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Iran attacked US drone a week ago


The drone was likely somewhere along that red line. The blue circle indicates where the United States bases its Fifth Fleet.

Well played U.S,well played
If this was the intent then it has backfired/failed. The US let Iran know through official channels that we would continue sending drones patrolling the area and would defend our assets.

If USA is looking to go MAD, it doesn't need a reason for that - but - if USA thinks it needs to think then they got to think twice after that.
What's with all the huffs and puffs?

Remember last time,in RQ-170 incident,US claimed it never entered Iran's air space?But after a few days,it was revealed that the drone was 200 kilometers inside Iran and few day after,Obama said,'Please give our drone back'.
What makes you think US is not lying like last time?I mean you have a great history in manipulating facts.

If Iran wanted to shoot it down,it would do it,it's the easiest air force task to shoot such thing down.And don't forget,Iranian pilots are the same ones who had 5 to 1 kill ratio in air combats during Iran-Iraq war,we ain't no rookies.
Sure...You guys go on believing your own delusions.

First...It was 'hacking', then the US got scared so no drones have been flying since then, so goes the logic, now we found out of an attempted air combat by Iranian pilots against a drone and failed, it was because of Iranian magnanimity. :lol:

How about the drone operator spilled his hot coffee and wiggled the wings a bit and the Iranian pilots thought a real fight was going to happen so they bailed?
Here is an idea its been reported there were two aircraft but as far as I make out only one fired on the drone, what if the second aircraft had some type of electronics pod for recording data emissions and Iran was testing to see if when a drone is in danger or close proximity do any special admissions start to be transmitted such data might be handy later for using to try and jam or connect to the drone through those emergency channels. I think we were probably testing the drone's reaction.


If it were inside Iranian air teritory, it would of been shot down, and with territorial claims over certain islands within the Persian Gulf, then it depends on what the Iranian's perceive as their territory.

maybe the drone were inside Iranian air territory but when the fighters come to chase it returns back to the international water and they just firing warning shots and show We are keeping an eye on you.

I imagine the drone was equipped with some sort of stand-off recce equipment looking into or testing the Iranian response from electronic systems and recording it in real time. The fact that these were Guard Aircraft and not IRIAF, SU-25's instead of Tucano's, and actually opening up on the drone with the intention of missing, is a message to the US that they are deadly serious in standing up for themselves and they are becoming pretty pissed off with these Recce flights.
Sure...You guys go on believing your own delusions.

First...It was 'hacking', then the US got scared so no drones have been flying since then, so goes the logic, now we found out of an attempted air combat by Iranian pilots against a drone and failed, it was because of Iranian magnanimity. :lol:

How about the drone operator spilled his hot coffee and wiggled the wings a bit and the Iranian pilots thought a real fight was going to happen so they bailed?

Shoots did what they were suppose to do tell the Americans back off we are watching you.
"An Iranian Su-25 fighter jet pursued the U.S. drone as it retreated from Iranian airspace, the spokesman said."

Iran warplane fired at U.S. drone in early November - The Washington Post

Pentagon spokesman is confused himself, whether UAV violated Iranian airspace or not :azn:

After reading various reports, both US and Iranian, my interpretation is: UAV was spying on Iran and entered its airspace, but since borders arent clearly defined in that area between Iraq, Kuwait and Iran, US simply decided to claim it havent violated the Iranian border. In that case, its weird US would mention exact distance from the border, which isnt defined.

Iranian SU-25 fired several rounds to shoo drone away. Maybe they didnt wanted to shoot it down, not to escalate situation further, as negotiations will be resumed soon.
"An Iranian Su-25 fighter jet pursued the U.S. drone as it retreated from Iranian airspace, the spokesman said."

