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Indian man 'survives without food or water for decades'

Sai Baba.

With a following in the millions. This guy is the worlds best con artist. He shows miracles in India and people are totally gaga over this guy. He has his followers all the way in America. He's coned so many people that the official travel advisory for Americans going to India includes a paragraph warning about him.

Of course he gets money and other stuff. But he has tricked young boys into performing homosexual acts with him.

The levels of religion based trickery going on in India is unimaginable.

I know that Asim - i know this guy probably more than many indian fellows - he keep visiting my local town in London and he has a huge fan club/followers of him. I can't say whether these allegations are right or wrong but i too have heard alot of fuss about his homosexual activities :lol:

I left my above post to not destroy the taste of Indian member's thread and this Shri Sathya claimed he is the incarnation of Shiva and Shakti :lol: meaning he is both male and female :rofl: (with no offence intended)
Guys please. Its ridiculous the way we latch onto such miracle's without any form of validation. Although i aint a doc, i have enough common sense to know that our body needs some form of energy to function. This guys claims he takes niether water or Food. Rubbish!

Posts such as this makes the rest of us indian's look like half witted dumb's.

I agree. If his claims of NOT eating or drinking in the last 70 years, that would also mean he hasn't taken a p1ss or sh1t in the last 70 years also!!! :woot:

Like you said, it reveals Indians who believe his cr@p as bigger idiots! :oops: (not mentioning names here, you can read through this thread yourselves...)
I agree. If his claims of NOT eating or drinking in the last 70 years, that would also mean he hasn't taken a p1ss or sh1t in the last 70 years also!!! :woot:

Like you said, it reveals Indians who believe his cr@p as bigger idiots! :oops: (not mentioning names here, you can read through this thread yourselves...)

We know who the biggest fake is, who conned 1.5 billion people to believe something which is totally absurd.

You guys know who I am referring to.
We know who the biggest fake is, who conned 1.5 billion people to believe something which is totally absurd.

You guys know who I am referring to.

Let War ensue.
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I can't understand about my fellow Indian's who start these kinds of threads on a Pakistani forum surely you guys are Masochists:partay:.When you know you and your belief's are going to be ridiculed.

on topic lets wait for the results.
I dont know know why ppl think this guy is a fraud, because this is one of the siddhis which true yogis can do.

Moreover this guy is more better than Hira ratan manek cuz HRM needs sunlight to survive.

If anybody has read autobiography of a yogi, then there was a saint giribala. even she could go without food and water.

lastly yes this guy dosent need to pass urine or ****. Its true.

I doubt drdo will find anything cuz our present science is at a very nascent stage to even know whats going on in the metaphysical stage

even the american and world over scientists cannot copy what edward leedskalnin did single handed.

Its going to turn out to be another one of those "Milk drinking Hanuman idol".

Interesting man ,isn't he ??...that too an Indian.

So much so The "Administrator " cant help any longer ,but started trolling.:lol:

If u read the article ,it clearly says those 35 odd highly qualified doctors and scientists of DRDO are doing experiments and verify the claims if its true and trying their best to unearth underlying scientific reason behind this.They aren't certainly worshipping him.
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Religion based scam artists are everywhere in India.

Of course they are! In fact it was some Indian scientists who "debunked" the milk drinking idol theory as well as many other "instances" of miracles, in India. However, people believe in something, a blind faith, based on religion and that cannot be just wished away just because it does not adhere to known scientific principles. Same goes for other religions.

India does have a problem with fraudsters who mislead gullible people into opening their purse strings - all in the name of religion. However that is almost the maximum extent that they go to.

Contrast that with misguiding gullible people into blowing up other people, nonbelievers etc and themselves in the process, all in the name of glory of the religion! Yup, religion based 'artists' are everywhere in the world, some few places more dangerous than the rest!
Finally DRDO has waken up to the Ancient Indian Secrets. All the best to DRDO, but i doubt they will discover anything. Present Earth Science is a JOKE
I can't understand about my fellow Indian's who start these kinds of threads on a Pakistani forum surely you guys are Masochists:partay:.When you know you and your belief's are going to be ridiculed.

on topic lets wait for the results.

How many times u see a number doctors and scientists from DR DO investigate a case without some prior validation that picked up their curiosity??

They must have found some ground in the man claim that he hasn't ate ,drunk,passed stool or urinated for a long time and still managed to live a normal life.

Lets see whats comes out it .If true it would be the break through of the century and more.
How many times u see a number doctors and scientists from DR DO investigate a case without some prior validation that picked up their curiosity??

They must have found some ground in the man claim that he hasn't ate ,drunk,passed stool or urinated for a long time and still managed to live a normal life.

Lets see whats comes out it .If true it would be the break through of the century and more.

Buddy i know your intentions were good look how the thread is being manipulated and there may be people here who are devotes of the godman and there will be an epic Troll wars on that sense was my comment.:cheers:

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