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Iran to UAE : We will crush any act of agression

Actually UAE's point of view is that those islands belonged to the Emirate of Sharjah before the unification of the Emirates happened. And so it is part of UAE. Iran invaded it with military one day before the unification to hold the argument that "UAE is a newly established country which can not claim those islands" and quite frankly these are the same argument Israel holds "There were no palestenian state when Israel was founded" and we both agree this claim is false. Also the Iranian claim "these islands historically belonged to Iran from long time past" again Israel holds the same argument over Palestine "these are historically Jewish lands" .


Before 1971 nothing was there, UAE just came into being after a lighting struck from the sky and bang the Arab Emirates were formed with arabs and rulers and they all suddenly formed United Arab Emirates, all in one day.
What concerns me is that this has been instigated by Americans why should two Muslim countries fight over a couple of rocks. Surely they would just talk and sort it like two brothers a small parcel of land


Before 1971 nothing was there, UAE just came into being after a lighting struck from the sky and bang the Arab Emirates were formed with arabs and rulers and they all suddenly formed United Arab Emirates, all in one day.

That lightening came from British in Westminster to take a ruler and make up Arab countries. It would be wise for some to remember the Brits are human not God
What concerns me is that this has been instigated by Americans why should two Muslim countries fight over a couple of rocks. Surely they would just talk and sort it like two brothers a small parcel of land

UAE has been for decades asking Iran to solve the issue peacefully thorugh dialogue and when it saw no positive response asked Iranians to let the ICJ decide, but they do not want to talk and solve the issue. they just want to give out war mongering statemnts everytime.

Did any UAE official up till now give any statement similar to the one in the opening post?
Actually UAE's point of view is that those islands belonged to the Emirate of Sharjah before the unification of the Emirates happened. And so it is part of UAE. Iran invaded it with military one day before the unification to hold the argument that "UAE is a newly established country which can not claim those islands" and quite frankly these are the same argument Israel holds "There were no palestenian state when Israel was founded" and we both agree this claim is false. Also the Iranian claim "these islands historically belonged to Iran from long time past" again Israel holds the same argument over Palestine "these are historically Jewish lands" .

First,there was an agreement between Iran and Britain that Iran recognize Bahrain's sovereignty and in return,administration of islands would be taken back to Iran.
Second,your arguement is invalid.Russian empire also occupied northern Azerbaijan of Iran that today is recognized as Azerbaijan as a sovereign country.So can we have claims on it now?is it justified?

You are saying islands were administrated by Emirate of Sharjah.well before it,the islands belonged to Iran for 2000 years,so again your argument is invalid.UAE was not even a country before 1971,so after Britons occupied the islands,Iran did it's best to take them back,until 1971 that we reached that agreement.Why don't you want to accept the truth?

The simplified form of the situation is this: Britain occupied Iran's islands in Persian Gulf,gave their administration to Emirate of Sharjah for a brief time(which was not a country),then Iran reached an agreement with British to take back it's islands and in return,recognize sovereignty of Bahrain.
I can't put it in any other simple words.
First,there was an agreement between Iran and Britain that Iran recognize Bahrain's sovereignty and in return,administration of islands would be taken back to Iran.
Second,your arguement is invalid.Russian empire also occupied northern Azerbaijan of Iran that today is recognized as Azerbaijan as a sovereign country.So can we have claims on it now?is it justified?

You are saying islands were administrated by Emirate of Sharjah.well before it,the islands belonged to Iran for 2000 years,so again your argument is invalid.UAE was not even a country before 1971,so after Britons occupied the islands,Iran did it's best to take them back,until 1971 that we reached that agreement.Why don't you want to accept the truth?
because his head is full of marmoolak
UAE has been for decades asking Iran to solve the issue peacefully thorugh dialogue and when it saw no positive response asked Iranians to let the ICJ decide, but they do not want to talk and solve the issue. they just want to give out war mongering statemnts everytime.

Did any UAE official up till now give any statement similar to the one in the opening post?

Why should Iran solve anything. From point of view of Iran these are Iranian islands and most of the world agree. It is only UAE that says British gave those Islands to them. Iran does not regard British as god. So Iran is standing firm on its territory. If UAE still has problem with that and does not want to live peacefully in the region acting on British and Zionist agendas then it is them that should take the case to courts. But there is no court whatsoever in the world that decides these kind of matters. And even if a western court rules anything about it against Iran, it would be meaningless since its jurisdiction would not be accepted over Iranian sovereignty. The whole idea of sovereignty is based on principles that Iran not to give away its territory. Now UAE can go to war and take these Islands from Iran. But then as the OP has noted the response would be devastating to UAE.

