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Indo-Pak war of words over Kashmir at UN


Nov 16, 2010
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India, Pak trapped in war of words over Kashmir at UN.


NEW DELHI: India and Pakistan engaged in an ugly war of words at the UN General Assembly (UNGA) on Monday, underscoring how the two countries remain trapped in their rhetoric on Jammu & Kashmir.

It all started when foreign minister S M Krishna added an extra paragraph to his UN speech during the general debate on Monday, joining issue with Pakistani president Asif Ali Zardari's contention that Jammu & Kashmir was a sign of UN "failure". In his address to the UNGA last week, Zardari, flogged old UN resolutions to dispute India's claim over J&K, something akin to waving a red rag at India.

On Monday, Krishna termed Zardari's reference to UN resolutions on Kashmir as "unwarranted", asserting that J&K was an "integral part of India". Pakistan, determined not to let this go without a retort, gave a rejoinder, also known as a "right-of-reply" (ROR) in diplomatic parlance. A bristling India came up with its own rejoinder. Not to be outdone, Pakistan refused to let the UN close for the day without registering its second ROR. The battle boiled down to one thing: India saying "Kashmir is ours" and Pakistan retorting, "It's not".

The high-voltage exchange between India and Pakistan at UNGA was in sharp contrast to the reconciliatory tone of foreign minister S M Krishna's visit to Islamabad last month. Then, he had expressed satisfaction with Pakistan and its actions.

Then, the sides had said, "The ministers held discussions on the issue of Jammu and Kashmir and agreed to the need for continued discussions, in a purposeful and forward looking manner, with a view to finding a peaceful solution by narrowing divergences and building convergences."

That bonhomie, however, was thrown to the winds at the UNGA. :tup:

After Krishna's speech on Monday taking exception to Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari's reference to J&K, the Pakistan mission sent in an ROR (right of reply) by deputy ambassador Raza Bashir Tarar, who said, "The reference to the Jammu & Kashmir dispute in the President of Pakistan's statement was not unwarranted. Let me also make it absolutely clear that Jammu & Kashmir is neither an integral part of India and nor has it ever been." <---(LOL)

Vinay Kumar of the Indian mission responded, "...Jammu & Kashmir, which is and has always been an integral part of India. It is ironical that these comments have been made by a country which is persisting with its illegal occupation of a part of the Indian state of Jammu & Kashmir. These references constitute a clear interference in the internal affairs of India." :tup:

The Pakistanis responded again to Kumar's assertion. "Mr. President, the disputed status of Jammu & Kashmir is established by UN Security Council resolutions and agreed upon by both Pakistan and India. Characterization of Jammu & Kashmir or any part of its territory as part of India is, therefore, untenable. The people of Jammu & Kashmir have yet to exercise their inalienable right of self-determination."

Indians, however, were determined to get in the last word. "The people of Jammu & Kashmir have peacefully chosen their destiny in accordance with democratic practices and they continue to do so. We, therefore, reject in their entirety the untenable comments from the distinguished delegate of Pakistan," said India as a weary UN closed for the night. ;)

India, Pak trapped in war of words over Kashmir at UN - The Times of India

By the way, We didn't started it! But we surely ended it with our stated position!

Good reply by, Vinay kumar for these unwarranted comments on our Integral part. :)
Didn't expect Zardari to rake up Kashmir at UNGA: SM Krishna.

United Nations: India on Tuesday said it did not expect Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari to rake up the Kashmir issue at the UN General Assembly, affirming that the state is its integral part.

"I did not expect that President Zardari would make a reference to Kashmir and once a reference from Pakistan at the highest level in the UN is made, then it is certainly the responsibility of India to state its stated position," External Affairs Minister SM Krishna told PTI here.

His comments came as Pakistan, reacting to Krishna's reference to Kashmir in his UNGA address, claimed that Jammu and Kashmir had never been an integral part of India and said Zardari's statement on the issue was "not unwarranted".

Krishna, in his address to the 193-member General Assembly, had said that "an unwarranted" reference to Jammu and Kashmir was made from the UN podium. "... We wish to make it abundantly clear that Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India," he had said in his address.

Krishna today said his remark on Kashmir should be read in the right sequence.

"Read this (reference to Kashmir) in the sequence in which it emerges," he said, adding he had to respond to Zardari's speech.

Krishna added that he had not said anything new regarding Kashmir in his UNGA address.

"This is the position which India has taken over decades so I reiterated that position so that it would be some kind of response to what the President of Pakistan told this General Assembly," he said, adding that "nothing more" needs to be read to the statements on the issue either from him or Zardari.

When asked whether the issue of Kashmir being raked up at international fora like the UN could be an irritant to efforts being made by the two countries to normalise their ties, Krishna said, "We will continue our dialogue with Pakistan and the road map has been drawn and we will try to stick to the road map and let us see how it goes."


Didn`t expect Zardari to rake up Kashmir at UNGA: SM Krishna
Yar .... politically lagi padi hai Zaddu miyaan ki...agar Kashmir Kashmir shor machayainge to sare islamic parties unke peeche chal gainge.....

Samjha karo bhai...Kusri ka sawaal hai...

