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Food security Bill costs whopping Rs. 1.3 lakh crore to the GOI......

Now only God knows that how much will Free Health care cost to govt.???

Paisa iska baap dega kya c*****???
Dont talk of sanskars..
want to see sanskar of congress party.
a person who represent CONGRESS to media and public
please see
note:adult content

sex in court premise ( that too SC /HC i think ) .............is horrible
and you know they defend that tooo
Abhishek Manu Singhvi CD row: 'Sex with lawyer was consensual' - daily.bhaskar.com

now he is official spokesperson of congress
Abhishek Manu Singhvi is back as Congress spokesperson after CD row | NDTV.com
what an reward for patriotic work and sanskars

and our navy personnel die in reward..
Food security Bill costs whopping Rs. 1.3 lakh crore to the GOI......

Now only God knows that how much will Free Health care cost to govt.???

Paisa iska baap dega kya c*****???
they dont have money for defense of 20kcr (rafael deal, sumarine batteris ) and talking 1.3 lK
some one is in air
they know they dont have to implment it ..so who cares how much it cost

Har Hath Lolipop
@Bhai Zakir
@pursuit of happiness

India's Muslims wary of Narendra Modi - The Times of India

LUCKNOW: Salim Shah was cooking egg and chicken rolls on a dusty side street here when India's most controversial national politician flew to a nearby park in a red helicopter and addressed hundreds of thousands of screaming supporters.

Shah said he and his 12-year-old son, who sliced boiled eggs by Shah's side, were too busy to attend the rally. But when asked how he intended to vote in what many observers believe is the most consequential Indian election since 1977, Shah gave a brief shrug.

Shah is a Muslim; the nearby candidate wasNarendra Modi, a Hindu nationalist whose relationship with Muslims has been fraught; and India is a country long riven by religious divisions.

"I'm inclined to support Modi," Shah said quietly. "It looks like he's going to win, and why waste your vote by voting for someone who is not going to win?"

Shah's simple question could help determine whether India has a government divided among myriad regional power brokers or one dominated by Modi and his right-of-center Bharatiya Janata Party, or BJP.

Modi's trip to Lucknow on Sunday was the final major event of the pre-election season. India's Election Commission is expected to announce this week the date for national elections, which will be held in April and May.

Polls show that Modi is the nation's most popular politician, but that may not be enough for him to win because political power in India is split among a vast collection of regional parties.

If Modi's party can win here in Uttar Pradesh, India's most populous state, he will be likely to have the mandate he needs to become Prime Minister and undertake the wrenching economic overhauls he has said India must undergo to return to the fast economic growth that at one point poised the country as a democratic rival to China. He has visited the state eight times, and he installed his closest aide to oversee his operation here.

There is an old political saying in India that the way to Delhi goes through Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh. From an American point of view, Uttar Pradesh has it all: the electoral heft of a California-Ohio-Michigan combination, the uncertainty of a Florida recount, the political tricks of a South Carolina primary and the stark community divisions of Mississippi.

Disgust with the present government and disappointment with the Gandhi political dynasty are so widespread that Modi comes to the election with a huge advantage. But the scale of his success depends in part on whether he can persuade Muslims like Shah to support his candidacy, a difficult challenge. Muslims make up about 14 percent of the country's population, and they have been a crucial part of the support base of the governing party, Indian National Congress, for years.

Modi was chief minister of Gujarat state in 2002 when riots broke out after a Muslim mob set fire to a train carrying Hindu pilgrims, killing 58. Hindu mobs then attacked Muslim neighborhoods over several days.

More than 1,000 people died, mostly Muslims, and women were raped and children burned alive as the police stood by. Modi was never charged in connection with the riots, but some of his close associates were convicted of inciting violence.

He has been linked with a police assassination squad that mostly targeted Muslims. And he spent much of his career rising through the ranks of a right-wing Hindu social organization tied to deadly attacks on Muslims.

Given this history, many Muslim leaders in India say they will neither forgive nor forget Modi's role in the 2002 Gujarat riots. Shakeel Ahmad, chairman of the Islamic Relief Committee of Gujarat, said Modi's political success resulted from demonizing Muslims.

"Modi survives on hatred," Ahmad said in an interview last year.

Syed Husain Afsar, editor of a Muslim-oriented news website in Lucknow, said few Muslims in Uttar Pradesh would vote for Modi.

