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Indian footprints emerging on Naval base attack

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Your media gave the proof 15 minutes after the attacks? Did they have ESP or something? 2ndly, proving Kasab is Pakistani doesn't prove he was trained by ISI, three of the Mehran base attackers were Uzbeks, should we blame the Uzbek govt. for the attack? Where is the proof that the attack was planned by ISI?
Like i said before, it is a habit of India Media to blame Pakistan for every thing and vise versa, but i am also saying that you will find a lot of Pakistani's here who will analyze things rationally instead of pointing fingers right from the go while on the other hand you wouldn't find a single Indian who think rationally about the Mumbai attacks and not blame Pakistan.

Just show the proof of this stupid claim

And about Kasab
Nawaz speaks up, admits Kasab is a Pakistani - World News - IBNLive
Just show the proof of this stupid claim

And about Kasab
Nawaz speaks up, admits Kasab is a Pakistani - World News - IBNLive

Dawood Ibrahim is an Indian
Col. Purohit is a serving Indian Army officer

so what does that mean then?

whether or not Nawaz Sherif Admitted to Kassabs nationality is irrelevant.
why are you so defensive if you don’t think there is Indian involvement in the terrorist attacks in Pakistan?

your foreign office & home ministry coins Pakistan even before checking facts as if their staff has ISI written down on “post-it” notes on their desks. Only recently they started demanding a named terrorist from Pakistan only to find out he was actually freed and allowed to live by Indian courts in Mombai. So who is Stupid now??
Indian footprints emerging

Shakeel Anjum

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

ISLAMABAD: The footprints of circumstantial evidence regarding the terrorist attack on the Mehran base clearly show the involvement of Indian intelligence agency, Research and Analysis Wing (RAW). Senior intelligence sources told The News that this was a joint venture, accomplished by RAW certainly with the consent of CIA and a group of al-Qaeda who are being used by the anti-Pakistan lobby.

“Even at this very initial stage, the agencies engaged in the investigation of the attack have got hold of some concrete indications to prove the involvement of foreign hand in the debacle,” one source said. He said that it could easily be calculated who was the prime beneficiary of the shattering strike.

“The militants attacked the base and mainly targeted the P-3C Orion aircraft as they had instructions to destroy them,” he said, adding that it was on record that India had opposed the US provision of these aircraft to Pakistan.

Another source said that the only major beneficiary of the annihilation of these planes was India as Pakistan has been deprived of one of its major assets. “It cannot be ascertained yet at this early stage whether Indian commandos were included in the attack squad or the terrorists were Chechens or Afghan activists of al-Qaeda,” the source said. “However, intelligence agencies have enough information that a group of al-Qaeda and Taliban got training in a base camp of RAW in Afghanistan from the Indian forces.”

The source said that the agencies had informed the government about the joint activities of al-Qaeda and Indian forces in the base camp. It will be established soon that the plan of the attack was prepared in the RAW base camp in Afghanistan, he said.

Dr Usman, one of the GHQ attackers, who was arrested during the counter operation, had disclosed during the investigation about his links with the Indian camp, the source said.

On October 10, 2009, terrorists had attacked the Pakistan Army’s General Headquarters in Rawalpindi in a similar fashion, taking 42 people hostage, including several military officers. By the end of the day-long ordeal, nine gunmen, 11 soldiers and three hostages were dead. The attackers had their own communication system with separate frequency through which they were interlinked with each other, the source said.

Why the attack group fought a pitched battle for 16 hours against the commandos and Rangers, the source said there were standing instructions for the personnel engaged in the operation to arrest at least one of the attackers alive. However, as the Pakistani forces trapped the attackers, they blew themselves up or shot themselves.” “They attackers were four in number, not six,” the source said and added that it was a wrong perception that two militants managed to escape from the airbase compound. He said that the compound was securely cordoned off.

the source said
the source said
the source said

the fact that the source doesnt want to reveal himself shows that this is a BS story
Just show the proof of this stupid claim

And about Kasab
Nawaz speaks up, admits Kasab is a Pakistani - World News - IBNLive

Do you not understand English or did you reply to my post without reading what i was replying to? Here let me explain,

I said the Indian Media was claiming Pakistan's involvement in the Mumbai attacks even as the attacks were still in progress (15 minutes claim was a metaphore), to which your countryman replied that your media gave proof of Kasab being a Pakistani to which i replied by saying that these proofs were not given untill a lot later while the blame was placed on ISI and Govt. of Pakistan right from the start.
By the way no body has denied that Kasab was Pakistani but where does it prove that the Mumbai attacks were planned by ISI? You can very well see how we cannot stop these terrorists from destroying our own country and killing our own people how can we stop them from doing something outside Pakistan?
You have posted this article without even reading it yourself, now read it and tell me where it proves that despite being a Pakistani Ajmal Kasab was an ISI agent. Like i said, should we blame the Uzbek Govt. for the Mehran base attacks since 3 of the attackers were Uzbek?
Dawood Ibrahim is an Indian
Col. Purohit is a serving Indian Army officer

so what does that mean then?

