helps in monochromatic light to be projected on to a projecting unit. The HUDs operate with the help of dual independent redundant computer systems. HUD receives information from various sensors install on the aircraft. HUD’s can be used to display various parameters ranging from target designation, closing velocity with target, Range, weapon seeker and weapon status. The ZSh-10 helmet which is considered as the standard in the platform is equipped with helmet-mounted sight and display unit. The display is formed on aircrew’s visor which can help the crew maintain a situational awareness in critical times without having to take his concentration off the flight. Even the canopy of the aircraft receives a coating for increased stealth element.

PAK FA sensor Suites

The T-50 is provided with the NPP Zvezda K-36D-5 ejection seats have been formerly used on the Mikoyan series. The ejection seat ensures safe ejection of the pilot within Mach 2.5 and can be operated up to 66000 feet. The aircraft life support will enable pilots to perform up to 9-g maneuvers for up to 30 seconds at a go.

The T-50 will be the first aircraft under the Russian Air force to use stealth technology. The airframe of the aircraft is designed with a planform alignment which helps to greatly reduce the radar cross-section. The protruding edges of the aircraft are designed and trimmed out pre designated angles to reduce the reflection of radar waves. The antenna is recessed back into the aircrafts main airframe to maintain the stealth capabilities of the aircraft.

The aircraft is provided with S shaped intake duct the intake is in the upper rear center of the aircraft which is usually present above or below the stabilizer. This S-shaped intake contains most of the compressor outlet of the engine. The T-50 uses Radar Absorbent Material to absorb most of the radar emissions effectively reducing the amount of reflected waves back to the source.

The first known RAM is Sumpf and Schornsteinfeger which was used by Germans to coat the snorkels and periscopes of the submarines. The commonly used RAM to date is the iron ball paint which contains tiny spheres coated with carbonyl iron or ferrite. The F-117A used electrically isolated carbonyl iron balls of specific dimensions suspended in a two-part epoxy paint. Foam absorber, Jaumann absorber, Split-ring resonator absorber and Carbon nanotube are the other known stealth coatings known and in use till date. The weapons bay of the aircraft is concealed in the airframe.

T-50 is designed with an two tandem main internal weapon bays each one approximately about 15 feet in length and about 3 feet wide. The weapons bay of the T-50 is concealed within the main airframe of the aircraft to maintain the stealth capability of the aircraft. Vympel has been put in charge of designing the armament for the aircraft. It is believed to be developing two ejection launchers for the main bays, for the ejection of the missiles from the airframe it is believed o have developed the UVKU-50L system. This system can support missiles of up to 300kg in weight. For deploying the ordinance in mission Vympel is believed to have developed the UVKU-50U which can support ordinance weighing up to 700 kg.

PAK FA with External Weapons

When T-50 is to make non stealth missions it can use its six hard points on the airframe itself. T-50 is equipped with an internally mounted 9A1-4071K 30 mm cannon. T-50 is expected to carry up to four beyond visual range missiles and two short range missiles to effectively take care of air-air threats. T-50 is known to be equipped with K-77M with active radar-homing technology short range missiles. K-74M2 will be the short range missile homed in T-50. For neutralizing long range threats T-50 is being armed with Izdeliye 810 beyond-visual-range missiles.

The main weapons bay of T-50 can home air-to-ground missiles such as the Kh-38M, KA-250, KAB-500 precision guided bombs. T-50 is slated to carry Kh-35UE and the Kh-58UShK anti radiation missiles. The much feared BrahMos supersonic is believed to be installed on T-50 benefiting both Russia and India.
T-50 prototype took wings on 29 January 2010. Till date five prototypes have taken flight and have successfully completed several flights demonstrating the T-50’s capabilities. To date T-50 is believed to be engaged in external weapons trials.

FGFA’s are to enter serial production by 2016. T-50 is to be inducted to the Russian forces by 2017 and to be handed over to India by 2018. India is expected to get the FGFA by 2020. The cost of a single unit is believed to be around US $50 million which is extremely cost effective compared to the American fielded F-22 Raptors.

The aircraft is expected to have a service life of up to 35 years. Once inducted the FGFA’s will be a potent weapon in the arsenals of Russian and Indian forces. FGFA will surely act as an force multiplier and with stealth capabilities these aircrafts can be effectively used in deep penetration bombing runs which will surely help Indian forces in enjoying an upper hand over the Chinese and the Pakistani’s.

Credits to various sources used in this article. All the credits and rights of the photos used in this article are bestowed with the original photographers. It is only because of their dedication and efforts have I been able to bring forward this article.

1) Next time mention it in a bracket like ( am just kidding or its sarcastic ) or people will think you are a Moron. Read it comments it's sarcastic but your knowledge itself.