"This is an election tactic," Afsar said. "Everyone knows he's not secular."

But Modi has presided over an economy in Gujarat that is among the strongest in India, and he has promised to bring to the rest of the country his economic expertise. Few political observers believe he will win over many Muslims, but his outreach could persuade vital regional leaders, who themselves have large Muslim constituencies, that he is an acceptable partner.

"Modi's campaign has been strikingly devoid of anti-Muslim rhetoric," Ashutosh Varshney, a professor of international studies at Brown University, wrote in an emailed response to questions. "Whether that is a sign of ideological evolution remains unclear, but at the very least it is part of a considered strategic decision."

Top Bharatiya Janata Party officials have even suggested that the party could apologize to Muslims for past actions. In his speech Sunday, Modi pointed out that Gujarati Muslims are so much more prosperous than those in Uttar Pradesh that a far greater share in Gujarat apply to undertake the hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca, an important tenet of the Islamic faith.

"For the BJP," Modi said of his party, "secularism is an article of faith. It is to unite people and bring development."

Modi has become so confident about his overall prospects that he all but ignored his chief national rival, Rahul Gandhi. Instead, he looked out upon a sea of mostly male party enthusiasts clad in orange, a color associated with Hinduism, at a park here. He slyly mocked Mulayam Singh Yadav, a local political leader who has long been a favorite of Muslims. "Neta Ji," he said in a teasing, sing-song voice, using a widely-used nickname for Yadav. Where is your state's electricity, Modi asked, or its desperately needed jobs?

Mohammad Jaffar Ali, a 27-year-old stockbroker who lives in a Muslim enclave in Lucknow, acknowledged hours after the rally that Modi seemed to be a good leader.

"But I think being a good human being is far more important than being a good leader," Ali said. "I'm not voting for him."

A crowd soon gathered around Ali, a common occurrence when politics are discussed here. Among the young men was Karim Jafar, a 25-year-old medical product wholesaler and Muslim, who made a point of saying he was a "an Indian first and a Muslim second."

Jafar said: "I'm young. I don't know much about the past, but I'm hopeful for a good future and I think Modi could help bring that. No leader is perfect. I'm going to vote for Modi and see."

Two-thirds of India's population is younger than 35, and half is younger than 25. Modi's efforts to remake his party into one friendlier toward Muslims could pay dividends with young voters, many of whom were children when the Bharatiya Janata Party undertook some of its most religiously divisive actions.

Modi's call for a more business-friendly government could also lure younger voters, many of whom are leaving school with few job prospects. India's economy must create more than 115 million additional jobs over the next 10 years to accommodate the country's youthful flood, a rate of growth its economy is far from achieving.

Mohammad Shakeel, 44, said he remembered the past too well to support Modi. Standing in front of about 70 caged chickens with fresh chicken blood brightening his shop floor, Shakeel said that he voted in the past for Congress, but this time would vote for a regional party.

"There's some concern, even some fear, about what Modi will do to Muslims if he becomes prime minister," Shakeel said. "We don't forget."
some people try to learn and do mistake...
some never want to learn.. so no mistake..

@Bhai Zakir
@pursuit of happiness

India's Muslims wary of Narendra Modi - The Times of India

LUCKNOW: Salim Shah was cooking egg and chicken rolls on a dusty side street here when India's most controversial national politician flew to a nearby park in a red helicopter and addressed hundreds of thousands of screaming supporters.

Shah said he and his 12-year-old son, who sliced boiled eggs by Shah's side, were too busy to attend the rally. But when asked how he intended to vote in what many observers believe is the most consequential Indian election since 1977, Shah gave a brief shrug.

Shah is a Muslim; the nearby candidate wasNarendra Modi, a Hindu nationalist whose relationship with Muslims has been fraught; and India is a country long riven by religious divisions.

"I'm inclined to support Modi," Shah said quietly. "It looks like he's going to win, and why waste your vote by voting for someone who is not going to win?"

Shah's simple question could help determine whether India has a government divided among myriad regional power brokers or one dominated by Modi and his right-of-center Bharatiya Janata Party, or BJP.

Modi's trip to Lucknow on Sunday was the final major event of the pre-election season. India's Election Commission is expected to announce this week the date for national elections, which will be held in April and May.

