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India's Mars mission to begin its 10-month journey on October 28

^ Holy mother of god. @Lightningbolt

You have way too much time on your hands. That's atleast ten minutes of typing.
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Mars mission has rooted a sense of excitement all over me . I am huge fan of space missions eventhough I am an amateur in its process and working .
I just hope somewhere down the line we come to realise that we are not alone in this universe as mentioned by the popular series of Ancient Aliens . Instead on wasting time and money on useless bullets and missiles each and every country must increase their approach and budget towards space .

October 28 is set to be the next big day for the Indian space programme as the Mangalyaan (or Mars Orbiter) will lift-off from Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh that day using the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle or PSLV.

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is getting ready for the launch of the Rs. 450-crore satellite, which weighs 1350 kg. It will take about 10 months to reach the orbit of Mars traversing a distance of over 400 million kilometres.

“The satellite is in the final stages of testing. We have also got thumbs up from the review committee,” an elated ISRO Chairman K Radhakrishnan told NDTV.
Mr Radhakrishnan says Mangalyaan will carry five Indian scientific instruments to study the atmosphere of the Red Planet, look for traces of Methane which could indicate if life exists on Mars, take colour photos of the planet and analyse the presence of water there.
In 2008, India successfully launched its maiden mission to the moon, Chandrayaan-1, which brought back the first clinching evidence of the presence of water on the lunar surface. Some even suggested that this is really now an Asian space race between India and China – the two regional rivals – on who reaches Mars first.

Other experts suggest that it is not so much the inter-planetary configuration but earth bound geo-political considerations that may be weighing on India’s mind referring to the space rivalry between India and China. “We are not racing with anybody and the Indian Mars mission has its own relevance,” says Mr Radhakrishnan. He, however, admits that there is an element of ‘national pride’ involved with the mission.

Some suggest after the success of Chandrayaan-1, the natural stepping stone for India was to try to reach Mars. Mr Radhakrishnan said, “We had to prepare the spacecraft on a fast-track mode as we had a deadline to meet. Though it is a complex spacecraft, but our people have done it.” He also said that it is a critical mission for the country because after Chandrayaan-1 ISRO is looking to go deeper into the space, on a longer voyage.

India’s Mars mission: Mangalyaan to begin its 10-month journey on October 28 | idrw.org
You are 100% correct!

India has realised there is no way they can catch upto us in manned space, space station and lunar exploration.
So they avoid things we are doing because it will show them up that they are way behind us.

What did they do instead?
They HARD LANDED on the moon for no apparent reason so they can say they did something on the moon before us and falsely claimed that they discovered water on the moon. It's very well known to the world that the Soviet Union found water on the moon decades ago but the west never gave the Soviets any credit due to jealousy.

The Indians have now pretty much abandoned lunar missions and now they want to do something on Mars so they can boast that they did something on Mars before China. It's an inferiority complex of the highest order. It's quite incredible adults in India actually think this way. It just comes across as so desperate. It's quite pathetic when you actually think about it.

These missions are definitely for boosting nationalism/jingoism in India to prove that India is somehow (falsely) ahead of China in space. It's also a message to the world to show India should get the same respect like we get.

While our space program has been well planned and executed in a very clever manner going step up step in a structured way. Our first priority was to put a man into space which will allow us to have a space lab and then build a space station to do experiments that will improve human life by researching and experimenting new things, then our lunar program was started with a couple of lunar probes, next will be a SOFT LANDING (first soft landing since early 1970's) on the moon which will release a rover to explore the moon. Then we will bring back a lunar sample from the moon in our next mission and finally do a manned landing on the moon sometime around 2025.

Indian space program is just to score brownie points both at home and internationally. If the Indian space program was a legitimate program that actually cares about learning new things, then they would not jump from Moon to Mars so quickly without doing anything in either mission, it's just to show to us that India is (falsely) ahead of us.

We do things that will actually benefit us such as manned space and lunar exploration (energy and raw material resources). India is still yet to put a man into space which is the most basic thing in space exploration. They don't even have a satellite navigation system. All Indian projects will be based on future assumptions and not current achievements and considering India is famous for its delays, you guarantee those ambitious goals will not be met on time.

India still behaves like a toddler not just in space but generally. It's a very amateurish country which is why no one takes them very seriously despite all their achievements. The west pats India on the head because India is not a strategic rival of the west and is very obedient of the west.

There goes another Chinese having eaten Vindaloo and now discharging burning hot jealousy.
I am so exited... Best of Luck ISRO. Fly this baby to its destination...
you must be kidding

give me a break! it is a 1960s tech, Chinese universities can work that out without support from the central government.

PSLV, keep this in mind: we don't even have such a highly inefficient rocket in operation, all similar ones retired 20-30 years ago!

and with such advanced technology China still has to take ride of Russian lauch vehicle for its Mars mission which off course failed !!!

