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Islamists in Cairo call for Islamic law

Its not Sharia, its our incompetency!! A knife can be used for both a life saving surgery or a murder!!!! There is nothing wrong in Shariah, its from Quran, not man made. By criticizing it, you have offended many of us!!
Shariah is man made, Quran is not!! Quran is perfect, Shariah is not!! I would never offend anybody's relegion, let alone mine!!
The Ikhwan were doing well in Egypt.

anyway, how come it is "Islamists want XYZ" why isn't it " Muslims want XYZ" ??
Its not Sharia, its our incompetency!! A knife can be used for both a life saving surgery or a murder!!!! There is nothing wrong in Shariah, its from Quran, not man made. By criticizing it, you have offended many of us!!
the problem is not in our quran it is in the people who use religion to rule and the examples are all around us somalia saudi sudan afganstan and more and i wont let my country be next
the problem is not in our quran it is in the people who use religion to rule and the examples are all around us somalia saudi sudan afganstan and more and i wont let my country be next

Why don't you give the examples of countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan, Egypt, Algeria and Morocco where they use secularism to suck the blood out of the people? What is the problem if somebody says I'm not going to suck the blood of my own people because that is our Prophet's way?
Why don't you give the examples of countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan, Egypt, Algeria and Morocco where they use secularism to suck the blood out of the people?
Yes, there's something wrong, something missing, in the moral-ethical structure of the secularists in Pakistan. It seems to be the idea that one can make a useful moral/ethical social construct of right and wrong independent of religion but not of God: deism. Deism was very important to the Founders of the U.S. and its revolutionary Constitution. A deist will feel compelled to show justice and charity to his fellow man whereas a secularist may not. link
Why don't you give the examples of countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan, Egypt, Algeria and Morocco where they use secularism to suck the blood out of the people? What is the problem if somebody says I'm not going to suck the blood of my own people because that is our Prophet's way?
hosni mubark was secular ?he was a dictator who killed his own people and stole their money not by using secularism he used police to do that and by the way when we were in tahrir square the salfis were saying it is not islamic to protest and the muslim brotherhood were making deals with the government and now they want to steal our revolution
hosni mubark was secular ?he was a dictator who killed his own people and stole their money not by using secularism he used police to do that and by the way when we were in tahrir square the salfis were saying it is not islamic to protest and the muslim brotherhood were making deals with the government and now they want to steal our revolution
Amen, brother.
(Reuters) - Mohamed Talaat didn't like the fact Christian music was being played at a party to promote interfaith harmony in the Egyptian town of Minya south of Cairo, so together with a group of like-minded Islamist hardliners, he showed up to put a stop to it.
It was simply un-Islamic to broadcast Christian songs, Talaat explained.

Four months since Egypt elected veteran Muslim Brotherhood politician Mohamed Mursi as president, human rights activists say hardliners are trying to impose Islamist ways on society.
"There is no doubt that the rate of strange and violent practices by strict Islamists has increased tremendously since the election of Mursi," said Gamal Eid, founder of The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information, a human rights group.

"We have in a few months seen many more of such incidents than we have seen in years before Mursi," he said.

Seemingly sporadic incidents are turning into what rights activists describe as an emerging pattern of abuses in the street by radicals, defying both the authority of the state and Mursi's own promises to protect personal freedoms.

From the fatal stabbing of a young man who was out with his fiancée to the case of a conservative teacher who cut schoolgirls' hair because it was uncovered, the examples are stacking up.

Seems they arent as powerful in the capital, but at this rate it looks like only a matter of time.

In Cairo, it seems little has changed. The capital is still a place where teenagers hold hands in public, Egyptian-brewed beer is sold and pleasure boats cruise the Nile blasting out the kind of pop music frowned upon by the hardliners.

And importantly for a tourism industry that employs one in eight Egyptians, it is business as usual at Red Sea beach resorts that are a major draw for Western tourists.

hosni mubark was secular ?he was a dictator who killed his own people and stole their money not by using secularism he used police to do that and by the way when we were in tahrir square the salfis were saying it is not islamic to protest and the muslim brotherhood were making deals with the government and now they want to steal our revolution

