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Iran warns Pakistan to control its borders


Nov 13, 2010
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Iran warns Pakistan to control its borders

Iran Warns Pakistan to Control Borders

TEHRAN (FNA)- A senior Iranian military commander urged Islamabad to tighten control over its shared borders with Iran, and warned of Tehran's unilateral action in case Pakistan shows any further negligence in this regard.

"If Pakistan fails to control and prevent terrorist measures at its borders like recent years, we will make use of our legitimate rights," Iran's Armed Forces Chief of Staff General Hassan Firouzabadi cautioned on Monday.

Stressing the age-old friendship between Iran and Pakistan, he stressed that the Islamic Republic of Iran has always paid attention and interacted with the brotherly country of Pakistan, but "Pakistan unfortunately does not control and stop terrorists".

"The terrorist incidents at border areas with Pakistan make us revise the related issues," Firouzabadi added.
He made the remarks after a suicide attack near a mosque in Southeastern Iran killed at least 37 and wounded 95 people in a mourning ceremony held to commemorate the martyrdom anniversary of Shiites' third Imam on Wednesday.

The attack took place outside Imam Hossein Mosque in the port city of Chabahar, in Sistan and Balouchestan province, near the border with Pakistan.

The Pakistani-based Jundollah terrorist group has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Following the incident in Chabahar on Wednesday, Iranian Interior Minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar said that the terrorists in charge of the bombing had received training in Pakistan.

"A number of terrorists that are being trained beyond (Iran's) Eastern borders in Pakistan have carried out this terrorist attack," Najjar said.

Also, after Iran arrested Jundollah's number one Abdolmalek Rigi in late February, the criminal ringleader confessed that he was traveling to Bishkek to meet with a high-ranking US official at a nearby military base to discuss new terrorist attacks on Iranian territory. Rigi was executed in June.

Iran says that there are few remaining elements of the group that the United States and British intelligence services are supporting. Tehran has arrested or killed a large number of the Jundollah terrorists, including the ringleader Abdolmalek Rigi and his brother and Jundollah's number two man Abdolhamid Rigi.

Fars News Agency :: Iran Warns Pakistan to Control Borders
WOW! This is news for me..! Lets see what pakistani member have to say about this..
Ahmadinejad to Zardari: 'Hand over terrorists'

Iranian president calls Zardari asking him to arrest 'known terrorists' and hand them over to Iran. PHOTO: AFP
TEHRAN: President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told President Asif Ali Zardari on Monday to arrest and hand over “known terrorists,” the Iranian leader’s office said on its website.
In a telephone call, the Iranian president “asked Zardari to order his country’s security forces to quickly arrest known terrorists and hand them over to the Islamic Republic of Iran,” Ahmadinejad’s office said in a statement posted on its website.
The phone call followed a suicide attack last week in the southeastern Iranian city of Chabahar that killed 39 people during a Shiite mourning procession. The attack was claimed by Sunni militant group Jundallah (Army of God), which Iran claims receives support from the intelligence services of Pakistan, Britain and the United States.
“The perpetrators of this act are not only non-Muslims, but belong to no religion,” the website quoted Ahmadinejad as telling Zardari.
Jundallah says it is fighting for the rights of the ethnic Sunni Baluchis in the Sistan-Baluchestan province of Iran which borders Pakistan and Afghanistan. The group has been accused of carrying out several such deadly attacks in Sistan-Baluchestan. The website said that Zardari told Ahmadinejad Pakistan would not hesitate to help eradicate terrorism. Earlier on Monday, Iran hanged 11 members of Jundallah in Zahedan, the capital of Sistan-Baluchestan.
This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:
Correction: December 21
Due a typographical error, an earlier version of this article had
simple answer by a simple pakistani to B_R_I_C

Iran losing ‘control” in Sistan-Balochistan province
4 December 2010 0 views No Comment
TEHRAN: Iran faces increased unrest in one of its southeastern provinces, U.S. diplomats in Azerbaijan reported in a cable disclosed by the website WikiLeaks. A rail line connecting Iran and Pakistan "has recently been repeatedly subject to rocket attacks and other disruption" by tribes in Sistan-Balochistan province, according to a June 2009 cable from the U.S. Embassy in Baku. In addition, one source told U.S. diplomats, Tehran was "rife with rumors" that police were leaving their posts empty at night "due to the increased danger of attack." It added, "According to one source, the Iranian security forces may be losing effective control over growing areas in the countryside." The document is among the vast cache of U.S. State Department papers that WikiLeaks, a website known for leaking official secrets, began releasing Sunday to widespread condemnation from the United States and its allies. The cable cited another source who said the government of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad aggravated the situation by harassing Sunnis and appointing a "stupid, brutal" ally as governor until 2008. "He claimed that these practices, combined with high unemployment, perceived discrimination and few government services, has increased anger among Balochis, and identification of the central government as an ''enemy,''" the cable states.
Iran warns Pakistan to control its borders

Iran Warns Pakistan to Control Borders

TEHRAN (FNA)- A senior Iranian military commander urged Islamabad to tighten control over its shared borders with Iran, and warned of Tehran's unilateral action in case Pakistan shows any further negligence in this regard.

Fars News Agency :: Iran Warns Pakistan to Control Borders

Well this is not something new pakistan has become used to all this all this empty threats. Iran has been threatening pakistan ever since taliban came to power. A country which couldn't even defeats its neighbour 4 times smaller its size how can it strike its powerful neighbour.
They are just taking their fustration on not being able to control their balochistan on to Pakistan
I see the word "urge" rather than warning. Pakistan-Iran has permeable borders becoming into terrorist heaven an a border country taking strict stand is acting with in its right. We are on the same position with Afghanistan as well. The unilateral action threatened is likely to be border fencing or rapid increase in patrolling. Lest assured, India will not be invited to the party..much to the enthusiasm of Indian members here..
Well this is not something new pakistan has become used to all this all this empty threats. Iran has been threatening pakistan ever since taliban came to power. A country which couldn't even defeats its neighbour 4 times smaller its size how can it strike its powerful neighbour.

Dont under estimate Iran, I say they are military wise, can compete with Pakistan. And USA will think twice to attack them too.
"If Pakistan fails to control and prevent terrorist measures at its borders like recent years, we will make use of our legitimate rights," Iran's Armed Forces Chief of Staff General Hassan Firouzabadi cautioned on Monday.

Like arming and funding terror proxies? Pakistan should not take any of this seriously. Especially when the accusing country holds zero credibility in these matters.
iran should also do something to reduce the tension in balochistan (iran). calling everybody a terrorist hanging them to street polls wound work much.

iran need to guard its borders too.

what is the deal in irani baluchistan is it really tensed ? are the iranians supresing sunnis like wht irak did to shia's ? any one?

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