2) so per your stupid conclusion 1st strike is aggression. So even if retaliation is way beyond the 1st strike it's not aggression but pure love ? FYI kid Aggression is a way of expression of anger . 1st or 15th strike there can be aggressive retaliation too you dumbo.
---- On Pakistan obsession. We don't care about western front any more. It will take another 30 years just to match our current fleet given the economic situation of our western neighbour .We are focused on our eastern front. We are not lagging behing on capabilities but we lost of precious time to develop infra and modernise them . We are doing it now. With our new government working hard . They already outclassed our expectations. And still going on .

3) Wonder what you are thinking about Russia !!! Seriously you are a kid. Russians are not Cuba or Mexico. They are the most dangerous super power which will challenge entire US Nato forces single handedly . Go through the history kid . It's a big subject to understand with the Knowledge you posses which says F16 will poss a huge challenge for IAF Su 30 MKI . Kid let me let you these money problems won't last for long at the times of war. All you need is technology , resources and manpower . This the survival of a civilisation we are taking about . Every single Russian will take part at the times of war . Read about How Russia bounced back from being invaded to invading the mighty Germany. And check the ways they used to produce needed weapons in short time. US just can dream about invading Russia. That's why you have whole European and US have ganged yo bang the single mighty Russia .... lol Moron

4) Most popular joke of urs. India deployed 400 combat jets with 200 other aircraft from heli to tankers for an exercise . This is not computer game where in one scene you declare war and in other in next part you will be in battle field flying 300 for 16 Mr. Fan boy. It need lots of preparation and planning to organise what we presume as two front offensive . And you telling that China will just right way send it's 20 - 40 squadron against India ... how foolish was that. If IAF decides to initiate it's offensive it's first and foremost objective will be to destroy the Airfield and paralyse the enemy .... So don't be a stupid . Again kid it's not play station to play again . It's all in if it comes down to survival .

And result don't have to be in the favour of numbers . But the technology of the weapon system and the ability of the pilots. I don't talk about pilots ability it's not fair. All humans are equally capable . So on technology basis Sukoi MKI are far more advanced than F16/F18/J10 /J11 / Chinese flankers 27 s or Su 30 MK2 /MK . Su 30 MK2 is originally inferior to MKI . WHICH FORMS THE MAIN ATTACK FIGHTER OF PLAAF . So with 272 MKI we will in good position to handle two front war . For our western neighbour our upgraded Mig 29 , mirage jags will do the trick . For China we will throw our maximum Flankers to take out our enemy airstrip and so paralysing it's air combatants. So Get real kid ...

5) Do even know the difference between Miles and Kilometres ? And what kind nonsense is this. MKI and F16 will detect each other at the same distance .As per you it will be 100-150 km .... WOOOW great . So is this also sarcastic or your real face which you are ashamed of ? Huh. ... let prove how stupid is this .

MKI RADAR : Note Russians usually calculate with 5 m2 as RCS margin.
N011M has a 400 km search range and a maximum 200 km tracking range, and 60 km in the rear hemisphere. The radar can track 15 air targets and engage 4 simultaneously.These targets can even include cruise missiles and motionless helicopters.

Now your Stealth fighter F16 . As it as to be stealth to evade N011M for at least 200 km of its range . With RCS of 4-5 m2 in clean configuration look at your radar range if super fighter F16
F16 Radar -- Range: 296.32 km, 184 miles
Range for 5m2 aerial target is 105km ....

Did you see what will happen ? Even before you get a lock on Su30 mki your pilot have to either abort or perform evasive measures . As 2 BVR missiles will be on you from very high altitude . Even before you can realise about incoming sukois. With play load of 8 T and with numerous hard points MKI pilots can afford to Fire 4 targets simultaneously and pull back for the next following fighters to finish the task .
So are going say that you are being psychiatric or sarcastic .... ? Better accept your nonsense. Own it like a man . These are u r own words .

6) This is amazing comedy ever !!!! Explain to me how did you expected that IAF pilot will stall and float in the air when it's been chased by enemy jets ... ? How moronic was that ? Don't you think these are done for the airshow just to show the abilities of the pilot and the machines itself ? For example when your super Fighter F16 is chasing our MKI in a dog fight these MKI can decelerate and let F16 pass through and so now from being a prey Sukois will start to hunting down in a dog fight mode. We can position the angle to lock F16 and fire with cannon or heat seeking short range missiles and have the splash !!! All the performance in the air show are the collection of tactics used in the real fight . It depends upon the situation and mind set if the pilot whether to accelerate or decelerate . Pull up or pull right. ... Under stood kid ? So we won't stand there like duck or peacock .

And what was that ? F22 will take down half the dozen MKI squadron ? How the hell ? Do explain with states how you came to this brilliant conclusion ( best u r brain can do) ?

What did you think F22 is some kind of invisible fighter with no physical properties ? Do ever understand the stealth and counter measures ?

