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Iranians We Love You: Israel

The last few weeks the arguments put forward by the Arabs on this forum I personally find revolting and to be honest I can understand now why so many in the west laugh at them behind their backs, call them camel jockeys and support Israelis against them
Just a question folks:

There's recently a tense situation in Middle East.

Saudi is supplying weapons to anti-Assad forces.

Iran is supporting Assad regime in all the ways possible.

Turkey is facing a lot of problems due to situation at their border with Syria.

Do you reckon there will be a serious war between the three sides indirectly using proxies?
Of course they love them they are working together against their common Enemy the Arabs.

:rofl: Last time im check Iran doesn't have any American or MOSSAD bases, however the golf countries are open for the enemies. plus i never saw an Iranian leader holding hands with Bush or drinking with him.
Iranians are more Arab then you are.
Also, If Israel considered Iran or hizbashytan an enemy they would strongly support military intervention in Syria, and not have Natinyahoo go to Obama and tell to be quite about Syrian massacres.

Israel may prefer a nationalist Assad over a pro-wahhabi extremist puppet of GCC in power in Syria.
Of course they love them they are working together against their common Enemy the Arabs.

Israel, Saudis United in Desire to See Attack on Iran

Though Israel’s traditional rhetoric suggests any Arab nation is automatically at odds with their position, media reports tonight are marveling at the growing unity between Israel and the Saudi leader GCC nations in their desires to see Iran attacked.

Both Israel and the Saudis are long time enemies of the Iranian government, and even if they both came by this in very different ways it should come as no surprise that the Sunni-dominated regimes of the Gulf nations are fine with Israel attacking a major Shi’ite nation.

Reports: Israel, Saudis United in Desire to See Attack on Iran -- News from Antiwar.com
...Unlike Arabs,we don't have any personal problems with Jewish people....
Please explain why the Arabs pampered their Jewish cousins all along and invited them into every land they established footing in, from North Africa to Iran (remember, in those times Iran was run by a westward-looking people speaking Arabic).
I can understand what those Israelis are talking about and that is peace. But i have to tell the Israelis that we will not forget the crimes of your criminal government, especially killing of our professors and scientist. We will continue the fight against your criminal government and not you, the average jew. Only the zionist godfathers
Just a question folks:

There's recently a tense situation in Middle East.

Saudi is supplying weapons to anti-Assad forces.

Iran is supporting Assad regime in all the ways possible.

Turkey is facing a lot of problems due to situation at their border with Syria.

Do you reckon there will be a serious war between the three sides indirectly using proxies?
The proxy war has already started(GCC vs Iran, Hezbollah and Israel). Let me be very clear:

He is not leader of Hezbollah you nutjob.Gush all Saudis here are the same.Same level of intelligent,a good troll and a waste of human brains.
I said leader not The leader. This guy was one of the founders of hizbashytan.
Don't you think I know what the fat pig Hassan looks like?
...Unlike Arabs,we don't have any personal problems with Jewish people....
Please explain why the Arabs pampered their Jewish cousins all along and invited them into every land they established footing in, from North Africa to Iran (remember, in those times Iran was run by a westward-looking people speaking Arabic).
Hizboullah and Israel are working together. They have worked together to displace the Sunni population in southern Lebanon so that Hizboullah will gain autonomy in the south and mission was successful. This way Israel does not have to worry about the North while they Bomb Gaza and true that is exactly what happened.

Hamas was misguided but it is now going back to its natural place on the arms of the ones who truly wish it well.

iran and israel should not go with war.it would be disaster for india.
Both of them are our allies

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