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Indian Air Force wants out of fighter program with Russia

It's the Indian navy thst will get f35

The air force will stick to Rafale and tejas before getting French and USA help to developec amca

Russia has already lost the Indian market

A final turn away from the FGFA program and from treating Russia as a preeminent tactical aircraft supplier may have been accelerated by the cozying up in relations between the U.S. and India.

The level of stealthiness that can be applied to India's next procurement matters substantially more now than it did nearly a decade ago. Pakistan had been India's primary national security focus, but in recent years the rise of China's military might and their extra-territorial aims have shifted New Delhi's defensive priorities.

China's air force in particular has become massively more potent since the FGFA initiative began, with their own impressive stealth fighter—the J-20—now officially operational, not to mention a Chinese medium stealth fighter is also likely on the way. This is on top of upgraded models of existing designs, such as the AESA radar carrying J-10B, and procurement of multiple Flanker derivatives including Russia's own somersaulting Su-35. Simply put, India sees that it needs a stealthily fighter to maintain some sort of parity with its potential foe, and for use as a force multiplier to enable its less capable fighter jets via creative tactics.

The Trump Administration could look to consummate its new, closer strategic relationship with India by offering up the Joint Strike Fighter for purchase. Having India join the JSF community could also offer certain synergies for other F-35 operators located in the eastern hemisphere, both on a strategic and a sustainment level.

Indian F-35s would also work to counter-balance China's military might arrayed along the increasingly tense Indian-Chinese border. It could also mean that the F-35 could also become a competitor for the Indian Navy's next fighter initiative, with the B model likely being offered for the ski jump carriers and the C model being an option for the future catapult equipped ships.

India probably wouldn't receive a large degree of technology transfer under such a deal as export controls on the F-35 are notoriously tight even for NATO operators. But it is likely that some industrial offsets could be offered, including the possibility of depot work and some component construction being done in-country.

It is unlikely that such a deal would be offered until after the single engine jet fighter competition is decided, but India could see the writing on the wall, and cancel the FGFA in hopes of joining the Joint Strike Fighter family in the near future.

Above all else, the export of the F-35 to India... a jet that requires unique, costly, and extensive infrastructure to sustain would be very bad news for Russia's tactical jet industry. But given the flourishing relationship between the US and India, and the growing threat posed by China in the region, it may just be a matter of time till F-35s fly with Indian Air Force roundels of their wings.
I m not saying this out of typical India Pakistan prejudice but it will be better if US is so generous to India now, US should be asked to jointly develop an indigenous Indian fighter jet of next generation. This will immensely help Indian industry and technology base than manufacturing a 42 year old jet.

I dont think America will accept such a proposal. At this moment, America only wants to use India against China and wants enlist its support by throwing a few goodies to Indians.
Mki will be going through massive upgrade programme in the next decade . This programme will include a more efficient tvc engine from Russia, as well aesa radar .

This will be the last and only Russian fighter to remain in service in India .

Unless your blind and plain stupid the Indian future military's preference is western systems for its air power. And huge focus on make in India.

Every single deal struck beyond 2010 has been
Israel or French origin.

India could have chosen the Russian engine for tejss just like China did for Thunder .
But India went with twice the cost USA engine instead from general electrics .

It has spent over 8billion in raffles from France.

And the navy is looking to replace the mig29K with either rafale m or f35.

Mki will remain but along side mirage rafale and tejss.

I said it before I will say again the Russian S have lost the Indian market
FGFA also does not have modular engine concept, making maintenance and serviceability of the fleet expensive and troublesome. A second service official said the modular engine concept is required for the fleet serviceability and availability of FGFA aircrafts at short notice, since it can be done by the user itself.

Russians have offered non-modular engines for FGFA and its maintenance and other relations can only be handled by the manufacturer.
based on india's track record. this is understandable :D
Saudi has higher defense budget than india.

Why do you think india only ordered 36 rafales thus far?

Not forgetting most of the air force's modernisation efforts already wrongly channeled into tejas.

Problem with tejas is low range and its not strike fighter.

tejas is like a trainer aircraft.

Either india sells away the old aircrafts, if not india will probably have the same quantity of rafales for some time

India might have a lower budget. But India gets to buy weapons using PPP dollars.

Maybe india should switch back to zero fighters.

combat proven, cheap, reliable and effective..exactly what it wants

I doubt India is capable of building a zero fighter.

IAF not wrong if they want F-35 because it comes in 3 versions and can fulfill many requirements of Indian military but ToT is issue with US.

There will be no TOT with F-35. India just need to get in line like everyone else. No cuts.
This news is coming after the news that Pakistan is going to develop 5th generation, jointly with Russia.
Looks like Pakistan has pressed the right button.
You should read this. Rafale is not the silver bullet. There is no option other than F-35.


I never said Rafale nor any other fighter jet is better than the other. I do agree that US makes the best weapon systems in the world but it's more about being sanction prone. You may want to argue whatever you want but the perception of US is South Asian countries is different. If we ever go against you or don't comply with your requests & interests, there is a high chance of sanctions, stopping supply of critical components or spares.

On the other hand, the reason I said Rafales and not any other plane is not to diversify our inventory too much. We already have way too many planes and going for new ones will only create a logistical nightmare and maintenance issues and I'm pretty sure even if we opt for the F-35, we would be last in line and there wouldn't be any local production.

Going for 2 more squadrons of Rafales for the IAF and 2-3 squadrons of Rafale-Ms for IN is the way to go in order to maintain uniformity among our fleets and there is a high probability to set up local production.

At this moment, America only wants to use India against China and wants enlist its support by throwing a few goodies to Indians.
Of course that is pretty evident US has been siding with India only to counter China but hopefully those goodies should've been F-35s/EMALS/Predators instead of F-16s/Guardians if they want us to counter something as big as China
This news is coming after the news that Pakistan is going to develop 5th generation, jointly with Russia.
Looks like Pakistan has pressed the right button.

Do you think that is wise?
Look at failure of PAK-FA.
Do you think that is wise?
Look at failure of PAK-FA.

How advance was Chinese fighter industry, until PAF joined in?
After joining hands with PAF, USSR may also be heading for a new heights !!!
How advance was Chinese fighter industry, until PAF joined in?
After joining hands with PAF, USSR may also be heading for a new heights !!!

Is this supposed to be a joke?
If Pakistan wants expertise on 5th gen fighter production, look no further than China
that has the J-20 in service.
Is this supposed to be a joke?
If Pakistan wants expertise on 5th gen fighter production, look no further than China
that has the J-20 in service.

I asked you a simple question, you may choose to answer or ignore it when it doesn't suit your interests.
J-20 is developed after JF-17 and JF-17 emerged after years of collaboration with PAF.
This news is coming after the news that Pakistan is going to develop 5th generation, jointly with Russia.
Looks like Pakistan has pressed the right button.
Pakistan cant even buy 4.5 gen planes and we are talking about 5th gen planes for purchase and then this news of joining of development.
Bro plz..
I asked you a simple question, you may choose to answer or ignore it when it doesn't suit your interests.
J-20 is developed after JF-17 and JF-17 emerged after years of collaboration with PAF.

Are you for real dude?
Pakistan in no way contributed to development of J-20. J-20 is a fighter comparable to F-22 and even
a country like Russia that has produced planes like SU-27 cannot make something comparable.

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