Iran warplane fired at U.S. drone in early November - The Washington Post

Pentagon spokesman is confused himself, whether UAV violated Iranian airspace or not :azn:

After reading various reports, both US and Iranian, my interpretation is: UAV was spying on Iran and entered its airspace, but since borders arent clearly defined in that area between Iraq, Kuwait and Iran, US simply decided to claim it havent violated the Iranian border. In that case, its weird US would mention exact distance from the border, which isnt defined.

Iranian SU-25 fired several rounds to shoo drone away. Maybe they didnt wanted to shoot it down, not to escalate situation further, as negotiations will be resumed soon.

My interpretation was this...

An Iranian warplane opened fire on an unarmed U.S. military drone conducting surveillance near Iranian airspace Nov. 1, the Pentagon said Thursday, the first such incident over the Persian Gulf and one that is all but certain to draw attention to Washington’s use of unmanned aircraft.

So my interpretation is that the Iranians assumed that the international part of the area is claimed by the Iranians and they attempted to shoot it down. Don't know if the Iranians claim territory beyond 16 miles from shoreline.
My interpretation was this...

An Iranian warplane opened fire on an unarmed U.S. military drone conducting surveillance near Iranian airspace Nov. 1, the Pentagon said Thursday, the first such incident over the Persian Gulf and one that is all but certain to draw attention to Washington’s use of unmanned aircraft.

So my interpretation is that the Iranians assumed that the international part of the area is claimed by the Iranians and they attempted to shoot it down. Don't know if the Iranians claim territory beyond 16 miles from shoreline.

Imagine the US response to an Iranian drone operating in international Gulf of Mexico waters off of Florida.
If missiles were fired, then it was of radar intercept, not likely visual range, and if the missiles (assuming plural) missed, then my guess is that it was a combination of the drone's small size and low end missile technology that resulted in the misses.

If guns were used, then it was within visual range, and if they missed, then YE GADS...!!! WHAT KIND OF GUNNERY TRAINING DID THE PILOTS HAVE...!?!?

I seriously doubt they sucked but they could have just been trying to scare it off. Downing a US war bird will likely fuel calls to attack Iran.

Pakistan downed the Indian/Israeli Searcher II using an AIM-9L Sidewinder by an F-16, when it flew over Lahore. However that was primarily because it was a night time kill, looking and shooting was proving tough as a Mirage III tried to intercept it at first and was not successful. They are difficult to spot, but shouldn't be missed after a lock - TWICE.

We won't know until there's more details out about the encounter outed.

But yeah, it will go some distance to show what the Iranians fielded and what they are capable to do in terms of defence.
Well its the Persian Gulf, guess they assume that its already in Iranian airspace the moment it flew over it.

These are standard excuses once you get away with it. An unmanned spy plane is there to spy and more than likely always sent into enemy airspace to get the best readings/pictures. If it gets away "See we were not there, ever". If its shot down "Oh it was shot down in international air space and the winds blew them into Iran"... Or like in the case of the stealth drone - "The Iranians flew into our territory picked up the debris and took it with them".

The spying side could potentially never admit its fault.
"An Iranian Su-25 fighter jet pursued the U.S. drone as it retreated from Iranian airspace, the spokesman said."

Iran warplane fired at U.S. drone in early November - The Washington Post

Pentagon spokesman is confused himself, whether UAV violated Iranian airspace or not :azn:

After reading various reports, both US and Iranian, my interpretation is: UAV was spying on Iran and entered its airspace, but since borders arent clearly defined in that area between Iraq, Kuwait and Iran, US simply decided to claim it havent violated the Iranian border. In that case, its weird US would mention exact distance from the border, which isnt defined.

Iranian SU-25 fired several rounds to shoo drone away. Maybe they didnt wanted to shoot it down, not to escalate situation further, as negotiations will be resumed soon.

I will not get onto the airspace issue, but the SU-25 is apparently not very optimized for air to air combat (its a ground attack aircraft), and its likely the pilots did try to shoot it down but failed.

Why Iran would use ground attack aircraft to intercept a drone is beyond me though.
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