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Is Pakistan preparing to get out of US war on terrorism


Aug 13, 2012
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ISLAMABAD: After having sacrificed over $85 billion and more than 50,000 lives in the US war on terror, Pakistan is now finally preparing to get out of Washington’s war.

Political differences apart, both the PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif and his hot contender for the post-May 11 government, PTI’s Imran Khan, have made it clear that Pakistan would be driven out of the 12-year-old “war on terror”.

Both the political leaders, in their separate statements, have unambiguously rejected the policy of use of force and military operations against the local Taliban to check extremism and curb terrorism. Instead, they have openly supported initiating dialogue with the local Taliban.

The two top contestants for the future premiership have conveyed their “no” to the war on terror.Imran Khan has repeatedly pledged during his ongoing election campaign that if he came into power he would get Pakistan out of war on terror. On the issue of drone attack, Khan took an aggressive stance by announcing that under his ruler the drones would be shot down if found violating Pakistan’s sovereignty.

Nawaz Sharif on Sunday said Pakistan should reconsider its support to the war on militancy and favoured negotiations with the Taliban. Rejecting the use of force as has been the policy since 9/11 to check extremism, Nawaz said the military’s campaign against the Taliban was not the best way to defeat insurgency. “I think guns and bullets are always not the answer to such problems,” he told Reuters in an interview.

After 2005 earthquake, the Military Intelligence was informed by a field officer that US was allegedly fueling extremism in different parts of KPK and Fata including Swat. The report said the FM radios were also sponsored by a foreign NGO whereas hundreds of radio sets were distributed in Swat. However, neither Musharraf nor the MI did anything in this respect. Later Swat became the focus of the whole world because of extremist activities, which led to a massive military operation. Extremists fled to Afghanistan and the Pakistan Army contended that they looked after by the allied forces in Afghanistan to carry out attacks on Pakistan security forces across the border.

In their background briefing, Pakistani defence officials name foreign players for fueling extremism and terrorism in Pakistan. However, despite all this and even after the last parliament through unanimously adopted resolutions, at least two, demand of the then regime to get out of war on terror, Pakistan never got itself out of this war. It was the State Bank of Pakistan that had said that Pakistan’s economy had been facing a loss of Rs3 billion every day and Rs93 billion every month due to the highly controversial war on terror during the first 46 months of the last PPP regime.

The State Bank of Pakistan had calculated a total loss of $68.9 billion till June 30, 2011 to economy due to the war on terror. However, after seven months of the current financial year this figure was estimated to have risen to almost $78 billion (Rs7020 billion=Rs7 trillion). Now, this figure is estimated to have crossed the figure of $85 billion.

Apart from compromising its sovereignty inviting terrorism, Pakistan also sacrificed more than 50,000 people including soldiers and other law enforcement personnel but in return received peanuts.

The money received under the Coalition Support Fund (CSF) is considered a disbursement of what Pakistan spends on the war on terror; therefore, is not reflected as aid. Official figures prove that against its demand of around $13 billion under the CSF, Pakistan till 2011-12 received only $8.6 billion since 9/11.

According to official figures, the loss to the country’s economy due to war on terror was $28 billion during the first six-and-a-half-year after 9/11 and during the tenure of General Musharraf but this heavy cost of the so-called war on terror jumped to $78 billion — an increase of $50 billion (Rs4500 billion) under last PPP regime’s first 46 months tenure.

Is Pakistan preparing to get out of US war on terrorism? - thenews.com.pk
It will be difficult for Pakistan to get out of war on terrorism as th UN SC resolution 1373 is chapter 7 resolution and so legally binding for member countries. One of the clauses in that resoluion is the member countries should have effective border controls to deny terrorists asylum in their areas. US can invoke this clause and the penalty can be anywhere from sanctions to military actions.
Pakistan had left US war on terror when Gen. Kayani said "NO" to NWA operation & if you are taking about the current terrorism war which is waged against Pakistan by these rented terrorists then Gen. Kayani has made it clear that this is our war.