Can you bother to tell why China despite its 4 decades advanced technology than India have not made to Mars ahead of India first ???

I guess magnanimous "Grandfatherly" China want "Kid" India to have Mars toy.... !!!

Truth is that India has enough capability that it has planned and embarked Mars mission using own launch vehicle and spacecraft .....Unlike China which wanted free ride over Russian rocket ....

Don't you guys have rocket powerful enough to allow you to take to mars ???

What use is the 'N' number of successful launches of long march .....and n generation of long march if you stil have to seek Russian help !!!

So that means our low efficiency , outdated PSLV ( likes of which you already retired 2-3 decades back ) is better than your Long march ....!!!

Truth is that India is embarking upon mars mission well ahead of China ....!!! No matter how hard and how long you will continue to deny .....
Jealous of a country that can't even put a man into space?

Try harder, much much harder.

Of course, we are trying - albeit - not to put you guys down but to technologically put our nation ahead of capabilities we never thought we were capable of . Unfortunately, you don't and won't see it that way in your collective national egoistic sphere of understanding.
@ AMCA - not being sagely here but let's not discredit the Chinese astronauts and their capabilities. We don't want to sound like them do we? Yes , they went up in space, sent a man in space and using their own vehicles . Let's give credit where it is due. and not be blinded by a tit for tat by their invective against us.

This whole China versus India discussion would not have happened had it not been for one of our own (Indian) member not mentioning this as a dick measuring contest. The fault as forumers for igniting this as a troll-fest is ours to be very fair. The Chinese are just reacting .

It is good to have pride but not when the mission is not even up in the sky yet. Let's be hopeful of a successful launch .

Till then, @ Aeronaut - sahab, jara apni aankh iss thread pe daaliye :)
@ AMCA - not being sagely here but let's not discredit the Chinese astronauts and their capabilities. We don't want to sound like them do we? Yes , they went up in space, sent a man in space and using their own vehicles . Let's give credit where it is due. and not be blinded by a tit for tat by their invective against us.

This whole China versus India discussion would not have happened had it not been for one of our own (Indian) member not mentioning this as a dick measuring contest. The fault as forumers for igniting this as a troll-fest is ours to be very fair. The Chinese are just reacting .

It is good to have pride but not when the mission is not even up in the sky yet. Let's be hopeful of a successful launch .

Till then, @ Aeronaut - sahab, jara apni aankh iss thread pe daaliye :)

You are right dude!! I got a bit too carried away.. Anyways, I personally dont dislike that country, and do cherish a bit in their achievements as well as an Asian. But people here, force me to believe the western media who flooded this news of Chinese landing on water etc etc.
and with such advanced technology China still has to take ride of Russian lauch vehicle for its Mars mission which off course failed !!!

Can you bother to tell why China despite its 4 decades advanced technology than India have not made to Mars ahead of India first ???

I guess magnanimous "Grandfatherly" China want "Kid" India to have Mars toy.... !!!

Truth is that India has enough capability that it has planned and embarked Mars mission using own launch vehicle and spacecraft .....Unlike China which wanted free ride over Russian rocket ....

Don't you guys have rocket powerful enough to allow you to take to mars ???

What use is the 'N' number of successful launches of long march .....and n generation of long march if you stil have to seek Russian help !!!

So that means our low efficiency , outdated PSLV ( likes of which you already retired 2-3 decades back ) is better than your Long march ....!!!

Truth is that India is embarking upon mars mission well ahead of China ....!!! No matter how hard and how long you will continue to deny .....

you go your way with NASA's assistance

The reason why we did not send our Mars probe on our own was the Russians were sending their scientific researches to Mars and we were taking a ride - for space co-operation and saving costs for both!

Mars is not our immediate attention in space exploration!
@ AMCA - not being sagely here but let's not discredit the Chinese astronauts and their capabilities. We don't want to sound like them do we? Yes , they went up in space, sent a man in space and using their own vehicles . Let's give credit where it is due. and not be blinded by a tit for tat by their invective against us.

This whole China versus India discussion would not have happened had it not been for one of our own (Indian) member not mentioning this as a dick measuring contest. The fault as forumers for igniting this as a troll-fest is ours to be very fair. The Chinese are just reacting .

It is good to have pride but not when the mission is not even up in the sky yet. Let's be hopeful of a successful launch .

Till then, @ Aeronaut - sahab, jara apni aankh iss thread pe daaliye :)

if not indian then chinese, false flagger(read pakistani) or bangladeshi
you go your way with NASA's assistance

The reason why we did not send our Mars probe on our own was the Russians were sending theirs scientific researches to Mars and we were taking a ride - for space co-operation and saving costs for both!

Mars is not our immediate urgency in space exploration!

Perhaps the other reason was you didn't want do this own in first time, seeing how numerous mars missions have failed.(Russian have huge experience of conducting Mars missions.)

Right decision

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