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Indian family steals accessories from Bali hotel, caught by staff. Viral video shocks Internet

Yea this video is viral. I loved the way the Indonesian guy managed to shut up the Indian family. Indians need to learn civic sense when travelling abroad. If this continues, in no time we will replace the Chinese tourists as the most uncouthed and unpleasant visitors in foreign countries.

Wait for some Indian to defend and show us how their economy and etc is doing.

ohh sorry, I forgot to add that.....lol

ink to the news


This video was shared by an "Indian" to defame the family and to teach Indian tourists on how to behave when they go outside India.
There was a time when only the well educated in India had the means to travel abroad. Now, thanks to the economic growth in the last couple of decades, there is a new middle class and rich class which has cropped up which has the money, but no education or class. These people, when they travel abroad, they make Indians look bad. This is the issue. Their passports should be cancelled. Banned from travelling abroad. As simple as that.
Shameful. Really pathetic. Good that this was shared by an Indian itself... the family deserves this.
There was a time when only the well educated in India had the means to travel abroad. Now, thanks to the economic growth in the last couple of decades, there is a new middle class and rich class which has cropped up which has the money, but no education or class. These people, when they travel abroad, they make Indians look bad. This is the issue. Their passports should be cancelled. Banned from travelling abroad. As simple as that.

They should not be banned. infact they should have sensitivize meetings before they departure. Phillipines has this. Before they go outside some classes are held to educate on others country culture and how to behave.
It is noting new...As an Indian, we people has to really learns ethics and social skill when we are going outside...
It is a disgrace to see such kind of people ....
That is absolutely humiliating and shows how frustrated and pissed off the world is with the stinky travelers

LOL petty shameless thieves talking about international power...............power of theft

after getting caught red handed still yelling and shouting....typical
It is shameful for the individuals in question, I wonder why would the creator of the video and this thread in particular thread want to defame the Indian community at large for actions of one family?
And then there are comments on the thread, which is just a reflection of the individuals upbringing, or lack thereof.

By the same standard of reasoning. would you look at the 2015 San Bernardino attacks and label entire pakistani community as terrorists?
Cheap desis.. taking soap dishes and tissue holders. It's not like you are stealing thengolconda diamond or peacock throne.if you rob cheaply you will be called thief. If you steal and kill you will be called conqueror. Lol.
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