We all know elections are near in pakistan thats why this drama! But still these types of expected rants in UN won't serve any good in the ongoing peace process between the two nations in fact it might even take it down southwards if escalated further. Which is not good.
Kashmiris don't accept themselves as Indians and even identify their own addresses with OIK in the end. This is what matters the most. We know India is not accepting Kashmiri's and Pakistan's stance at the moment but Indians had not accepted British rule either and resisted and fought for 90 years to get liberated. What makes India think that by denying reality and occupying Kashmiris land with force, it will make Kashmir as "integral" part of India? :)

Not to forget what Kashmir means to Pakistan as K in Pakistan stands for Kashmir. :pakistan:
Kashmiris don't accept themselves as Indians and even identify their own addresses with OIK in the end. This is what matters the most. We know India is not accepting Kashmiri's and Pakistan's stance at the moment but Indians had not accepted British rule either and resisted and fought for 90 years to get liberated. What makes India think that by denying reality and occupying Kashmiris land with force, it will make Kashmir as "integral" part of India? :)

Not to forget what Kashmir means to Pakistan as K in Pakistan stands for Kashmir. :pakistan:

Dost..what would you say to the plight of people of baluchistan & their struggle for freedom from your dominion. whats your point on their demand of plebiscite.. lets face it..
Kashmiris don't accept themselves as Indians and even identify their own addresses with OIK in the end. This is what matters the most. We know India is not accepting Kashmiri's and Pakistan's stance at the moment but Indians had not accepted British rule either and resisted and fought for 90 years to get liberated. What makes India think that by denying reality and occupying Kashmiris land with force, it will make Kashmir as "integral" part of India? :)

Not to forget what Kashmir means to Pakistan as K in Pakistan stands for Kashmir. :pakistan:

You can add even USA in paksitan :lol: or make smthng else...
and paksitan had earlier bangladesh and now ppl saying same about baluchistan :) ...

so jo hai usko sambhal lo janab ...
Kashmiris don't accept themselves as Indians and even identify their own addresses with OIK in the end. This is what matters the most. We know India is not accepting Kashmiri's and Pakistan's stance at the moment but Indians had not accepted British rule either and resisted and fought for 90 years to get liberated. What makes India think that by denying reality and occupying Kashmiris land with force, it will make Kashmir as "integral" part of India? :)

Not to forget what Kashmir means to Pakistan as K in Pakistan stands for Kashmir. :pakistan:

Who cares what K in Pakistan stands for... ? And the Kashmiris who do not consider themselves as Indians are more than welcome to cross over the border into the land of pure.. We will even give them snacks for the journey.. But they should remember that its a one way journey.. the kind of snacks they will get if they try to make it back across the border will be of the iron kind ;)
Kashmiris don't accept themselves as Indians and even identify their own addresses with OIK in the end. This is what matters the most. We know India is not accepting Kashmiri's and Pakistan's stance at the moment but Indians had not accepted British rule either and resisted and fought for 90 years to get liberated. What makes India think that by denying reality and occupying Kashmiris land with force, it will make Kashmir as "integral" part of India? :)

Not to forget what Kashmir means to Pakistan as K in Pakistan stands for Kashmir. :pakistan:

Ok now rename your country a Paistan because Kashmir was is and will be part of India.
Kashmiris don't accept themselves as Indians and even identify their own addresses with OIK in the end. This is what matters the most. We know India is not accepting Kashmiri's and Pakistan's stance at the moment but Indians had not accepted British rule either and resisted and fought for 90 years to get liberated. What makes India think that by denying reality and occupying Kashmiris land with force, it will make Kashmir as "integral" part of India? :)

Not to forget what Kashmir means to Pakistan as K in Pakistan stands for Kashmir. :pakistan:

Really?? Now i know why East Bengal or Present day Bangladesh got separated from Pakistan in 1971, b'coz Pakistan has place/letters for regions/territories of other nations in it's name but it doesn't have a place/letters for it's own regions or territories, like for eg. no E or B for East Bengal.
Kashmiris don't accept themselves as Indians and even identify their own addresses with OIK in the end. This is what matters the most. We know India is not accepting Kashmiri's and Pakistan's stance at the moment but Indians had not accepted British rule either and resisted and fought for 90 years to get liberated. What makes India think that by denying reality and occupying Kashmiris land with force, it will make Kashmir as "integral" part of India? :)

Not to forget what Kashmir means to Pakistan as K in Pakistan stands for Kashmir. :pakistan:

By your logic...

I- "Indeed did your sky daddy tell you that?"
N -"No we insist, keep touching yourself to that idea you delusional creampoof".
D- "Dammit, please do keep focusing your inexhaustible misguided attempt at providing attention to another country's internal matter under the laughable guise of 'religious brotherhood' "
I - In any case, did Zaid Hamid also help you form that opinion?
A- As always have a good night's wet dream, from the people of India (Kashmir included)"
Really?? Now i know why East Bengal or Present day Bangladesh got separated from Pakistan in 1971, b'coz Pakistan has place/letters for regions/territories of other nations in it's name but it doesn't have a place/letters for it's own regions or territories, like for eg. no E or B for East Bengal.
Just to give you an idea even Balochistan starts with letter "B"........................:D

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