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India's Orwellian drift

Yes, the Indian Muslims were killed by Hindu mobs in Malegaon, Ahmedabad, Ayodhya, Bhagalpur, Hyderabad and in other massacres as well. Indian Hindus don't need to compete with Indian Muslims, as the Indian states ensure that the Indian Muslims are systematically discriminated and underrepresented on every level and field of life, just because they are Muslims.
Yes, the Indian Muslims were killed by Hindu mobs in Malegaon, Ahmedabad, Ayodhya, Bhagalpur, Hyderabad and in other massacres as well. Indian Hindus don't need to compete with Indian Muslims, as the Indian states ensure that the Indian Muslims are systematically discriminated and underrepresented on every level and field of life, just because they are Muslims.

there is no discrimination from govt side..if there is it's against hindus in the name of minority religion quota.muslims are not in jobs/poor because of low education level and many other reasons.
there is no discrimination from govt side..if there is it's against hindus in the name of minority religion quota.muslims are not in jobs/poor because of low education level and many other reasons.

Then why does the Sachar Report say otherwise? Muslims have a lower education than the national average in India, but only a few percentages (6% lower than the national average. India's national average: 65% Indian Muslims average: 59%. Pakistan's national average: 54% ). Yet, they are underrepresented by more than 20-25 times on an average in every field of life. Indian Muslims have higher educational levels than Pakistani Muslims on a whole, yet they are in a worse condition than Dalits. Why?
Then why does the Sachar Report say otherwise?
though sachar report is not the final and ultimate thing.it says..
"In the field of literacy the Committee has found that the rate among Muslims is very much below than the national average. The gap between Muslims and the general average is greater in urban areas and women . 25 per cent of children of Muslim parents in the 6 -14 year age group have either never attended school or have dropped out ."
though sachar report is not the final and ultimate thing.it says..
"In the field of literacy the Committee has found that the rate among Muslims is very much below than the national average. The gap between Muslims and the general average is greater in urban areas and women . 25 per cent of children of Muslim parents in the 6 -14 year age group have either never attended school or have dropped out ."

Read my edited post # 33
Read my edited post # 33

i am not good with calculation but i guess in national average muslims also are included(i may be wrong) which brings down the national average.i mean if you take non muslims only their education level would be more than 65%.
the report says in higher education only there are only 4% of muslims compared to 7% national average.for a job higher education is what matters.
i am not good with calculation

I guess you're not, because you clearly cannot distinguish between a 7%-10% difference, and a 20-25x times underrepresentation.
i am not good with calculation

I guess you're not, because you clearly cannot distinguish between a 7%-10% difference, to a 20-25x times underrepresentation.

good that now it's 7% to 10% now.

what do you say about higher education levelcomparison ?
good that now it's 7% to 10% now.

what do you say about higher education levelcomparison ?

Yes, because the Indian Muslims at 59% drag back the national average of 65%, so 7-10% educational level differences between Indian Muslims and Indian non-Muslims is a fair estimate. You have to be good with calculation to know that.
Yes, because the Indian Muslims at 59% drag back the national average of 65%, so 7-10% educational level differences between Indian Muslims and Indian non-Muslims is a fair estimate. You have to be good with calculation to know that.

i mentioned it because your 33rd post simply mentioned it as only 6% percentage difference and yet 20% -25% difference in jobs.
the difference in higher education level pretty much explains 20%-25% difference.
The lack of representation of the Indian Muslims is reflected in every field of life:

In rural areas: 94.9% of Muslims living below poverty line fail to receive free food grain.

Only 3.2% of Muslims get subsidized loans,

Only 2.1% of Muslim farmers have tractors, while just 1% own hand pumps.

54.6% of Muslims in villages and 60% in urban areas have never been to schools. In rural areas, only 0.8% of Muslims are graduates, while in urban areas despite 40% of the Muslims receiving modern education only 3.1% are graduates. Only 1.2% of Muslims are post-graduates in urban areas.

While West Bengal has 25% Muslim population, only 4.2% are employed in state services. In Assam , with a 40% Muslim population, only 11.2% are in government employment. Kerala has 20% Muslims, but only 10.4% of government employees are Muslim.

A better picture is projected by data collected in Karnataka, where against Muslim population of 12.2%, 8.5% are employed in government services. While in Gujarat, of the 9.1% Muslim population, 5.4% are in state jobs , in Tamil Nadu, against a 5.6% Muslim population, 3.2% are employed in government.

Though West Bengal is known as a political bastion of the left bloc, the ones who have always spoken strongly against parties entertaining communal bias, the state has zero% Muslims in state PSUs. While Kerala has 9.5% in state PSUs, Maharashtra has only 1.9%.

