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He is the right guy in the wrong party.High time he joins BJP :enjoy:
I'd rather he stuck it out and lead an opposition party whether that be Congress (without the parasitic Gandhis) or an entirely new party (less likely- see AAP's failure to expand its presence). If the former were to happen I can only hope the Gandhis are forced to remove every link they have with politics for good, I don't want another MMS situation where they are pulling the strings behind the scenes.
I'd rather he stuck it out and lead an opposition party whether that be Congress (without the parasitic Gandhis) or an entirely new party (less likely- see AAP's failure to expand its presence). If the former were to happen I can only hope the Gandhis are forced to remove every link they have with politics for good, I don't want another MMS situation where they are pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Well you're not wrong we need a strong & a constrictive opposition if we ever want to be developed
No joke, Shashi Tharoor should be the Congress's leader and PM candidate. He is perhaps the most articulate and relatable politician in India.
He will never become PM , too many skeletons in his closet. Unfortunately the Indian system is set up to corrupt everyone even those who want to be honest.
As it stands I find the Gandhi family intolerable and by extension the Congress party. How any self-respecting human being can bow down to a single family and worship them to the extent they do is mind-boggling.

Gandhis are powerful only because so many depend on their patronage, if they leave many many other political dynasties will also close down, they will fight tooth and nail to prevent that. Nobody in power wants meritocracy that will be the end of them. That is why they hate Modi, a mere gujju chai walla who dares to take them on.
Well you're not wrong we need a strong & a constrictive opposition if we ever want to be developed
Constructive is the most important point here. For far too long now India's opposition have cast aside national interest for petty politics and this goes for BOTH the BJP and Congress. Whatever opposition exists needs to take their job seriously- to hold the GoI accountable but not take it literally- opposing EVERYTHING the GoI does for the sake of it. How many parliament sessions in a row have we seen scuppered by these dirty antics now?
wow, never realized this country has so many things which should be cleaned up... how do you fight against the judiciary itself ?

I hope they don't go down that road , not without a total political concensus cutting across all parties , else its highly risky

JP had excelent views on this

Jayaprakash Narayan op Twitter: "In US, UK, Canada, Germany, France & other democracies too government is the biggest litigant! But judges are not appointed by judges! 2/3"

Jayaprakash Narayan op Twitter: "The sophistry employed to support unconstitutional elitism is unacceptable. We must clean up politics; we cannot revile & reject it. 3/3"

Jayaprakash Narayan op Twitter: "Independence of judiciary does not mean judges are independent of Constitution! All true democracies have independent judiciary. 1/5"

Jayaprakash Narayan op Twitter: "In all democracies judges are appointed by government &legislature with participation of lay citizens. Judges have no divine rights! 2/5"

Jayaprakash Narayan op Twitter: "By SC's logic, EC, CAG, UPSC, CVC,Lokpal,CBI - all must appoint their own successors to preserve their independence! Why democracy then? 3/5"

Jayaprakash Narayan op Twitter: "We all love to hate politicians. But the answer to dirty politics is not divine institutions; it lies in political reform. 4/5"

Jayaprakash Narayan op Twitter: "Parties abuse & oppose each other recklessly. That gave rise to a culture of revulsion of politics. This climate led to SC verdict.5/5 #NJAC"

Jayaprakash Narayan op Twitter: "22 year old collegium system cannot subvert 65 year-old Constitution in letter and spirit. Parliament must now rise above petty politics.1/3"

Jayaprakash Narayan op Twitter: "War is too important to be left to generals alone. Likewise, judicial appointments are too important to be left to judges alone. 2/3"

Jayaprakash Narayan op Twitter: "As Ambedkar said, if our Constitution fails, it is not because it is a bad Constitution; but because our functionaries have failed it. 3/3"
Death and threat calls to hindus is no news for secular media.

NDA is being written off in Bihar. Any truth to it ?

View attachment 265605

Western media is covering it but our sickular media isn't. It's kinda of expose on Sick media !! May be it's time Arun jaitly is asked to let go one of the ministries. He should focus only on Finances.

Why absolve center of this ?? HM asked for Dadri report but why didn't he asked about Karnatak's murder ?? Even Shiv Sena is not pressing BJP on this.

BJP should rake it up as Indian muslims are colluding with our enemies hence they too are enemies of India. Phuk you Mohandas Karmchand and phuk you Nehru family.
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I hope they don't go down that road , not without a total political concensus cutting across all parties , else its highly risky

JP had excelent views on this

Jayaprakash Narayan op Twitter: "In US, UK, Canada, Germany, France & other democracies too government is the biggest litigant! But judges are not appointed by judges! 2/3"

Jayaprakash Narayan op Twitter: "The sophistry employed to support unconstitutional elitism is unacceptable. We must clean up politics; we cannot revile & reject it. 3/3"

Jayaprakash Narayan op Twitter: "Independence of judiciary does not mean judges are independent of Constitution! All true democracies have independent judiciary. 1/5"

Jayaprakash Narayan op Twitter: "In all democracies judges are appointed by government &legislature with participation of lay citizens. Judges have no divine rights! 2/5"

Jayaprakash Narayan op Twitter: "By SC's logic, EC, CAG, UPSC, CVC,Lokpal,CBI - all must appoint their own successors to preserve their independence! Why democracy then? 3/5"

Jayaprakash Narayan op Twitter: "We all love to hate politicians. But the answer to dirty politics is not divine institutions; it lies in political reform. 4/5"

Jayaprakash Narayan op Twitter: "Parties abuse & oppose each other recklessly. That gave rise to a culture of revulsion of politics. This climate led to SC verdict.5/5 #NJAC"

Jayaprakash Narayan op Twitter: "22 year old collegium system cannot subvert 65 year-old Constitution in letter and spirit. Parliament must now rise above petty politics.1/3"

Jayaprakash Narayan op Twitter: "War is too important to be left to generals alone. Likewise, judicial appointments are too important to be left to judges alone. 2/3"

Jayaprakash Narayan op Twitter: "As Ambedkar said, if our Constitution fails, it is not because it is a bad Constitution; but because our functionaries have failed it. 3/3"

Thank god for the Indomitable JP. :tup:

Truly living up to his name. Like the JayPrakash Narayan of old after who he was named.
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