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India's Mars mission to begin its 10-month journey on October 28

you go your way with NASA's assistance

The reason why we did not send our Mars probe on our own was the Russians were sending their scientific researches to Mars and we were taking a ride - for space co-operation and saving costs for both!

Mars is not our immediate attention in space exploration!

India have not received any assistance from NASA for your kind information ... !

So you see if Chinese probe to mars failed because of failure of Russian rocket , you are the one to blame for such cost cutting !

China could have used its own rocket instead of Russian rocket if it has capability to do so !

The reason we are embarking upon Mars mission using our own rocket and spacecraft is because we think we are capable enough to accept challenges involved in mars mission ....

Every country has right to decide about its priority ....just as China has right to decide whether mars is not immediate priority we have right to decide whether to undertake mars mission or not !

why anybody should have problem with that ?
you must be kidding

what indians have to have such race with China? they are using their space program to fuel nationalism, that is why they pick this mars mission.

think about it: with 10 shenzhou missions, with a space lab in operation as of writing, with over 1 hundred more launches, with satellite navigation system in operation, what indians have on hand that is remotely comparable? China choose not to put such mars mission on its agenda for a good reason: the gain is not practical.

how about a soft landing on the moon? how about a permanent space station? how about a return mission from the moon?

india is not even capable of sending a man to the space and bring him back safely. india choose the mars mission not for anything else but for nationalism - that is the best mission to fuel "increditible india!" feeling without the requirement to actually develop anything.

look at their plan, a toy satellite launched by PSLV

give me a break! it is a 1960s tech, Chinese universities can work that out without support from the central government.

PSLV, keep this in mind: we don't even have such a highly inefficient rocket in operation, all similar ones retired 20-30 years ago!

I agree that India is backward when we have to do an actual comparison. And maybe or maybe not their mars trip is fuel by nationalism. So let me give you the benefit of the doubt that it is to fuel nationalism or competition. Even if that is the case, so what. They can still only move forward at their own pace and they should be proud of their own achievements. And China and Chinese people should not view it as a competition as there is not a competition. A competition in space exploration is to achieve something new, not to repeat what everyone else had done.

For example, if China's space program advance so much that its able to land a colony on the moon and beat US to it, then its a competition. What is going on between China and India is no competition.
and with such advanced technology China still has to take ride of Russian lauch vehicle for its Mars mission which off course failed !!!

Can you bother to tell why China despite its 4 decades advanced technology than India have not made to Mars ahead of India first ???

I guess magnanimous "Grandfatherly" China want "Kid" India to have Mars toy.... !!!

Truth is that India has enough capability that it has planned and embarked Mars mission using own launch vehicle and spacecraft .....Unlike China which wanted free ride over Russian rocket ....

Don't you guys have rocket powerful enough to allow you to take to mars ???

What use is the 'N' number of successful launches of long march .....and n generation of long march if you stil have to seek Russian help !!!

So that means our low efficiency , outdated PSLV ( likes of which you already retired 2-3 decades back ) is better than your Long march ....!!!

Truth is that India is embarking upon mars mission well ahead of China ....!!! No matter how hard and how long you will continue to deny .....

There should be no competition between the two side. Neither China nor India are blazing new trails for humanity. Both are trying to catch up with their own technology.
There should be no competition between the two side. Neither China nor India are blazing new trails for humanity. Both are trying to catch up with their own technology.

I agree with you . I shall desist from replying to trollers in language they understand . It was not my intention to belittle China's success .
Nasa's has failed to find methane on mars , once superr power india reaches mars, then mars will have methane in abundance
I'm not jealous, I'm happy India is contributing to space development. But when they post BS that they are ahead of us in space then the fangs come out. Space is so large that anything you do can mean a new record or new discovery.
Faithfulguy and Lightningbolt - thank you for giving your other POV in your posts (on page 3) .

To all (all forumers ) - let's keep our differences aside and see this mission as a benefit to whatever we can find from it. It might be a small , untested step but wish us well.

Thank you and let's hope we as general joe publics can see the progress of this mission - AND AGREE - to not troll . Be it Indian, Pakistani or Chinese or Bangladeshi.

Good enough?

Good luck ISRO, make India proud! :happy:

I'm not jealous, I'm happy India is contributing to space development. But when they post BS that they are ahead of us in space then the fangs come out. Space is so large that anything you do can mean a new record or new discovery.

I Agree, but you must admit that for now India is Ahead when it comes to Mars, although China is far Ahead when it comes to capabilities in space overall.:whistle:
Good luck ISRO, make India proud! :happy:

I Agree, but you must admit that for now India is Ahead when it comes to Mars, although China is far Ahead when it comes to capabilities in space overall.:whistle:

So far India had only made an announcement. Until the space craft reaches the mars and be able to settle into its orbit, nothing had happened.
So far India had only made an announcement. Until the space craft reaches the mars and be able to settle into its orbit, nothing had happened.

But they still are several steps ahead in planning and preparing a mission to Mars on their own.
I like the way those Chinese brain washed by their CCP master burn their as$es here in India related threads.

Fact is India can give competition to any country in space. Chandrayaan 1 discovered the water on the moon. Chinese achievements are nil or "0" in this so called space. All the they talk about is a nonsense of how their chinese astronauts flew around earth or made some space walks.

Space walks are a thing of past in 1960 USSR and USA did, mars mission is a future trend.

Copy cat chinese and their boasting about fake stats and inventions :lol:

So you are going your way with Russia's guidance and help then.

you go your way with NASA's assistance

The reason why we did not send our Mars probe on our own was the Russians were sending their scientific researches to Mars and we were taking a ride - for space co-operation and saving costs for both!

Mars is not our immediate attention in space exploration!
Good to know that china will land a craft on mars
I was just asking that which craft from India or China will reach Mars first not land
& if we succed in this mission will we be able to beat the Chinese

All the best to the Chinese to land their craft on moon & for their space program :china:

Apollo 13 program to land in Moon is a hoax. USA is not even ready to land man there even today. Do not expect any other country to beat America in that competition.

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