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Indian Media: We Would Capture Beijing in Two Days if China Doesn't Leave Ladakh

I don't think any educated men and women in India takes this channel seriously. And it amazes me how anchors in this channel try to emulate the style of their master itself. Same mannerism, same nonsence material and same vocal tone.

Indian big conglomerates have invested heavily in media and cross media channels, these biz groups have invested on Modi, BJP and RSS/Sanghs(knowingly/unknowingly) and made it sure they win the elections with a majority, media owned by these biz groups like Ambani's, Adani's, Jindal's and others are used as propaganda tool to win gullible electorates in millions.

And in return Modi/BJP rewards these business groups with perks and privileges, business deals(govt. and private) and contracts worth tens of billions, cheap land and electricity/approvals and all the govt. machinery available to multiply their assets.

And this vicious cycle continues unabated...
The perpetrators of the Nanjing massacre were nuked into submission 8 years later

Sun Tzu "Never underestimate your opponent or your enemy"

I think China needs to make a lot of MOAB, DF-17 and VT-5 tanks

DF-41 is the last card.
Sorry, but they're not civillians and you don't outnumber them 10:1. Also, it's not bollywood. I call dibs on opening a beef nehari restaurant in Dehli, the locals will be blown away by it since they have never been allowed to have it before and I can become the malik riaz of the food industry in India.
yes your right, we take this channel as seriously as cartoon network & comedy central! :lol:
Yeah you indeed take it seriously. That's why you don't realize that it's information warfare. You don't realize that the media rhetoric and fake tweets are too glaring to be real and regard it all as some kind of official statement by Indian establishment.

OH yes yes, I want to be an Indian captive. Please come to Beijing. I am waiting in honor of your capture.

Only if the Chinese members knew how utterly racist, demeaning, and insulting the anchor was towards China and Chinese. Calling Chinese racial terms on national TV. He also called Chinese as "bat-soup eating midgets" (literal translation. Ask even Indians and they'll confirm).

Despicable, backward, weak barbarians. No wonder they got humiliated, conquered, and ruled over by superior forces of Muslims for a 1000+ years or so.
Thanks for the translation, bro. Despicable people. I am out of words for them. @Joe Shearer @Nilgiri Is this how low your media has become? I am totally speechless.

That never happens.
But we all know what will happen if it becomes a reality. .
Nanjing massacre, version 2.

China has only one ally to protect them: DF-41
DF-41 is overkill and reserved for the US.
I cant understand about the obsession of Indians with Us, Conflict with China and they mention Pakistan. Literally some thing is wrong with Indians Media. I cant talk about indians but how can one watch such news channel.
The Anchor lives in an entire different world.Talking about promotional videos of their armed forces nothing about the ground reality. If we all remember 2015 Nepal Earthquake Indian media was their before any aid worker could reach there. Why aren't they reporting form front line and making strategy in media Channel about 2 day war and complete Victory against China.
OH yes yes, I want to be an Indian captive. Please come to Beijing. I am waiting in honor of your capture.

Thanks for the translation, bro. Despicable people. I am out of words for them. @Joe Shearer @Nilgiri Is this how low your media has become? I am totally speechless.

OUR media? Want to take them over? We'll pay you for it.

DF-41 is overkill and reserved for the US.

Only if the Chinese members knew how utterly racist, demeaning, and insulting the anchor was towards China and Chinese. Calling Chinese racial terms on national TV. He also called Chinese as "bat-soup eating midgets" (literal translation. Ask even Indians and they'll confirm).

Despicable, backward, weak barbarians. No wonder they got humiliated, conquered, and ruled over by superior forces of Muslims for a 1000+ years or so.

They don't need to know. They have a chamcha to tell them and to egg them on.
Or was it bloody nose?


You decide :pop:

Indian Wing Commander Bloodied and Captured.jpg
Despicable, backward, weak barbarians. No wonder they got humiliated, conquered, and ruled over by superior forces of Muslims for a 1000+ years or so.

Amazing to see one slave demeaning other slave...!!

But then carry on....!!
That never happens.
But we all know what will happen if it becomes a reality. .
Nanjing massacre, version 2.