Now, that is another aspect of the characteristics of a secular individual, when their despotic buddies fall from power they portray them as a non-secular politicians. Of course, mubarak used the security forces but the question is in the name of what and for whom? Now you can argue all day that he ruled to establish Islamic rule but we know and the world knows what he stood for, don't we? In the same manner, hasina in Bangladesh is using the security forces to violate the human rights of the Islamists and of course, in the name of secularism and the so-called champions of democracy ignore those violations, again, for the sake of secularism. So, please don't try to argue that the secular individuals in the Muslim World are very democratic. They are despotic to the core. For the sake of secularism there is not a crime they are not willing to commit.
Now, that is another aspect of the characteristics of a secular individual, when their despotic buddies fall from power they portray them as a non-secular politicians. Of course, mubarak used the security forces but the question is in the name of what and for whom? Now you can argue all day that he ruled to establish Islamic rule but we know and the world knows what he stood for, don't we? In the same manner, hasina in Bangladesh is using the security forces to violate the human rights of the Islamists and of course, in the name of secularism and the so-called champions of democracy ignore those violations, again, for the sake of secularism. So, please don't try to argue that the secular individuals in the Muslim World are very democratic. They are despotic to the core. For the sake of secularism there is not a crime they are not willing to commit.
my friend i dont know what is happening in Bangladesh and there is nothing in the news mentioning a political crisis anyway i wish you the best
about Egypt mubark was not a secular he was a military dictator and didnt care about secularism all he wanted is 2 things
1 make as much money as he can
2 make his son gamal rule after his death
and he wanted to do both by blood and torture and he believed that if the egyptians worry about how can they feed their children they would be too tired and exhausted to ask questions
if you want examples i can give you examples what is the most advanced and strong country in the muslim world turkey now give me example of a muslim country became so advanced and strong by this extremest rule you wont find and you know why because they dont care about islam they care about thier rule and who can they tell other people what to do
my friend i dont know what is happening in Bangladesh and there is nothing in the news mentioning a political crisis anyway i wish you the best
about Egypt mubark was not a secular he was a military dictator and didnt care about secularism all he wanted is 2 things
1 make as much money as he can
2 make his son gamal rule after his death
and he wanted to do both by blood and torture and he believed that if the egyptians worry about how can they feed their children they would be too tired and exhausted to ask questions
if you want examples i can give you examples what is the most advanced and strong country in the muslim world turkey now give me example of a muslim country became so advanced and strong by this extremest rule you wont find and you know why because they dont care about islam they care about thier rule and who can they tell other people what to do

Where does it say that military dictators can't be secular? You may not know what's going on in Bangladesh but don't tell us that you don't know what the military dictator called Kamal Pasha did in Turkey in the name of secularism and he is not the only secular dictator in the Muslim World, your mubarak was another secular dictator like that. As I said secular individuals are the most undemocratic and corrupt. You can go on denying this reality but reality is reality.
Where does it say that military dictators can't be secular? You may not know what's going on in Bangladesh but don't tell us that you don't know what the military dictator called Kamal Pasha did in Turkey in the name of secularism and he is not the only secular dictator in the Muslim World, your mubarak was another secular dictator like that. As I said secular individuals are the most undemocratic and corrupt. You can go on denying this reality but reality is reality.
my friend secular people dont kill and rule by blood and iron and if they did they wouldnt be secular what is wrong with laws saying all citizens of the country are equal and give everyone their freedom who am I or you to judge or control another human in the name of islam i am not perfect and you are not perfect religion is in our hearts and souls not in some laws the government can use to do anything any Islamist have simple words that can get them out of any obligation you are un islamic you are fighting islam not me. they consider any one who dont agree with them not muslim did we in Egypt die and suffer to replace mubark with this people ?
There goes another country down the drain. Every time there is this "revolution" in those parts of the world, they immediately want Sharia. A MORE oppressive regime. :confused:

So 1000 people asking for sharia law in Muslim country means its going down the drain But Millions upon millions voting in B J P a well known Hindu extremist party means prosperity.

Recent USA elections Millions upon Millions of Evangelical Christians voted for Romney in USA because republicans propaganda machine successfully convinced them that Obama is Muslim and only choice they have to vote for real American is if the vote for Romney no one is questioning that but hey 1000 people in Egypt practiced their freedom of speech its the end of Egypt.

when any body talks of sharia law Most people gives example of Arabia sorry thats not sharia law its more of a creation to stay in power law by house of Saud.
my friend secular people dont kill and rule by blood and iron and if they did they wouldnt be secular
lol what nonsense. So Stalin and Mao were great humanitarian leaders right?
Mubarak was responsible for torturing countless Islamists and members of MB. That's undeniable. Bin Ali the great secularist did the same. History has many more examples of that. Bashar and his father come in mind as well.
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