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Indian General:India actually lost Kargil war: Gen Pal

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Oct 4, 2009
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Indian general says what his country gained from war has not been consolidated

NEW DELHI: An Indian general, who commanded troops during 1999 Kargil war, on Sunday broke his 11-year silence to say that India actually lost the war in strategic terms.

Lieutenant-General (r) Kishan Pal, the then head of Srinagar-based 15 Corps, told a private channel that he did not speak because he was never convinced about this war.

“We did gain some tactical victories, we regained the territories, but lost 587 precious lives. I consider this loss of war because whatever we gained from the war has not been consolidated, either politically or diplomatically. It has not been consolidated militarily,” he said, when was asked for his assessment of the conflict 11 years later.

Gen Pal was recently in a controversy involving the battle performance report of one of his juniors, Brigadier Devinder Singh. An armed forces tribunal has indicted Pal for showing bias against Brigadier Singh; former 70 infantry brigade commander, and belittled his achievements in the war besides falsifying accounts of battles during the Kargil operations.

Meanwhile, a Chandigarh-based former army major has also come out with a revelation that his inputs on Kargil ‘intrusion’, sent to his seniors as early as January-February 1999, were ignored and he was asked to stop sending such reports in writing.

Major Manish Bhatnagar, who participated in the Kargil war, said not only were his inputs ignored, later, when a full-scale conflict broke out, he was court martialled on another pretext and made to leave the army.

He said he had informed his senior officers about the heavy presence of hostile forces and had also apprised them of the large number of bunkers and occupation of vital points by them during his posting. “Later, when the strength of ‘intruders’ was found to be more than the perceptions of the top generals — resulting in mass causalities of soldiers — officers like me were persecuted to hide their wrongs,’” Bhatnagar said.

Yes its true, they didnt win it, we actually lost it, coz of our great friend America. :coffee:
Anatomy of folly: not for robust souls

By Ayaz Amir

DAWN - Ayaz Amir Corner; February, 25 2005


Pakistan suffered more casualties in the Kargil operation than in any of its previous wars with India. But as a reflection of the embarrassment this conflict arouses, the precise number of the dead and wounded remains a closely-guarded secret.

So rest assured there won’t be any audit of Kargil on this side, the barest mention of it an embarrassment, a spectre at the feast, a reminder of something best forgotten.

Kargil may not have liberated Kashmir but, indirectly, one thing leading to another, it set the stage for October 12, ‘99, when the present set-up came to power. The masterminds of Kargil, in the forefront of the day’s events, may not have made much headway against the Indians but they made short work of Nawaz Sharif and his wobbly government. As the next day dawned, they were masters of the country.

But Kargil was a real watershed in another sense. The actual operation as much as its aftermath finally put paid to the idea much favoured by military minds that Pakistan could take on India in an armed conflict or that there was a military solution to the Kashmir problem. Kargil proved to be the last frontier of Pakistani militarism in Kashmir.

How many time do you want to open this thread, get s***ked and then mods close it ?
Anatomy of folly: not for robust souls

By Ayaz Amir

DAWN - Ayaz Amir Corner; February, 25 2005


How many time do you want to open this thread, get s***ked and then mods close it ?

Ayaz amir corner? who the f gives a sh1t to anti-pak army NGOs who crawl around here in pak like maggots.

On the other hand, A indian army General who led his army in Kargil operation admits India army did not achieve anything significant other then regain their territory after 2 months with full air support and ground support.

Its a shame That it took one of the largest military (INDIA) to regain its territory after 2 months.

It clearly send a message to India that Pakistan army is well capable of occupying Indian territory even without air support.
This general is in lot of mess now-e-days. Seems he is trying to gain support/popularity.
As for kargil, many people do not seem to be agreeing with him. However, it is a dead issue.
On the other hand, A indian army General who led his army in Kargil operation admits India army did not achieve anything significant other then regain their territory after 2 months with full air support and ground support.

Its a shame That it took one of the largest military (INDIA) to regain its territory after 2 months.

It clearly send a message to India that Pakistan army is well capable of occupying Indian territory even without air support.

The objective was to regain territory which was fulfilled. Also India cashed it well diplomatically. Rest is just a flame.
This general is in lot of mess now-e-days. Seems he is trying to gain support/popularity.
As for kargil, many people do not seem to be agreeing with him. However, it is a dead issue.

How is he planning to gain "support" "popularity" from deluded Indians? would you support him for speaking the truth? exactly.
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How is he planning to gain "support" "popularity" from deluded Indians? would you support him for speaking the truth? exactly.

How you would say what he is speaking is truth?
How is he planning to gain "support" "popularity" from deluded Indians? would you support him for speaking the truth? exactly.

Read out the recent controversy. He is in a big mess. Go google.
It clearly send a message to India that Pakistan army is well capable of occupying Indian territory even without air support.

GOP says they are Non state actors. You say they are Pakistan army. Who is correct?
How is he planning to gain "support" "popularity" from deluded Indians? would you support him for speaking the truth? exactly.

Here is the truth for you

Yes its true, they didnt win it, we actually lost it, coz of our great friend America. :coffee:

Wars are won on one’s own strength and lost because of one’s own weakness…. Why did Nawaz Sharif proceeded to US for Intervention, when you feel you could have won the war
Look at indias record?
False claims of stooting 100m PAF jets?
Rubished after PAF flew its jets in a march.
False claim on PNS GHAZI??Though a mystery
Yet witnesses,and even indian officiers claim .. they found its wreckage after 1 day......... Its record?Burnt by india.
Fake encounter described by indian soldiers and got medals?
Rubished..... some soldiers even got court matrialled.
Pakistan claims winning it militarily but due to b...d weak Nawaz who withdrew on US pressure?
Another claim rubbished by a indian general who fought in Kargil...

To say anything more will not be enough . bcoz indian fanboys wont accept it.
This threas should be closed because the title is misleading..
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