China has only one ally to protect them: DF-41
Nope. Indians have never massacred after victory. For eg we treated the 90000 Pakistani soldiers very well after their humiliating defeat in 1971. No complaint of any ill treatment.
Amazing to see one slave demeaning other slave...!!

But then carry on....!!

Lol, Delhi---the capital---was enslaved. Delhi represented Hindu power, not us. Muslim Punjabi generals were at the forefront of defeat Hindu forces under Akbar the Great.

Islam liberated people of our region from clutches of Hindu-caste system, and we rose up to decimate the Hindu power in the region and caused the light of Islam to spread. Those with backbone and moral courage saw the justice of Islam and left the backward, inhumane, barbaric practices of Hinduism. For that, we are proud of our noble ancestors.

While people in your country continue to drink cow urine and eat cow shit and have cow shit festivals like one below. Couldn't be happier as a Pakistani Muslim instead of being an Indian Hindu.
Hindus concept of bath--Cow Shit.jpg

Nope. Indians have never massacred after victory. For eg we treated the 90000 Pakistani soldiers very well after their humiliating defeat in 1971. No complaint of any ill treatment.

Lol, there were no 93k Pakistani soldiers. Only 50k soldiers....an expeditionary force fighting thousands of miles away from Pakistan mainland and surrounded by hostile population. 93k number included the civil servants of Pak administration as well. Don't confuse yourself.

Secondly, 71 was more of a civil-war between two Muslim groups. Indian army helped one Muslim side (Bengalis) against another Muslim side. I don't really count civil wars for much....but if we go by Indian sources and narrative (which I don't believe btw), even in 71---superior Pakistan military utterly cucked Hindus.

In the Islamic-Hindu context (not just Indo-Pak), 71 war was complete Islamic victory over Hindus. It created a new Muslim-state on world map and decimated Hindus in East Bengal who were living there for 1000+ years.

According to Indian scholars/researchers: 2.47 MILLION Hindus went unaccounted for during 71 war and refugee crisis etc. Pakistan had decided to liberate Bangladesh even before the war began (Henry Kessinger confirms it). But before we did that, we sent in our military and DECIMATED Hindus forever. Hindus went from 22% of Bangladesh to 8% today, largely because of Pakistani military offensive.

Afterwards, 50k Pakistani troops came out unscathed due to Shimla agreement (93k number includes civil administration as well, so inaccurate)----whereby Pakistan even kept the Indian territory it gained as a result of Pakistani victory at Chamb sector offensive.

So all in all: Pakistan decided to give independence to Bangladesh (as confirmed by Henry Kissenger himself). But before we did so, we went in----decimated Hindus in their millions, our military action caused Bangladesh to become 90% Muslim today, we did not pay any price for our strategic military decimation of Hindus, and instead got to keep Indian territory in critical Chamb sector as well.

Sounds like a strategic victory to me, tell me with a straight face its not? :D We decided to give Bangladesh independence on our own and before we did so----we reduced Hindus from 20% to near 10% in a matter of few months via our expeditionary force. You did not even punish a single Pakistani officer for their actions in Bangladesh.

Not only Bangladesh, Pakistan also played a critical role in decimating Soviet Union in Afghan War (the same Soviet Union that helped india in 71 at the UN), and hence bringing 4,000,000 sq km land into Islamic control. Pakistan's this achievement alone is bigger than ANY Hindu achievement geopolitically for past 5000 years. You couldn't even save Hindu monarchy in Nepal (a small country surrounded by you). Communits over-threw Hindu Monarchy in Nepal. Remember? Lol

Its late night here in the US, so lets cut it. I could've literally written a whole thesis on these issues but oh well, I don't need :) Alhamdulillah status quo is beautiful for us as Islam continues to expand globally while Hindutva idiots stay stuck in 15th century without any hope of ever getting ahead in this civilizational struggle being played on the world stage. You have one broken, left-ever, defiled country left and in there too, you folks have declined below 80%. Yeah, good luck
Lhasa will be easily captured by a three pronged attack by 3 divisions.

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