whether or not Nawaz Sherif Admitted to Kassabs nationality is irrelevant.
why are you so defensive if you don’t think there is Indian involvement in the terrorist attacks in Pakistan?

your foreign office & home ministry coins Pakistan even before checking facts as if their staff has ISI written down on “post-it” notes on their desks. Only recently they started demanding a named terrorist from Pakistan only to find out he was actually freed and allowed to live by Indian courts in Mombai. So who is Stupid now??

Hafiz Said ? Dawood Ibrahim? terrorists living in Pakistan freely

Even Al qualda chief found in Pakistan army backyard

Trails against Pakistanis in USA for mumbai attack

Musaraf admit that they trained terrorist in India


Still believe that Pakistan is clean then no one help you
Do you not understand English or did you reply to my post without reading what i was replying to? Here let me explain,

I said the Indian Media was claiming Pakistan's involvement in the Mumbai attacks even as the attacks were still in progress (15 minutes claim was a metaphore), to which your countryman replied that your media gave proof of Kasab being a Pakistani to which i replied by saying that these proofs were not given untill a lot later while the blame was placed on ISI and Govt. of Pakistan right from the start.
By the way no body has denied that Kasab was Pakistani but where does it prove that the Mumbai attacks were planned by ISI? You can very well see how we cannot stop these terrorists from destroying our own country and killing our own people how can we stop them from doing something outside Pakistan?
You have posted this article without even reading it yourself, now read it and tell me where it proves that despite being a Pakistan Ajmal Kasab was an ISI agent. Like i said, should we blame the Uzbek Govt. for the Mehran base attacks since 3 of the attackers were Uzbek?

Terrorist got instruction from Pakistan by their satellite phones

So what else you expect from any countries media ?????
we gave proofs that proved that kasab is Pakistani. your media also showed village where kasab used to live.

on contrary your army has no proof that India had hand in Karachi attack. this makes this whole thread laughable.

Question is if the proof is given.....will you then accept that Your country does indeed sponsors terrorism and is behind attacks in Pakistan or will you still consider it laughable?
Question is if the proof is given.....will you then accept that Your country does indeed sponsors terrorism and is behind attacks in Pakistan or will you still consider it laughable?

let your army give us proofs first.
Terrorist got instruction from Pakistan by their satellite phones

So what else you expect from any countries media ?????

Learn to stop arguing when someone else proves a point, getting instructions from a cell phone present in Pakistan still doesn't prove whether they were being instructed by ISI. Anything else you can come up with?

And besides that is not my point, my point is that if someone from Pakistan blames Indian agencies for such attacks then they should brave up and take it on the chin because this is the exact same thing they do. What goes around comes around.
That is not what i asked......a simply yes or no would do.

first we will check froofs. if they are fake then we will not give a damn. if they are true then we will take actions.
That was the most imaginatively creative fantasy story.

Not really... The point Irfan is raising are the classic hitting the nail on the head!!!! He is spot on in his analysis...

The only entity that benefits this attack is India... no matter who participated in this, the entire attack has India written all over it...

The illiterate morons of TTP have absolutely no such intelligence... yet unfortunately our media and educated class is moaning about the Islamists beneath our beds... The Islamists problem dies the day we stop drone attacks on our soil and stop supporting America via supply routes... India however is a problem that is here to stay...

Whoever did this attack... I salute you for a brilliant operation... I am impressed... and i like an intelligent enemy... however you may have won the battle... but we shall win the war!!!!

The Islamists problem dies the day we stop drone attacks on our soil and stop supporting America via supply routes... India however is a problem that is here to stay...

Sir how can you gurantee that? If in your own words it is not the extremists who are doing these things it is India and USA?
Not really... The point Irfan is raising are the classic hitting the nail on the head!!!! He is spot on in his analysis...

The only entity that benefits this attack is India... no matter who participated in this, the entire attack has India written all over it...

The illiterate morons of TTP have absolutely no such intelligence... yet unfortunately our media and educated class is moaning about the Islamists beneath our beds... The Islamists problem dies the day we stop drone attacks on our soil and stop supporting America via supply routes... India however is a problem that is here to stay...

I'm far more bothered with the non-illiterate, non-morons whose minds are incapable of processing reality & are bent on taking refuge in some crazed conspiracy theories.
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