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Indian and Chinese Airforces Confront Each Other In Ladakh

India is playing with fire... it doesn’t not realize is not a very capable military or has the will of China.

modi thinks Indian military is as capable as israel.

The truth Pakistan military can actually force it to a stalemate ...China would just smash the Indians

China backed off in Doklam. And we did make them retreat. Chinese got their lessons well in 67 after 62.

It seems you still dont realize why and how india broke u in two pieces.

This failure to Underestimate India ,resulted in 1999 debacle. No lesson learnt.
Still bloody arrogant, but at least a small acknowledgement that India is not in the same category as China. For years people heard your boasts that we will slice Pakistan, and take the war to China and win, How India can win a 2.5 front war, how India will rise above China to compete with the USA etc etc etc. It is good to see a bully like India come down to earth with a ground shattering thud, currently bowing & scraping in front of the dragon. Pak is not dancing any bhangra, it is not a filthy low life that can only fight against kids, women, and men that have nothing to fight with except some luck and a prayer. Even against a country 1/5 your population size, you had your problems with it - from 1947 you have relished, danced, & launched a hundred Bollywood propaganda flicks to malign and demean Pakistan. You sat for years and laughed as your paid lackeys & stooges killed and maimed people in droves, so please save us your sanctimonious drivel.

If you read through many posts on multiple threads you will know how pakistani members are enjoying the current show..... how they are actually praying for a war between India and China.... only that's why I said they are doing BHANGRA ..... similar situation in future Pakistan can face from other giant in neighborhood in future.... TAB TERA KYA HOGA KALIYA....
Yes, we ran away with BD in 71, Sikkim in 67, Siachin in 80s and Kashmir with Article 370 in 2020.

Kya yaar, Not a Single Indian Underestimates China. We envu them but we respect their strength.

Take example of Nukes. We didnt juat make nukes as u did for India, we went far ahead and Made India a world leader in Thorium Power today.

We didnt just make missiles like u did, we went far ahead and reached Mars on our Heavy SLVs

You like it or not, just like no comparision between 13 Trillion Chinese economy with 3 Trillion economy of India.

Pakistan has no comparison to India.

Still, as a matter of fact we in India know, Pakistani forces are a huge threat and we never underestimate you.

I fail to realize why on PDF you guys dont have this simple realization.

Indians do run away a lot .. we saw that recently. In fact they only war you could win was due to massive issues in East Pakistan .. otherwise your Army has always been checked.

I think it is Indian who have a realization problem.
Yes, we ran away with BD in 71, Sikkim in 67, Siachin in 80s and Kashmir with Article 370 in 2020.

Kya yaar, Not a Single Indian Underestimates China. We envu them but we respect their strength.

Take example of Nukes. We didnt juat make nukes as u did for India, we went far ahead and Made India a world leader in Thorium Power today.

We didnt just make missiles like u did, we went far ahead and reached Mars on our Heavy SLVs

You like it or not, just like no comparision between 13 Trillion Chinese economy with 3 Trillion economy of India.

Pakistan has no comparison to India.

Still, as a matter of fact we in India know, Pakistani forces are a huge threat and we never underestimate you.

I fail to realize why on PDF you guys dont have this simple realization.

What is the meaning of this rant? we know what india is looking at the travails of laborers and how you brahmins treat your worker class.
I made a reply to your fellow bhakth viswambhar who says india will not fight china even if border is occupied because indian soldiers can die - really ? how many thousands of indian soldiers died in kashmir - then why not fight china
Indians do run away a lot .. we saw that recently. In fact they only war you could win was due to massive issues in East Pakistan .. otherwise your Army has always been checked.

I think it is Indian who have a realization problem.

Well, Im sorry to state that No country,s PM bas been ever barred to visit another country like PMIK was, by Saudi. You have nukes but no will over where you PM can go ?

Thats speaks Volumes about who has a Realization Problem.

Besides, If u fail to realize what Indian Army did in 67 and again in 88, then 1999 please read your own history over how you lost siachin the defeatee in Kargil.

For every war there is some excuse. I know u have one fr 1971, Siachin and Kargil.

Let me speak fr myself...But we got defeated badly by China in 62. No excuses. We lost. No excuses. Simple.

Im proud thatwe learned quickly and give a real reply to china in 67 and doklam.
really? for 60 years india has been taxing its poor people speaking for its defense needs boasting how it can fight a two front war and rubbish. Last year alone it spent $60 billion dollar on defense. Now when the time has come and its borders are occupied the tax eating indian army will not fight because it can lose soldiers ? Is there any honor in anything that india does ?
And the same army has no problem raping kashmiri women and blinding kashmiri children.

If it cant fight then give the whole of aksai chin and arunachal to china and have good relations with it. They will even pour in investments - why this racket of having an army.

Whole Arunachal is with China??? What are you saying without any proof??? India landed paratroopers in 1986 and merged entire Arunachal Pradesh in India and since then it's in India.... prior to that India annexed Sikkim.... whatever territory we lost we earned much bigger territory with Sikkim and Arunachal..... whole Arunachal captured by China....please do some homework before spreading nonsense....
China backed off in Doklam. And we did make them retreat. Chinese got their lessons well in 67 after 62.

