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Israel Must Think seriously About Pakistan's Nuclear weapons: Israeli President.

on evry thread lots of time i saw pakistani brother want nuke war with every country

Not against every country. But war against India, Israel, and USA for sure.

You guys cannot imagine how much a common man in Pakistan hates you for your *****.

I don't understand your point. Do Japanese papers have to translate every article into English? Do German, Spanish or Swedish papers routinely republish everything in English?

Why should Pakistani papers be required to translate everything to English? The article is intended for a domestic audience and, in order to reach the widest audience within Pakistan, of course the author would write in Urdu. Why restrict themselves to a minority of English readers?

As far as the article goes, most of what it says is true and has been known for a long time. The only new thing is the supposed Indian/Israeli plot to attack Pakistan's nukes. I don't know how credible that claim is. It sounds preposterous today, but remember that in Zia's time, we had not disclosed our nuclear capability.
My first post on these forums.

There's a lot of incorrect information in some of these posts.

Israel doesn't have any hostility to Pakistan or to it having nukes. (That's my opinion at least).
The only worry is that Pakistan would sell it's nuclear designs to Iran.

Israel doesn't have any hostility to Pakistan or to it having nukes. (That's my opinion at least).

I doubt your complacency is shared by the Likud crowd.

In any case, Israel has nothing to worry about. Conventional attacks on Israel are one thing, but any nuclear attack on Israel would trigger a massive American retaliation.

No country would be reckless enough to trigger that response.
Oh my god oh my god

4th Israeli in just a month.I fear that they will Hijack the Forum.First they Come few but slowly they come more and more and finally they kick you out.
Oh my god oh my god

4th Israeli in just a month.I fear that they will Hijack the Forum.First they Come few but slowly they come more and more and finally they kick you out.

don't worry most of them are Indian born, Israelis :lol: who have not even seen the map of Israel in their lives :agree:
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ghost you hate us isreal thats ok

but usa they are provideing you money from long of time

have you ever think what pakistan is without usa help

American aid is in the interest of USA. Pakistan can easily survive without it.
The reason brothers want good relations with ISRAEL is simple./

They Israelis kick *** when they go to war.

They have tremendous fighting skills/ courage/ daring and the pakistanis admire this.

They have excellent hitech equipment and a great deal is their own copied and improved from USA..

finally the pakistanis ARE SERIOUSLY CONCERNED ABOUT THE INDO/ISRAELI military link up and trhe hitech weapons/ training the israelis are giving india.

Some pakistanis res[pect & fear the israelis

Yeah they kick *** only before puny forces trained on soviet doctrines numbers no quality as has been india but I guess indians have realised the shortcomings of soviet doctrine so they are working on quality now,good for them,pakistani forces since their creation emphasized mainly on quality so we will definitely be at par if not more then israeli forces.

We don’t admire anything about israeli’s yes we might learn tactics and study their manuveures just to gain knowledge of the way our enemy thinks and responds that’s it israeli’s are cowrds killing women and children but we don’t underestimate our enemy no matter how barbaric he is so we might pull their tactics against them.

High tech equipment yes ,but wat high tech force have they been up against,they faught against soviet trained syrians and egyptians in mig-21s and every one thought mairage was supperior to mig-21 but in the same case when pakistani pilots flew the mig-21s they sot down many israeli so called high tech planes without any losses ,the difference b/w mig-21 and mirage could be asumed same as today’s j-10 and f-16c/d ,so I would’nt bet on their technology to save them,if u r properly motivated u just might defeat them,do u remember stalingrad the russians tech was way inferior then germans but they defeated the germans,just becuz they had stepped on their motherland so is here israeli’s are sitting on our holy land and our motivation will be religion if we ever go to war with zionist state.plus israel reecently lost to a rag tag militia so I won’t count on high tech saveit.

Concerned sure but worried no as far as I am concerned our nuclear doctrine is, in case of attack by india we will fire our nukes no limited war,good that israel has joined the game I want israel to openly have a defence pact with india so that when we go down under the mushrom clouds at the same time our nukes would make mushroom clouds over tal aviv and new delhi.one country takes down to nations with itself ,great victory I would say 2 less brats to worry about for the muslim world.

No respect for israelis as military service is compulsory in israel so every israeli in some point in his life has directly killed our bros and sisters so they don’t deserve any respect frm us,fear huh!u must be kidding if u go through the above posts of my brave bros go through their lines and my linesand tell me do u smell fear from them nay!bring it on zionists and hindus destroying u both will earn pakistan a great status in muslim history for centuries to come.
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I doubt your complacency is shared by the Likud crowd.

In any case, Israel has nothing to worry about. Conventional attacks on Israel are one thing, but any nuclear attack on Israel would trigger a massive American retaliation.

No country would be reckless enough to trigger that response.

I voted for Likud. I live in Israel, and I'm familiar with the stances of Likud politicians. No one has hostility to Pakistan in the govt .

The trouble with Iran getting nukes is not that they'll neccessarily use them (although that is a risk), but that it'll give them protection to 'export the revolution' in all places where there is instability.
That means giving even more weaponry to Hamas and Hezbollah and Syria than they're already doing.
Oh my god oh my god

4th Israeli in just a month.I fear that they will Hijack the Forum.First they Come few but slowly they come more and more and finally they kick you out.

I hope they don't try to take over this forum by saying it was promised to them and they are the real owners and then they will call us terrorists and eventually ban all Pakistanis.:blink:
I hope they don't try to take over this forum by saying it was promised to them and they are the real owners and then they will call us terrorists and eventually ban all Pakistanis.:blink:

lolz spot on but i guess thats the way of zion elders

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