Polls show that Modi is the nation's most popular politician, but that may not be enough for him to win because political power in India is split among a vast collection of regional parties.

If Modi's party can win here in Uttar Pradesh, India's most populous state, he will be likely to have the mandate he needs to become Prime Minister and undertake the wrenching economic overhauls he has said India must undergo to return to the fast economic growth that at one point poised the country as a democratic rival to China. He has visited the state eight times, and he installed his closest aide to oversee his operation here.

There is an old political saying in India that the way to Delhi goes through Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh. From an American point of view, Uttar Pradesh has it all: the electoral heft of a California-Ohio-Michigan combination, the uncertainty of a Florida recount, the political tricks of a South Carolina primary and the stark community divisions of Mississippi.

Disgust with the present government and disappointment with the Gandhi political dynasty are so widespread that Modi comes to the election with a huge advantage. But the scale of his success depends in part on whether he can persuade Muslims like Shah to support his candidacy, a difficult challenge. Muslims make up about 14 percent of the country's population, and they have been a crucial part of the support base of the governing party, Indian National Congress, for years.

Modi was chief minister of Gujarat state in 2002 when riots broke out after a Muslim mob set fire to a train carrying Hindu pilgrims, killing 58. Hindu mobs then attacked Muslim neighborhoods over several days.

More than 1,000 people died, mostly Muslims, and women were raped and children burned alive as the police stood by. Modi was never charged in connection with the riots, but some of his close associates were convicted of inciting violence.

He has been linked with a police assassination squad that mostly targeted Muslims. And he spent much of his career rising through the ranks of a right-wing Hindu social organization tied to deadly attacks on Muslims.

Given this history, many Muslim leaders in India say they will neither forgive nor forget Modi's role in the 2002 Gujarat riots. Shakeel Ahmad, chairman of the Islamic Relief Committee of Gujarat, said Modi's political success resulted from demonizing Muslims.

"Modi survives on hatred," Ahmad said in an interview last year.

Syed Husain Afsar, editor of a Muslim-oriented news website in Lucknow, said few Muslims in Uttar Pradesh would vote for Modi.

"This is an election tactic," Afsar said. "Everyone knows he's not secular."

But Modi has presided over an economy in Gujarat that is among the strongest in India, and he has promised to bring to the rest of the country his economic expertise. Few political observers believe he will win over many Muslims, but his outreach could persuade vital regional leaders, who themselves have large Muslim constituencies, that he is an acceptable partner.

"Modi's campaign has been strikingly devoid of anti-Muslim rhetoric," Ashutosh Varshney, a professor of international studies at Brown University, wrote in an emailed response to questions. "Whether that is a sign of ideological evolution remains unclear, but at the very least it is part of a considered strategic decision."

Top Bharatiya Janata Party officials have even suggested that the party could apologize to Muslims for past actions. In his speech Sunday, Modi pointed out that Gujarati Muslims are so much more prosperous than those in Uttar Pradesh that a far greater share in Gujarat apply to undertake the hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca, an important tenet of the Islamic faith.

"For the BJP," Modi said of his party, "secularism is an article of faith. It is to unite people and bring development."

Modi has become so confident about his overall prospects that he all but ignored his chief national rival, Rahul Gandhi. Instead, he looked out upon a sea of mostly male party enthusiasts clad in orange, a color associated with Hinduism, at a park here. He slyly mocked Mulayam Singh Yadav, a local political leader who has long been a favorite of Muslims. "Neta Ji," he said in a teasing, sing-song voice, using a widely-used nickname for Yadav. Where is your state's electricity, Modi asked, or its desperately needed jobs?

Mohammad Jaffar Ali, a 27-year-old stockbroker who lives in a Muslim enclave in Lucknow, acknowledged hours after the rally that Modi seemed to be a good leader.

"But I think being a good human being is far more important than being a good leader," Ali said. "I'm not voting for him."

A crowd soon gathered around Ali, a common occurrence when politics are discussed here. Among the young men was Karim Jafar, a 25-year-old medical product wholesaler and Muslim, who made a point of saying he was a "an Indian first and a Muslim second."

Jafar said: "I'm young. I don't know much about the past, but I'm hopeful for a good future and I think Modi could help bring that. No leader is perfect. I'm going to vote for Modi and see."