It seems you still dont realize why and how india broke u in two pieces.

This failure to Underestimate India ,resulted in 1999 debacle. No lesson learnt.

You have obviously forgetting the massive break up of india on August the 14th 1947.......:azn:
What is the meaning of this rant? we know what india is looking at the travails of laborers and how you brahmins treat your worker class.
I made a reply to your fellow bhakth viswambhar who says india will not fight china even if border is occupied because indian soldiers can die - really ? how many thousands of indian soldiers died in kashmir - then why not fight china

Modi is from Lower Caste, our President is a Lower. caste, our Missile Man was a Muslim our Father of Nukes was a Parsi, ex Intelligemce chief was a Muslim.

Keep this brahmin shit aside.

You have obviously forgetting the massive break up of india on August the 14th 1947.......:azn:

Do you have any credible proof of your statement ?

sir official version is as it is F-16's were NEVER part of the strike package and nor were used in any offensive way

The problem : this was the modified version adopted later.
Indians just like getting slapped ... Abhi none done got in Pakistan and now Chinese are doing the same .
Modi is from Lower Caste, our President is a Lower. caste, our Missile Man was a Muslim our Father of Nukes was a Parsi, ex Intelligemce chief was a Muslim.

Keep this brahmin shit aside.

Modi is a lapdog of RSS which only has a brahmin sarsanghchalak with the exception of rajendra singh who is also a thakur. Indian temple priests are still only brahmin as only they are considered pure to be near god. No other religion is this racist and fascist.
Almost 40 percent of indian cabinet is brahmin despite being 2 percent of population - along with banias they control 80 percent of corporate board room posts in india. Most of supreme counrt judges are heriditarily brahmin. they crack jokes about eating beef (Katju) and own slaughter houses nothing happens to them but a muslim who tended and took care of his buffalor in brutal indian summers is lynched to death if he eats it.

They impose residential apartheids denying renting to meat eaters in some of the prime indian real estate in india - mumbai or delhi. More than half of indian prime ministers and more than 75 percent of time india had a brahmin PM starting from nehru, lal bahadur his daughter indira, rajiv, pvnr and atal behari.
Well, Im sorry to state that No country,s PM bas been ever barred to visit another country like PMIK was, by Saudi. You have nukes but no will over where you PM can go ?

Thats speaks Volumes about who has a Realization Problem.

Besides, If u fail to realize what Indian Army did in 67 and again in 88, then 1999 please read your own history over how you lost siachin the defeatee in Kargil.

For every war there is some excuse. I know u have one fr 1971, Siachin and Kargil.

Let me speak fr myself...But we got defeated badly by China in 62. No excuses. We lost. No excuses. Simple.

Im proud thatwe learned quickly and give a real reply to china in 67 and doklam.

It is you who has to read the real history not us. As per you history, you taught Pakistan a lesson on 27th Feb, 2019.

Have you ever thought that if your government can claim a fake victory in presence of tons of videos and independent analysis, how shamelessly they would have lied to you about past wars?

I'm sure you never think about such possibilities, because you are part of 1.5 billion breed that hasn't been taught how to think independently. Just robots who come to PDF, write brave lines and feel good for rest of the day.
As per you history, you taught Pakistan a lesson on 27th Feb, 2019.
Same as their so called 67 victory which they edited the casualties several times on wiki from a few deaths/ injuries in early 2000s to a few hundred in the recent years.
Shhhh.... Modi is not in a very good mood. :D

Well my Malaysian brother, the fact we call it South China Sea means it belongs Chinese otherwise give it another name. But I do have to remind you that Pentagon released a report where USA armed forces lost every possible war scenario against China. So when you say it’s not China no longer ruling the waves is not true anymore. Matter of fact China is much more relevant than it was a decade ago.
China is in pretty strong position with more allies behind its back than USA or any other nation. How? China built those ties through investing into countries building their economies around different regions across the globe. I don’t mean no disrespect but do your own research. Who’s more capable? And what holds more importance? Our opinions or Pentagon reports? Draw your own conclusion.
He's not a Malaysian. He's a street shitter.
If you read through many posts on multiple threads you will know how pakistani members are enjoying the current show..... how they are actually praying for a war between India and China.... only that's why I said they are doing BHANGRA ..... similar situation in future Pakistan can face from other giant in neighborhood in future.... TAB TERA KYA HOGA KALIYA....


Pakistanis are praying for a war between India and Pakistan. Soon sanghis, better clean up your ways or Allah's help is going to reach those lands where people are oppressed for their belief in Allah.

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Pakistanis are praying for a war between India and Pakistan. Soon sanghis, better clean up your ways or Allah's help is going to reach those lands where people are oppressed for their belief in Allah.


Its not that easy kid..... your military and Imran Khan knows this otherwise they wouldn't have wasted the opportunity India gave Pakistan on 5th August 2019..... instead IK said that WE DON'T HAVE CAPABILITY TO ATTACK INDIA AND TAKE KASHMIR MILITARILY....

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