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Is government abandoning its exit strategy?

I believe unless BNP distances itself for sure from Jamaat, there is no way western countries would support a BNP come back. Like last time, the country will be in regress if Jamaat is in the govt. No reason to believe US govt supports fundamentalist Jamaat, but it keeps itself near Jamaat.

Don't know they are against Jamaat or not, but they are not pleased with the current government that's for sure!
BNP must discard Jamaat and get away from its fundamentalist policy. Otherwise, BNP governance will remain below grade. People will again go against it. BNP top two leaders are perhaps seeking fund from the Jamaat coffer which is rich with foreign money.
BNP must discard Jamaat and get away from its fundamentalist policy. Otherwise, BNP governance will remain below grade. People will again go against it. BNP top two leaders are perhaps seeking fund from the Jamaat coffer which is rich with foreign money.

Jamaat or no Jamaat, AL not gonna offer a fair election in near future. Jamaat is already in AL's lap.
Jamaat or no Jamaat, AL not gonna offer a fair election in near future. Jamaat is already in AL's lap.
@idune, I made similar comments before. So, how is it? Is Jamaat already a lapdog of AL and India? Is it to save the lives of its war criminal leaders? Please answer the questions. Shame on that party. This is how it saved the life of Sayedee.
Sometimes i wonder...to be honest the election without your main opposition party lacks its content...Wheather people partcipated or not that is secondary aspect...if also people have participated, then they do not have much choice to choose..So what is the point of participation.

But most important aspect is that how come BD is running like bussiness as usual..Based on the histroy of BD, i was expecting a massive people outrage over this kind of election when major opposition party is not participating...Why not BKZ lauch a nation wide protest program like Imran Khan is doing in Pakistan...At least BKZ should go to the street...If Imran Khan of Pakistan can generate such a big crowd inspite of not being a prime opposition leader, then why not BKZ....Blaming India is of course makes sense...But why do you just sort of stopped by blaming India....If KBZ really think that AL is not the popular to run the GOV, she should start street wide movement....Because if she does not start it, then people outside world will start beleiving that she may not confident enough with her popularity...And again, not particpating in the election was a self defeting idea for her....She should have at least taken up the challenge fought the election...

Remember, if you are out of power for long period, the swing voter which constite 8-10% will always swing towards the party in power and who knows that the next election will not be of the same kind as it was the last one....So step up and do something...

The protest leading up to the elections were fairly successful even when AL used bullets to suppress it. 500 + died in just 2 months due to anti-election protest while Dhaka was severed from the rest of the state. AL gave maximum concentration on Dhaka and deployed BDR/police form the rest of the country to the city. As for BNP its has been severely weakened by the 1/11 de-facto military regime that took power in 2007. On top of incompetence it is yet to recover its lost strength and it was never a party of street fighting and revolution and is used to doing formal politics. AL on the other hand is master of street politics. BNP also have opportunist and thugs in its ranks.

Off course India should be blamed since it alone backed Hasina. Unconditional backing of Hasina by India is something that BDs really hate India for. But then again India is simply looking after its interest.

U can't have fair elections under Hasina. BD's state institution have been awamised over the last 6 years beyond repair and all the state machinery have become an integral part of AL. While the constitution is totally fucked up by AL. Hasina can stay in power as long as she wants under current constitution even if she loses a hypothetical election :

daily sun daily sun | First Pagedaily sun | First Page | The way Hasina can hang onto power until 2021

Thus Not participating in the election was the correct decision by BKZ while withholding the protest and not carrying on after Jan 5 was the blunder BKZ made. She was reportedly assured by foreign diplomats abt elections in 6 months provided she remains peaceful. BKZ showed her incompetence and didn't learn from history.

BNP was proved right in boycotting the election. The only mistake they made was witholding the protests and blockades. Had they continued we would have seen the govt ousted within a week despite the lack of opposition activism inside Dhaka, because Dhaka couldn't survive a long term disruption in communication with the rest of the country. But BNP chose to rely on foreign diplomatic missions instead of on the capacity of the alliance it led and it seems they are yet to realize their miscalculation.

BNP made blunders after blunders and is run by idiots of the highest order. They actually trusted these diplomats after what happened in 1/11. :laugh:

Don't think so. Hasina tried the same tactic that Ershad did in 1986, that time Hasina fell on his trap and Ershad got to rule another 5 years.

The Jan 5 elections were nothing but a joke. Vote riggings were rampant, despite the fact that the opposition parties were not contesting. I saw a report in Ekushe TV where some 10-12 years kids were seen voting without any resistance. :rolleyes:

In 86 i heard Hasina took a u turn by participating in the election earning the deserving title jatiyo beyman. Ershad it seems is repaying the old debt.

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