Though the Sachar committee was not able to secure data regarding the presence of Muslims in the armed forces, it is fairly well-known that their percentage here is not more than three.

Muslims form only 10.6% of the population in Maharashtra , but 32.4% of the prison inmates here are Muslims. In New Delhi , 27.9 % of inmates are Muslims, though they form only 11.7% of the population here. While in Gujarat , Muslims form 25.1% of the ones imprisoned, they form 9.1% of the population. In Karnataka, Muslims form 12.23% of populace and 17.5% of those imprisoned.

So many numbers are thrown here, I would love if you can provide some sources for this data. There is no religious quota system in India so muslims do not have affirmative action/reservation. The whole point is poor muslims have stayed back in India, those 25% muslim populations in Bengal, God only know how many jumped the fence and 40% in Assam is incredulous.

Being muslim is not cause of their under-representation, being poor is, so thank you for loving muslims so much I think Pakistani muslims need some help, you may focus on them first after having a standard of income twice that of India, your helping hand for Indian muslims will be accepted whole-heartedly.
So many numbers are thrown here, I would love if you can provide some sources for this data. There is no religious quota system in India so muslims do not have affirmative action/reservation. The whole point is poor muslims have stayed back in India, those 25% muslim populations in Bengal, God only know how many jumped the fence and 40% in Assam is incredulous.

Being muslim is not cause of their under-representation, being poor is, so thank you for loving muslims so much I think Pakistani muslims need some help, you may focus on them first after having a standard of income twice that of India, your helping hand for Indian muslims will be accepted whole-heartedly.

These are all quoted from the Sachar Report. You have to read it if you really want to know.
i mentioned it because your 33rd post simply mentioned it as only 6% percentage difference and yet 20% -25% difference in jobs.
the difference in higher education level pretty much explains 20%-25% difference.

The difference of underrepresentation is still too significant, even considering the difference of educational levels between Indian Muslims and other communities. You have to be decent at Math to understand that. I'll give you a certain example:

While West Bengal has 25% Muslim population, only 4.2% are employed in state services. Even if the Muslims of West Bengal are slightly less educated than other communities, the underrepresentation at the state level is still too significant.

West Bengal: 25/4.2 = 5.95 or (595% underrepresentation)

In West Bengal, 62% of Muslims are educated. The national average of India is 65%. Even if the average education % of non-Muslim Indians in West Bengal was 70-75%, the Muslims are still heavily discriminated against, which results in the extreme underrepresentation. I hope you understand the statistics. Otherwise, I'll have to bombard you with more calculations.
The difference of underrepresentation is still too significant, even considering the difference of educational levels between Indian Muslims and other communities. You have to be decent at Math to understand that. I'll give you a certain example:

While West Bengal has 25% Muslim population, only 4.2% are employed in state services. Even if the Muslims of West Bengal are slightly less educated than other communities, the underrepresentation at the state level is still too significant.

West Bengal: 25/4.2 = 5.95 or (595% underrepresentation)

In West Bengal, 62% of Muslims are educated. The national average of India is 65%. Even if the average education % of non-Muslim Indians in West Bengal was 70-75%, the Muslims are still heavily discriminated against, which results in the extreme underrepresentation. I hope you understand the statistics. Otherwise, I'll have to bombard you with more calculations.
in over all other communities are double in percentage so that is more than enough to explain lesser representation in jobs.
Sikhs account for 3 % of the Population yet comprise 13 % of the Armed forces. Jains and Parsis account for less than 1 .5 % of the total population, yet are some of the wealthiest communities in India .One of the quote from the President of Jain Community said below . Though the Jains form only 0 .42 % of the population of India , their contribution to the exchequer by way of income tax is an astounding 24 % of the total tax collected .
if you take specific cases like benga, l a bengali can answer you better..but after Sachhar report most of Muslims in West Bengal have been added to OBC list .
The conclusions of the Sachar Report disagree with you. It concludes that the Muslims have been discriminated systematically from every field of life, which is the result of their underdevelopment, not because they don't want to progress. It's like saying that it's the fault of a rape victim that they got raped. Sad by the Indian mentality against their own countrymen.

1) Dismantle and banish the Dar Ul Uloom Deoband

2) Scrap the minority status of the Aligarh Muslim University

3) Revoke the Minority Status of the Jami Milia Islamia

4) Ban all Madrasa-based religious education.

Mr. Rajinder Sachar would be overwhelmed and the Muslims would thank all of us.

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