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India's Olympic team served 'rotten' food

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Wow as I though you fancy yourself comparing with USA

the US is both our mentor and competitor; and additionally a target as you said but not a "fancy". We are also their mentor in certain sports we are the best at.

Pakistanis tried to diss India from the start of this thread but Aryan B came up with the numbers game.

you indians call for it. starting from the OP insertion of TOI's bragging you are "an otherwise Olympic super power"! Tell you people to get a qualification ticket first before entering into the first rounds of Olympic competitions and even before you brag about a "super power"
Let me bring in your high IQ population-medal calculation formula here.

Total medals won by USA in 2008=110

US population is about 4x smaller than China

So China's tally should be 110 x 4= 440..What China actually got =100.

So you are short by 340 medals in 2008..Try harder next time.

What an utterly ridiculous analysis

I don't think there are 440 events in the Olympics and you expect China to win 440 Gold Medals?:lol:
you indians call for it. starting from the OP insertion of TOI's bragging you are "an otherwise Olympic super power"! Tell you people to get a qualification ticket first before entering into the first rounds of Olympic competitions before you brag about a "super power"
KID who said India is Olympic Super Power ... Stop crying answer toi post #121...
sir i dont think the food was rotten. the fruit which they make juice was rotten(over ripe).

They create such news to get more funding for atheletes. thats good. :tup:
What an utterly ridiculous analysis

I don't think there are 440 events in the Olympics and you expect China to win 440 Gold Medals?:lol:
Similarly do U expect India to win 8 Cricket world Cups... :rofl:
This is one of them :D
Should i Post Yurajs 6 sixes in Six balls video ... whats the Point...

go and find wherever that exhibits the list of olympic medals and from there track down Pakistan's achievement in no of medals!
U r the one who where making Tall claims about pakistan ... now u provide the Link... or expect ur defeat & Go to Sleep...
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Similarly do U expect India to win 8 Cricket world Cups... :rofl:

Well from all the countries participating in the Cricket World Cup, India has the largest population.

But who am I kidding?

The population equation doesn't apply to India.

1.2 Billion Indians are being helped by 6 million Israelis to develop weapons.

And India dreams of being a super-power.

That is like an elephant asking a flea for help :lol:
The meat in China is so infected with chemicals (which are banned by IOC) that Chinese athletes have stopped eating meat (Beef) for last one and a half year. Chinese posting an article which talk about poor kitchen standard in India for Olympic athletes (who are at least served with hot cooked food which may be healthy after thorough Indian way of cooking/boiling) should care about their full of industrial Chemical infested food they serve to their nation and athletes.

Few Chini players were banned when found with those chemical they ingested with dirty Chinese meat.


The meat athletes eat can get them branded as cheats|Sports|chinadaily.com.cn


When they tried to find a purveyor who can supply them meat without banned Chemical they were not able to find a single of them in whole China. What a Shame.

Now soup power Chinese trolls can eat their key board on getting exposed badly and helpless where in India we be able to improve after this news on kitchen cleanness.

I wonder from where these Chinese get so much of hyperbole venom against other nations, I think it is some thing to do with Chemicals they eat. There was a Chini who was debating with me about superiority of beef they eat as compare to desi ghee we use, he can eat all the beef he can infested with dirty swamp Chinese Chemicals they have in their beef and food chain.

Well from all the countries participating in the Cricket World Cup, India has the largest population.

But who am I kidding?

The population equation doesn't apply to India.

1.2 Billion Indians are being helped by 6 million Israelis to develop weapons.

And India dreams of being a super-power.

That is like an elephant asking a flea for help :lol:
& That Dreams that keeps US going on making improvement every year... expanding our Economy every year... But the way Pakistan is Going i can imagine what dream u people r seeing about ur Country ...

& another fact India launches Satellite for Israel ... thats called Co-operation which u never have understood... U always wanna be a Liability on ur partner ... So now a Days u dont have Buyer ...
Should i Post Yurajs 6 sixes in Six balls video ... whats the Point...

U r the one who where making Tall claims about pakistan ... now u provide the Link... or expect ur defeat & Go to Sleep...

I am hitting you guys back @ #89 wherein the deduction shows india is inferior to Pakistani sports at world level.
i wholly agree with this. that is why 90% of the nations in the india commonwealth games opted out of it.
Dont exaggerate the Figure... if u r so sure Back ur Claim ... & i saw a open Fight within Pakistani Athletes & the Manager for who will lead the Country in the CWG event ... That was indeed a tragic & a Shameful incidence ...

Here is the difference between China and India:

A Drive down Shanghai:

A Drive down Mumbai:
I guess u dont have the Country of ur Own that ur Comparing India with China... Should i Compare Pakistan with ur Arab brother Saudis ...

I am hitting you guys back @ #89 wherein the deduction shows india is inferior to Pakistani sports at world level.
ohh that Post make me think again if ur mentally fit for debate ...
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