Two-thirds of India's population is younger than 35, and half is younger than 25. Modi's efforts to remake his party into one friendlier toward Muslims could pay dividends with young voters, many of whom were children when the Bharatiya Janata Party undertook some of its most religiously divisive actions.

Modi's call for a more business-friendly government could also lure younger voters, many of whom are leaving school with few job prospects. India's economy must create more than 115 million additional jobs over the next 10 years to accommodate the country's youthful flood, a rate of growth its economy is far from achieving.

Mohammad Shakeel, 44, said he remembered the past too well to support Modi. Standing in front of about 70 caged chickens with fresh chicken blood brightening his shop floor, Shakeel said that he voted in the past for Congress, but this time would vote for a regional party.

"There's some concern, even some fear, about what Modi will do to Muslims if he becomes prime minister," Shakeel said. "We don't forget."
Ok .. reported. please next poster of link .. amount will be paid in bitcoins only
@Bhai Zakir
@pursuit of happiness

India's Muslims wary of Narendra Modi - The Times of India

LUCKNOW: Salim Shah was cooking egg and chicken rolls on a dusty side street here when India's most controversial national politician flew to a nearby park in a red helicopter and addressed hundreds of thousands of screaming supporters.

Shah said he and his 12-year-old son, who sliced boiled eggs by Shah's side, were too busy to attend the rally. But when asked how he intended to vote in what many observers believe is the most consequential Indian election since 1977, Shah gave a brief shrug.

Shah is a Muslim; the nearby candidate wasNarendra Modi, a Hindu nationalist whose relationship with Muslims has been fraught; and India is a country long riven by religious divisions.

"I'm inclined to support Modi," Shah said quietly. "It looks like he's going to win, and why waste your vote by voting for someone who is not going to win?"

Shah's simple question could help determine whether India has a government divided among myriad regional power brokers or one dominated by Modi and his right-of-center Bharatiya Janata Party, or BJP.

Modi's trip to Lucknow on Sunday was the final major event of the pre-election season. India's Election Commission is expected to announce this week the date for national elections, which will be held in April and May.

Polls show that Modi is the nation's most popular politician, but that may not be enough for him to win because political power in India is split among a vast collection of regional parties.

If Modi's party can win here in Uttar Pradesh, India's most populous state, he will be likely to have the mandate he needs to become Prime Minister and undertake the wrenching economic overhauls he has said India must undergo to return to the fast economic growth that at one point poised the country as a democratic rival to China. He has visited the state eight times, and he installed his closest aide to oversee his operation here.

There is an old political saying in India that the way to Delhi goes through Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh. From an American point of view, Uttar Pradesh has it all: the electoral heft of a California-Ohio-Michigan combination, the uncertainty of a Florida recount, the political tricks of a South Carolina primary and the stark community divisions of Mississippi.

Disgust with the present government and disappointment with the Gandhi political dynasty are so widespread that Modi comes to the election with a huge advantage. But the scale of his success depends in part on whether he can persuade Muslims like Shah to support his candidacy, a difficult challenge. Muslims make up about 14 percent of the country's population, and they have been a crucial part of the support base of the governing party, Indian National Congress, for years.

Modi was chief minister of Gujarat state in 2002 when riots broke out after a Muslim mob set fire to a train carrying Hindu pilgrims, killing 58. Hindu mobs then attacked Muslim neighborhoods over several days.

More than 1,000 people died, mostly Muslims, and women were raped and children burned alive as the police stood by. Modi was never charged in connection with the riots, but some of his close associates were convicted of inciting violence.

He has been linked with a police assassination squad that mostly targeted Muslims. And he spent much of his career rising through the ranks of a right-wing Hindu social organization tied to deadly attacks on Muslims.

Given this history, many Muslim leaders in India say they will neither forgive nor forget Modi's role in the 2002 Gujarat riots. Shakeel Ahmad, chairman of the Islamic Relief Committee of Gujarat, said Modi's political success resulted from demonizing Muslims.

"Modi survives on hatred," Ahmad said in an interview last year.

Syed Husain Afsar, editor of a Muslim-oriented news website in Lucknow, said few Muslims in Uttar Pradesh would vote for Modi.

"This is an election tactic," Afsar said. "Everyone knows he's not secular."

But Modi has presided over an economy in Gujarat that is among the strongest in India, and he has promised to bring to the rest of the country his economic expertise. Few political observers believe he will win over many Muslims, but his outreach could persuade vital regional leaders, who themselves have large Muslim constituencies, that he is an acceptable partner.

