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Indian Wipro is going to buy an american company

Is this a joke?

While I dont agree with his assumption, the balance has certainly been tilting in the favour of US in the last few years, with the Defence deals being signed by Pres Obama. I remember Obama saying the Defence Deals (worth in Billiond of USD) would give employment to 50,000 people in US. Also, a lot of influential Indian companies have been setting up branches in US too.

Its hard to know exact numbers, and while US (IT companies specifically) do create a lot of jobs in India, I can see the trend becoming equal or even in favour of the USA in the coming few years.

Some supporting links:
Obama India Trip: President Announces $10 Billion In Trade Deals Supporting 50,000 U.S. Jobs
Only the US company employing the candidate's services can do it!Only the US company employing the candidate's services can do it!

That is not entirely true. US companies taken face value of what has been presented to them. But now they are increasingly finding out growing number of frauds, specially from india. Even main steam indian companies are deeply engage in these fraud practices. And as US tighten the screw Infosys and other big indian companies are trying to circumvent increase level of scrutiny by purchasing companies which are directly involved in placing people. So the net change here is instead of getting rid of fraud committed by indian companies in JV fashion, indian companies are bringing the end to end fraud practice in house.
Thats what I said in my post as well. Let me repost the main part.
This is where the fraud issue comes in too admittedly. Some clients want Indian programmers and hence show them as a speciality not available in the US. This cannot be initiated by the Indian company. Only the US company employing the candidate's services can do it!


Paying Indian programmers take less money which implies huge profit for US companies

and unlike Americans, Indian programmers, generally, know "tables", enabling them to do faster calculation

On Topic> another feather in the hat of WIPRO :cheers:
That is not entirely true. US companies taken face value of what has been presented to them. But now they are increasingly finding out growing number of frauds, specially from india. Even main steam indian companies are deeply engage in these fraud practices. And as US tighten the screw Infosys and other big indian companies are trying to circumvent increase level of scrutiny by purchasing companies which are directly involved in placing people. So the net change here is instead of getting rid of fraud committed by indian companies in JV fashion, indian companies are bringing the end to end fraud practice in house.

Not entirely true. An Indian company cannot propose a person for a H1B1 Visa unless their CV is passed by the US company. Admittedly there are cases of fraud. But the US company who hires the H1B1 candidate has to answer to the US regulators. Unless they have a hand in it, it is next to impossible for the fraud to occur.

Back to Indian companies buying US firms to get around it, that's ridiculous.The stocks of Wipro are publicly traded in the US (NYSE). Any move it does in terms of acquisitions is severely scrutinized and it would be next to impossible for them to do such acquisitions without strong business reasons behind it!
Bro - you are missing the game. The goal is to keep a few locals here and bring the Indian graduates. Resulting in lowering American wages with lower salaried Indian workers. Before you know it, ALL consulting and IT companies will be running on cheap $ 35 an hour labor, vs. the $ 65 or $ 90 dollar an hour. I've seen it five times working with CEO's from India that get elected, the first thing they do is to send Americans home (majority at least) and then, it is ALL Indians in EVERY dept.
The goal is India specific and everyone from India supports it. It's to take India to a financial power status. Sad for us Americans that we don't know how to react to it. IT will become an industry (better paying but similar to Construction) where no American would want to work or won't be allowed to survive. This is Indian dominance planning. We LET it happen. Watch for more of these in the future.
As far as EPA, etc. These guys breathe after and throw money first. Plus, there are always lawyers and a few local experts to deal with EPA. The rest of the Indian labor will run this company. Sad but true. Seen it a LOT in my prior corporate experience

is it so?????????????
Don't get me started about IT Indians imported by IBM, Accenture, etc.

I have dealt with dozens over the years and they range from truly outstanding workers to, literally, some manager's relative who used to own a fruit stand. I would rather not write down my opinion of IBM India.

Bottom line, Indians are no smarter or dumber than average Americans; it's just that they work cheaper and/or will put up with crappy work conditions.

And why does America allow this to continue? because of bribery, er lobbying, by big business. This keeps downward pressure on wages and floods the market with workers.

I am not blaming the Indians for taking advantage of the situation: it's capitalism at work, pure and simple.