It will be difficult for Pakistan to get out of war on terrorism as th UN SC resolution 1373 is chapter 7 resolution and so legally binding for member countries. One of the clauses in that resoluion is the member countries should have effective border controls to deny terrorists asylum in their areas. US can invoke this clause and the penalty can be anywhere from sanctions to military actions.

All these rented terrorists who are fighting against Pakistan are fully & openly supported by Indians, US & allies.
Pakistan had left US war on terror when Gen. Kayani said "NO" to NWA operation & if you are taking about the current terrorism war which is waged against Pakistan by these rented terrorists then Gen. Kayani has made it clear that this is our war.

All these rented terrorists who are fighting against Pakistan are fully & openly supported by Indians, US & allies.

Gen. Kayani did not leave the war on terrorism - There was a temporary lull for 6 weeks in 2012 before the drones were allowed back by ISI in the tribal areas. Either that or a Pakistan army action is what would have been required as I mentioned due to the compulsions for member countries post 9/11 due to the 1373 resolution.

As for the rented terrorists and their support from everyone including India, US,allies, tom dick and harry - I will skip through that.
We should withdraw. That would end 75% of terrorism and placate the tribals. Those still waging war against the state should feel the full force of the state.
Block the transit aid to india and all the terrorism in Pakistan will stop, this will also be the litmus test for the next regime, if they are serious with uprooting terrorism and loyal to Pakistan.
Is Pakistan really in WoT?

Heck no.

Pakistanis are in WoASS (War on our @rses).

While WoT is American war on terrorism that happens to threaten their homeland 10000s of miles away from Afghanistan and other hotspots,

Do we send our troops to support WoT in Afghanistan? no Tumbaktu? No, To Aden? No.

We my dear posters are in WoASS since 1992 when that beardo wirdo started that black group of thieves known as TNSM.

WoASS is to save our beautiful country's @ss getting f'd by bunch of Uzbeks, Arabs, and their lacky tribals.

But we are so $stupidly bumbling idiots that these Uzbeks and tribals f'd our Nuke powered Capital Islu's @ss, so much that even the mosque turned red (laal), but we didn't care.

our army tried to save it,

but majority of us cursed our army, and demanded that tribals continue fing our Capital Islu's @ss.

Then we saw Swat and Bajure @ss bing f'd by bunch of tribals.

-- We said go ahead, do more do more do more do more, we likey likey, do more do more
-- Do it in the name of Islamism, do it in the name of Mullahism, do it in the name of Ayatullahism
-- do more do more do more do more, we likey likey, do more do more

Then the tribals formed private government some 100 miles from our capital

-- so our army had to go in for WoASS, and save Swat and Bajore and save our daughters and sisters and mothers from tribals.

-- But many of us Pakistanis opposed the WoASS, opposed saving our daughters and sisters and mothers from tribals.

Then the tribals occupied South Wazirastan.

-- so our army had to go in for WoASS, and save South Wazirastan and save our daughters and sisters and mothers from tribals.

-- But many of us Pakistanis opposed the WoASS, opposed saving our daughters and sisters and mothers from tribals.

This sadly is our state of mind (and state of @ss), that bunch of beardos weirdos can come do whatever they can, and we keep on shouting

-- WoT bad, WoT bad, WoT bad, WoT bad, WoT bad, WoT bad, WoT bad, WoT bad, WoT bad

--- Get out, get out, get out

and remain oblivious to the fact that Uzbeks and Arabs and Tribal Talib-b@stards are doing in-and-out you know where, and continue

WoASS against innocent civilians, our jawans, and our officers and our daughters like Malala.

but we the PDufFers don't give two hoots.

Sad to see that we are among that small group of depraved nations who have this unique ability to ignore their own @ss, and they happen to be Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan, Somalia, and yemen, and African Emirates of Congo, Sierra leon, etc. etc.

And so many of PDuFfers are hell bent on turning our beautiful country by losing the WoASS just to spite USA and making sure that our beautiful country too becomes an Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

What else one could expect from Islamists PDuFfers and tribals anyways?
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