"Modi's campaign has been strikingly devoid of anti-Muslim rhetoric," Ashutosh Varshney, a professor of international studies at Brown University, wrote in an emailed response to questions. "Whether that is a sign of ideological evolution remains unclear, but at the very least it is part of a considered strategic decision."

Top Bharatiya Janata Party officials have even suggested that the party could apologize to Muslims for past actions. In his speech Sunday, Modi pointed out that Gujarati Muslims are so much more prosperous than those in Uttar Pradesh that a far greater share in Gujarat apply to undertake the hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca, an important tenet of the Islamic faith.

"For the BJP," Modi said of his party, "secularism is an article of faith. It is to unite people and bring development."

Modi has become so confident about his overall prospects that he all but ignored his chief national rival, Rahul Gandhi. Instead, he looked out upon a sea of mostly male party enthusiasts clad in orange, a color associated with Hinduism, at a park here. He slyly mocked Mulayam Singh Yadav, a local political leader who has long been a favorite of Muslims. "Neta Ji," he said in a teasing, sing-song voice, using a widely-used nickname for Yadav. Where is your state's electricity, Modi asked, or its desperately needed jobs?

Mohammad Jaffar Ali, a 27-year-old stockbroker who lives in a Muslim enclave in Lucknow, acknowledged hours after the rally that Modi seemed to be a good leader.

"But I think being a good human being is far more important than being a good leader," Ali said. "I'm not voting for him."

A crowd soon gathered around Ali, a common occurrence when politics are discussed here. Among the young men was Karim Jafar, a 25-year-old medical product wholesaler and Muslim, who made a point of saying he was a "an Indian first and a Muslim second."

Jafar said: "I'm young. I don't know much about the past, but I'm hopeful for a good future and I think Modi could help bring that. No leader is perfect. I'm going to vote for Modi and see."

Two-thirds of India's population is younger than 35, and half is younger than 25. Modi's efforts to remake his party into one friendlier toward Muslims could pay dividends with young voters, many of whom were children when the Bharatiya Janata Party undertook some of its most religiously divisive actions.

Modi's call for a more business-friendly government could also lure younger voters, many of whom are leaving school with few job prospects. India's economy must create more than 115 million additional jobs over the next 10 years to accommodate the country's youthful flood, a rate of growth its economy is far from achieving.

Mohammad Shakeel, 44, said he remembered the past too well to support Modi. Standing in front of about 70 caged chickens with fresh chicken blood brightening his shop floor, Shakeel said that he voted in the past for Congress, but this time would vote for a regional party.

"There's some concern, even some fear, about what Modi will do to Muslims if he becomes prime minister," Shakeel said. "We don't forget."
For your information ....
reality.. bad but true... atleast not in delusion

i gave you link of sanskar..
want link for namarata ..?

A fear is inflicted in the mind of Muslim to take their vote without doing anything for Muslims. Since they are illitrate and religious fanatic, it is very easy to misguide them and take their vote.

Mr. Madni rightly said that you do not scare us from Modi. If you need our vote, tell us what you have done for us. He said that I openly blame congress for slaughtering Muslims. He added that I will tell Muslims to vote for BJP. The root of secularism in India is too dip. There is no need to scare from anybody.

Madani destroys Congress' Rahul vs Modi game plan | Firstpost

Jamiat chief lashes out at Congress for fanning fears about Modi - The Times of India

Several Gujarat Congress leaders were involved in 2002 riots: Madani
as per your claim .. you are not true follower of your leader..
you can you be humble/ namra by speaking FEKU for someone..
hee heee
first change start from yourself ..
it seems his party leaders dont listen him or dont consider him as leader
remeber salman kushid NAMRA/humble remajks of "NAPUNSANk/ impotent " to modi?
it was so namra right
Political sparring hits a new low as Salman Khurshid uses "napunsak" for Narendra Modi | Latest News & Updates at DNAIndia.com

Contracdition in polcy and action is trademark of UPA and congres party as whole
Indian hindus are wary of congress too ,but you know they dont count :enjoy:

Main muslim,oppression,give me lollypop,ui maa i want reservation,i want separate law iam secular

hindus are not secular they are not giving us rights to use sharia ,we are secular ,we want sharia :lol:
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