So stop repeating the lines that Iran should take this to court which is an oxymoron since it is not Iran that is making a claim. Iran already owns and rules over those islands. And stop saying that Iran should start negotiations since again it is an oxymoron for Iran start negotiation over its soil and territory. UAE can never have those islands ever. Both from a legal point of view and from a military point of view. Just because British came form 7000 kilometers away and promised some Iranian islands to them some 40 years, does not mean that those islands belong to UAE. At any case if UAE starts a war, in all probability there will be no UAE with in 72 hours.
Why should Iran solve anything. From point of view of Iran these Iranian islands and most of the world agree. It is only UAE that says British gave those Islands to them. Iran does not regard British as god. So Iran is standing firm on its territory. If UAE still has problem with that and does not want to live peacefully in the region acting on British and Zionist agendas then it is them that should take the case to courts. But there is no court whatsoever in the world that decides these kind of matters. And even if a western court rules anything about it against Iran, it would be meaningless since its jurisdiction would not be accepted over Iranian sovereignty. The whole idea of sovereignty is based on principles that Iran to give away its territory. Now UAE can go to war and take these Islands from Iran. But then as the OP has noted the response would be devastating to UAE.

So stop repeating the lines that Iran should take this to court which is an oxymoron since it is not Iran that is making a claim. Iran already owns and rules over those islands. And stop saying that Iran should start negotiations since again it is an oxymoron for Iran start negotiation over its soil and territory. UAE can never have those islands ever. Both from a legal point of view and from a military point of view. Just because British came form 7000 kilometers away and promised some Iranian islands to them some 40 years, does not mean that those islands belong to UAE. At any case if UAE starts a war, in all probability there will be no UAE with in 72 hours.

Ever heard of border dispute settlements in ICJ? go check it out.

And if Iran is so sure that they are the owners of the islands why don't they prove it in an international body and finish the case once and for all? Why all this media statements which will never solve the case.

For example: If a thief steals something from house and you saw him doing the theft and have proof then you go to the police/court and say I want so and so person to be arrested/investigated/put on trial as he stole from my house, and if the theif says no i did not steal anything in the first place so why should I be arrested/investigated/put on trial?

What will you do? and what will the police/court do? Will they say no sorry he says he did not do it so we will not investigate him or put him to trial no matter what evidence you have against him?

At any case if UAE starts a war, in all probability there will be no UAE with in 72 hours.

When did UAE in all these decades say that it will attack and take back the islands by force? On the contrary it is the Iranians who repeatedly talk of attacking UAE and sending it back 100 years.
الوثائق والبيانات Some documents in english and arabic

For the english click on the numbers under the title الوثائق باللغة الانجليزية


وثائق باللغة العربية this link has some historical documents in Arabic.
Ever heard of border dispute settlements in ICJ? go check it out.

And if Iran is so sure that they are the owners of the islands why don't they prove it in an international body and finish the case once and for all? Why all this media statements which will never solve the case.

For example: If a thief steals something from house and you saw him doing the theft and have proof then you go to the police/court and say I want so and so person to be arrested/investigated/put on trial as he stole from my house, and if the theif says no i did not steal anything in the first place so why should I be arrested/investigated/put on trial?

What will you do? and what will the police/court do? Will they say no sorry he says he did not do it so we will not investigate him or put him to trial no matter what evidence you have against him?

When did UAE in all these decades say that it will attack and take back the islands by force? On the contrary it is the Iranians who repeatedly talk of attacking UAE and sending it back 100 years.

Wrong. ICJ can not rule over sovereignty of a nation. All they can do is arbitration when both parties are consenting over an issue to be solved technically by a third party such as ICJ. But ICJ has no jurisdiction over Iran, whatsoever. And it is the UAE that is the claimant not Iran. Iran is not claiming anything since it already is ruling over those islands. So it makes no sense for Iran to approach any third party to prove anything to anyone including some Arabs south of their country. In fact it would be a laughing matter for Iran to go to a third party and give away a territory that it is ruling over. The only basis that UAE is making this non-sense claim is that British gave them these lands or rather promised the. The question is who are British to give land to other people? They are no body and Iran does not accept them as a prophet of God giving others their land.

As for your childish example of a theft in a mall or a house, that does not extend to international relations. Proof? What proof? That British promised them on a piece of paper? Who are British? Prophet of God? Or Executor of God's will? Iran does not recognize British as the authority to give Iranian land to other states. So if UAE believes in British authority to give other nations land to them they should raise this matter with British and not Iran. Because Iran is not the claimant. Neither Iran is a person that can be arrested by white cop in New York and taken court. Iran is a large country with its own interests and history.

As for who wants to attack who, it is clear that UAE was one of the sponsors of Saddam along with GCC and Jordan. So in effect UAE was indirectly at war with Iran. But directly they can never go to war with Iran as they will be obliterated in less than 72 hours and they know. Iran on the other hand has not attacked another country since battle of Karnal almost 300 years ago. Iran has only fought defensive war such as the western supported invasion of Iran by Saddam. So it is not Iran that is going to start a war at all. Iran is not claiming lands of UAE. Iran is not claiming Dubai for example. So if any war ever is to start it would be started by UAE to take those Iranian islands that British had promised them. When that happens Iran will have no other choice but to respond. And there will be no UAE after that.
Ever heard of border dispute settlements in ICJ? go check it out.

