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India's aircraft to face legal action after making emergency landing in Pakistan

Sometimes I wonder if these Indian commercial airlines are fitted with cameras or scanners of any sort while traversing Pakistan`s airspace.
Sometimes I wonder if these Indian commercial airlines are fitted with cameras or scanners of any sort while traversing Pakistan`s airspace.
Highly possible.

Their engines might be failing, windshields getting cracked, pressurisation going pfff but cameras, scanners and sensors must be working great.
RAW seems to be again proving to be highly skilful by installing these sensors on aircraft of three separate airlines. Sensors that can be fitted without any externally visible modification. Very skilful.
Moreover, this appears to be the only way to get the data that these aircraft could be gathering.

Watch out people.
One incident involving India & Pakistan and the thread becomes a flame war. But this time it seems Pakistanis started it.

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