This is how US MNCs work.
I SOOO expected the false sense of smartness. Bro, I have employees like you and your brethren. And my high school passed me with fine scholarships that then sent me to fine schools and then I became a contributor to my country's economy. I didn't come with false degrees from India, or on false documents where Ram is hired and Sham shows up to work. Nor did I cheat in my exams. Whoever thinks Indians are ALL smart needs some serious medication. Out of 1 Billion, I'd guess that the 10% would be smart right (that's 100 million people) and those are the ones who the United States brings to its country for CHEAP LABOR.
Now let's take another analysis. US's population is 330 million. Out of which, 10% of smart people will be......33 million? Damn, shame on you guys. We've ruled the world since the 1900's with ONLY 20 - 33 million smart people (comparing population sample decades ago till what it is till date). So....you have 999 MILLION smart people per your population size and until 15 years ago (before the Americans brought you here), you guys didn't have a clue as to what life would be in the future had IT not kicked off???? I hope you see the comparison and never bring this up again. Because it is actually embarrassing. Always be thankful for what you were given by the land of the free and the home of the brave!!! You are what you are today because of the jobs my countrymen lost and were given to you for cheap labor!

These are all good. US can charge more from indian companies for fraud.

Lol...hope this hope of yours give you a life. enjoy waiting for these companies to get charged by US.
Thanks to you guys giving us 'the Americans' some jobs. Please return the other 12 million 9 hundred and 40 thousand jobs (out of the 13 million jobs lost in the US). Which were were either sent to India or where workers were replaced by Indians in the US on technical visa or where the Americans were laid off. All during 2004 - 2010!!!

It's amazing what lobby and greed can do. A thank you to our leaders for squashing our economy and driving millions of Americans out of their homes so that the Indian companies can get those $$$ and buy American companies in return!!! Can I be more thankful for the sixty thousand jobs you gave to my country men?
Sir, its your companies who are outsourcing the jobs. I mean its decision of Americans to hire relatively cheaper services from India. Why are you asking India to give back your jobs ?

Better ask your companies and leader you re-elected. When these companies are transferring jobs to India, there are various companies from India providing jobs to Americans. Many US citizens are migrating to India for better job prospect.

Look at the college enrollment from US students. Its declining. Now if a company has to hire from top universities of US, and Indians and Chinese are the ones who are significant in number doing Masters and PhDs, what option US have ? Do you want a better employee to work in your companies which can keep the technological edge you have over the world or give the job to less capable person just for providing jobs to Americans. Look at various contribution made by Indian employees in various Fortune 500 companies.

Its about more job generation not avoiding better candidate to get the job. US has always been the center of attraction of best mind in the world. Why do you want to change it ?
Don't get me started about IT Indians imported by IBM, Accenture, etc.

I have dealt with dozens over the years and they range from truly outstanding workers to, literally, some manager's relative who used to own a fruit stand. I would rather not write down my opinion of IBM India.

Bottom line, Indians are no smarter or dumber than average Americans; it's just that they work cheaper and/or will put up with crappy work conditions.

And why does America allow this to continue? because of bribery, er lobbying, by big business. This keeps downward pressure on wages and floods the market with workers.

I am not blaming the Indians for taking advantage of the situation: it's capitalism at work, pure and simple.
Sir, I can't find a TedTalk video where IBM India has filed almost equal number of patents relative to its US office and were much better than the latter one.

Of course the salary of Indian employees is considerably low while they provide similar service to their employers. Are you saying that instead of going for cheaper labour force, they should hire the ones who cost more ? Its simple business. Even in military tenders, the lowest bidder gets the contract given it meets all the requirements. Its not like Indian companies are prviding inferior service. Its about choice these US companies have. Its all about profit.

Indian scientist worked and was responsible for USB and Intel chips, look at how much money Intel earned. It gave US a robust chip industry and kept it ahead of the world. its about talent these companies want. This appreciation of talent in US is the sole reason its the sole super power of the world.
No it is a fact... in fact even higher paying jobs. Just look at the defense industry just by itself .

If it is a fact you will have no trouble presenting evidence to support your claim.
Sir, I can't find a TedTalk video where IBM India has filed almost equal number of patents relative to its US office and were much better than the latter one.

Of course the salary of Indian employees is considerably low while they provide similar service to their employers. Are you saying that instead of going for cheaper labour force, they should hire the ones who cost more ? Its simple business. Even in military tenders, the lowest bidder gets the contract given it meets all the requirements. Its not like Indian companies are prviding inferior service. Its about choice these US companies have. Its all about profit.

Indian scientist worked and was responsible for USB and Intel chips, look at how much money Intel earned. It gave US a robust chip industry and kept it ahead of the world. its about talent these companies want. This appreciation of talent in US is the sole reason its the sole super power of the world.

I wrote that Indian workers are like American workers: there are superstars, average Joes, and dead-weights. This is contrary to the claim that Indian workers are imported for their superior talents: it's all about price.

You are right that it is capitalism at work, and I already wrote that I don't blame the Indians. If Americans are stupid enough to let relatively well paid, 21st century technology jobs go away, then someone else will grab them. If Indians didn't pick them up, somebody else would.

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