And if Iran is so sure that they are the owners of the islands why don't they prove it in an international body and finish the case once and for all? Why all this media statements which will never solve the case.

For example: If a thief steals something from house and you saw him doing the theft and have proof then you go to the police/court and say I want so and so person to be arrested/investigated/put on trial as he stole from my house, and if the theif says no i did not steal anything in the first place so why should I be arrested/investigated/put on trial?

What will you do? and what will the police/court do? Will they say no sorry he says he did not do it so we will not investigate him or put him to trial no matter what evidence you have against him?

When did UAE in all these decades say that it will attack and take back the islands by force? On the contrary it is the Iranians who repeatedly talk of attacking UAE and sending it back 100 years.

according to your claims,Iran can have claims on Iraq,parts of Turkey,Afghanistan,Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan because all of them belonged to Iran,not only for 30 years like UAE,but for thousands of years in different periods.So can we have them or not?
الوثائق والبيانات Some documents in english and arabic

For the english click on the numbers under the title الوثائق باللغة الانجليزية


وثائق باللغة العربية this link has some historical documents in Arabic.

Yes, as I said those are British promised forgeries that were given to UAE Sheikhs and are devoid of value since Iran does not consider British to have the authority to give Iran's land to others. They can make all kinds of documents and put different colors of stamps on it but this will not change the situation that those are Iranian islands under Iranian control and will remain so. Iran will never give them away just because some Sheikh are saying so or because they have some fancy British documents or Arabic forgeries. Iran will become a laugh-stock of the world if they ever gave up their territory. The fought with Saddam for eight years and endured the largest chemical attacks in history of mankind just to give him a small province which Saddam had claimed as part of Iraq. What makes you think they will give these islands to UAE and let blood of all those Iranians who died in that war go down the toilet drain.

If UAE wants those islands they have to take it by military means. Which means complete obliteration of UAE. All foreign workers will run at the first sign of an attack since they have nothing to gain by dying for a Sheikh and the small population of UAE will also run away to other states or will endure a brutal war which will end in 72 hours with UAE completely destroyed. So UAE better shut its mouth. They are not going to get anything out of this provocation they are following on the order of Zionists to pressurize Iran furthermore. Iran will remember such back stabbings for future dealings with UAE.
Iran, this is a way to shift your anger from Israel to another Muslim country, please don't fall for it. How can you even discuss "crushing" another Muslim country? Peacefully resolve this matter with talks or taking this to international court.
It's like taking the ownership of Mecca or Jeddah to international court.Would you accept that?
If you do,then we will do the same.

You misunderstood the situation.Iran did not threaten anybody with war.He just says that we respond to any act of aggression.
We are developing our mainland,step by step,but does that mean we should give up our own soil and give it to another country?what kind of logic is that?

Dont you see how vulnerable this makes us as a whole?

What our enemy will have to do is, just fire one missile from UAE to one of these islands (already US solders are there). Iran will "respond" to this "aggression" by raining missiles in UAE. Saudi Arabia and gulf states will send armies to UAE to defend themselves from Iran. What will be the eventual result? After wasting billions of dollars from both sides, the islands would probably be divided between Iran and UAE. But after permanently damaging relations and wasting billions?

This issue of islands at this time is surely a big danger.There is a danger of this growing intoa full blown arab-iranianconflict, which will be harmful for Muslims at large
الوثائق والبيانات Some documents in english and arabic

For the english click on the numbers under the title الوثائق باللغة الانجليزية


وثائق باللغة العربية this link has some historical documents in Arabic.

Yes, as I said those are British promised forgeries that were given to UAE Sheikhs and are devoid of value since Iran does not consider British to have the authority to give Iran's land to others. They can make all kinds of documents and put different colors of stamps on it but this will not change the situation that those are Iranian islands under Iranian control and will remain so. Iran will never give them away just because some Sheikh are saying so or because they have some fancy British documents or Arabic forgeries. Iran will become a laugh-stock of the world if they ever gave up their territory. The fought with Saddam for eight years and endured the largest chemical attacks in history of mankind just to give him a small province which Saddam had claimed as part of Iraq. What makes you think they will give these islands to UAE and let blood of all those Iranians who died in that war go down the toilet drain.

If UAE wants those islands they have to take it by military means. Which means complete obliteration of UAE. All foreign workers will run at the first sign of an attack since they have nothing to gain by dying for a Sheikh and the small population of UAE will also run away to other states or will endure a brutal war which will end in 72 hours with UAE completely destroyed. So UAE better shut its mouth. They are not going to get anything out of this provocation they are following on the order of Zionists to pressurize Iran furthermore. Iran will remember such back stabbings for future dealings with UAE.

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