Well I am not aware of countering stealth but I know for sure that when loud mouth like you keep shouting about 1 F22 will kill 10 sukois are nothing but bulshit. Do
For example Your super power F16 ever happen to face under development tejas in 1:10 ratio then your pilot will have few options left to run back or die like a brave heart . It's a done deal . And with drops tanks and missiles your

F16 will have to drop the drop tanks and start evading when high altitude and long range fighter like su 30 MKI

So all your comments are sarcasm or mention in brackets that ( All I saw is for fun or in sarcastic way or am a moron so don't care what I saw) so people can mover on.
Very disappiunting reply.
That proves Viper right.
US Filling Saudi Munition Holes | China, South Korea Talk Arms Control THAAD’s Shadow | Airbus Seeks Indian Partner

US Filling Saudi Munition Holes | China, South Korea Talk Arms Control in THAAD’s Shadow | Airbus Seeks Indian Partner
Apr 07, 2015 00:28 UTC by Defense Industry Daily staff
  • Rockwell Collins was awarded a $495 million contract Tuesday for software and system integration on the Army’s helicopters, with a portion of these services earmarked for foreign sales. The company was also awarded a $8.1 million modification for the Common Avionics Architecture System to equip CH-47F helos.
  • In further good news for Rockwell Collins, the company will supply 44 Communication Navigation Surveillance/Air Traffic Management systems for the KC-10 tanker fleet, following a similar contract in August.
  • The US is ramping up arms transfer to the Saudis, media reported Tuesday, with munitions high on the list of requirements. The assistance is being allocated through a Joint Planning Cell with the Saudis.
  • The European Defence Agency announced new funding for dual-use technologies , releasing a Request for Projects notice Tuesday.
  • Turkey is looking to speed up its development of a conceptual trainer aircraft, to be designed and built domestically. The new trainer will be specifically designed to train pilots to use new fighters procured through the indigenous TF-X program , with a RFI for this program released last month.
  • Pakistan wants to buy fifteen AH-1Z Viper attack helicopters, gun systems, 1000 Hellfire II missiles and other equipment through apossible FMS . The cost? $952 million. The State Department has green-lit the deal, with the potential sale going to Congress.
  • India will not sign its stalled multi-billion Rafale contract with Dassault until the French company agrees to what the Indian government says was the original pricing structure for the deal. The drawn-out MMRCA programhas seen multiple disputes between the Indian Defense Ministry and Dassault, with the Indians threatening to walk away from the deal in January. Although this may be simply bluster, the Russian vultures are circling, ready to supply the SU-30 fighter if the Rafale deal falls through.
  • China and South Korea are to hold arms control talks this week , an interesting development given the recent tension over US plans to base THAAD interceptors in South Korea to complement the existing jointly-operated Aegis/Patriot systems.
  • According to Japanese media , Indonesia is contemplating buying the US-2 amphibious plane, the same design India is currently in talks with Japan over.
  • Airbus is reportedly in talks with six Indian defense contractors in an effort to find a domestic company to reply to a $2 billion naval helicopter RFI, with Indian procurement regulation allowing only an Indian company to respond.
C-17 Globemasters of Indian Air Force clocked 150 hours in Yemen evacuation.
New Delhi: As part of a massive rescue operation, three C-17 Globemaster aircraft of Indian Air Force have clocked nearly 150 flying hours in the last few days bringing back over 1,300 Indians from Djibouti after their evacuation from strife-torn Yemen.

Air Force officials said that each operation by aircraft of the C-17 squadron, nicknamed as skylords, based at Hindon Air Force station, takes around 14 hours, provided the evacuees and their papers are ready at Djibouti.

"The C-17 Unit of 81 squadron has pressed three planes for evacuation opeation that have clocked 150 flying hours carrying back evacuated Indians", said Commanding Officer of the unit, Group Captain BS Reddy.
One of the C-17 took off from Hindon base to Djibouti for evacuating fresh batch of Indians.

Reddy who is one of the four pilots who took off for Djibouti, said the evacuation sorties were avoiding air space over the troubled region and reaching Djibouti through a detour over Somalia for safety reasons.

"The aircraft cockpits are fortified with special steel armours to meet accidental hostile situations while flying over troubled region. The planes are also equipped with early warning systems to ward off missile attacks," Reddy said.

The Air Force personnel including officers and technicians at Hindon are working round the clock to manage sorties by three C-17 planes that were bringing back evacuees from Djibouti, officials said.

Use of the biggest and the best cargo planes available to the IAF has an added advantage as Yemen and Saudi Arabia have expressed reservations over any type of foreign military presence in the region, officers said.
C-17 Globemasters of Indian Air Force clocked 150 hours in Yemen evacuation - IBNLive

The Chief of the Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal Arup Raha presented the best in maintenance trophy to Air Commodore S. Raj, AOC Hakimpet, in Bengaluru on April 09, 2015. Air Marshal Ramesh Rai is also seen.

The Chief of the Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal Arup Raha presented the best in administration trophy to Air Commodore K.L. Yadav, AOC Jalahalli, in Bengaluru on April 09, 2015. Air Marshal Ramesh Rai is also seen.

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