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Indian chopper forced to land in Olding, Pakistan, after violating airspace

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most probably they were testing Pakistani air defence for any future american or israeli plan to attempt an abbottabad like drama again from the eastern side.
Or maybe someone exposing your lack of knowledge?

---------- Post added at 09:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:26 PM ----------

Manpad activated? You are now becoming a joke. You know how a manpad is activated? Please stop watching Hollywood movies. Do you know the the check of list for ANZAS activation?[/QUOTE

Military attaches apparently know more than senior officers in the Pakistani Armed Forces, even the attache story sounds dubious, come on indian - put the tricolor on your profile, you know you want to. :azn:

Ha ha another teenage boys response. What can I say? I see you have now changed your source too? Ask a PA guy about this incident and get back to me if my version is wrong till than have some hot chocolate and have another sleepless nite. Maybe a tinge of Brandy may help.
This topic is very HOT! Only 1 day's gone and 44 pages already! This incident will surely raises some alarm on both sides. The servicemen will be in no doubt to go back after debriefing, but the helicopter will need some detailed examination to ensure there is no spy equipment/data on board.
they should have been interrogated by our spy agency.....the Coloniel could have disclosed the coordinates of important airfields and helipads in indian occupied region.
This topic is very HOT! Only 1 day's gone and 44 pages already! This incident will surely raises some alarm on both sides. The servicemen will be in no doubt to go back after debriefing, but the helicopter will need some detailed examination to ensure there is no spy equipment/data on board.

Good morning? The helicopter and the people have long gone back.
they should have been interrogated by our spy agency.....the Coloniel could have disclosed the coordinates of important airfields and helipads in indian occupied region.

ha ha i never new the GPS co-ordinates of any of the bases i served in and if this Col did than he was a spy.
Ha ha another teenage boys response. What can I say? I see you have now changed your source too? Ask a PA guy about this incident and get back to me if my version is wrong till than have some hot chocolate and have another sleepless nite. Maybe a tinge of Brandy may help.

A senior member of the Pakistani Armed Forces is my source sonny, better luck next time ;)
ha ha i never new the GPS co-ordinates of any of the bases i served in and if this Col did than he was a spy.

chances are he wasnt a Col.......most probably all of them were spies disguised as senior officers.
the heliopters computers could have disclosed important data
ha ha i never new the GPS co-ordinates of any of the bases i served in and if this Col did than he was a spy.

The only service you have done is in a McDonalds, don't over cook them fries now, the manager will be angry.
american seals voilating Pakistani sovereignity was also almost unlikely....never under-estimate idiots in small groups.

The SEALS came with a purpose and USA scrambled 30 fighters on both sides of your borders with orders of shoot to kill if you scrambled your fighters. There is a difference and if you don't notice it i cant help you
The SEALS came with a purpose and USA scrambled 30 fighters on both sides of your borders with orders of shoot to kill if you scrambled your fighters. There is a difference and if you don't notice it i cant help you

More indian hubris.
Hello Mr Abu, the man with sources in the forces especially in the Army (not doubting ur credentials as an ex pongo) who can speak to an old course mate still serving about this incident and discredit my version ?

Ps : Gun camera footage exists of the helo leaving Pak territory

what gun camera footage?

it was an unarmed aircraft :laugh:
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