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Israel Must Think seriously About Pakistan's Nuclear weapons: Israeli President.

Umm...Pakistan had no qualms about accepting weapons from Israel during the Afghan war. Nor did they balk joining CENTO when the Americans and Israelis were calling Yaseer Arafat a terrorist.

Pakistan didnt get those weapons taliban did who were fighting USSR and we didnt ask for the weapons USA did.
CENTO had other muslim countries also...and No israel wasnt a part of it.
I find the Pakistani obsession with Israel both amusing and disturbing, especially compared with Bangladesh, whose citizens seem to feel little about Israel at all.

We've had a number of threads here about Pakistan and Israel - it's one of the things that prompted my appearance here - and it seems when one thread dies down - whether because phony allegations against Israel are disproved, or because Israeli behavior is explained sufficiently to Pakistanis, or something else - another one pops up to take its place, often reciting exactly the same stuff that had been disproved before.

Since every time it all peters out to nothing, can Pakistanis grasp the possibility that maybe 99% of everything negative they ever heard about Israel was wrong?
Care to share more about your hidden love for Indians and Israelis?

So, I must have hidden love for them. And this topic is concerned with Israel and not India in any way You seem to believe that you have a monopoly over patriotism and nationalism. Go and troll somewhere else.

Not against every country. But war against India, Israel, and USA for sure.

You guys cannot imagine how much a common man in Pakistan hates you for your *****.

Not every sane person does. But everybody with a swastika sure does.

All I'm asking for is a source, which nobody can provide .If they've published a story without a source (which it seems is the case), then it isn't just irresponsible journalism its plain yellow journalism. Just imagining a statement and printing it in the paper (or the hundreds of right wing blogs that have popped up) deserves criminal prosecution.
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I find the Pakistani obsession with Israel both amusing and disturbing, especially compared with Bangladesh, whose citizens seem to feel little about Israel at all.

We've had a number of threads here about Pakistan and Israel - it's one of the things that prompted my appearance here - and it seems when one thread dies down - whether because phony allegations against Israel are disproved, or because Israeli behavior is explained sufficiently to Pakistanis, or something else - another one pops up to take its place, often reciting exactly the same stuff that had been disproved before.

Since every time it all peters out to nothing, can Pakistanis grasp the possibility that maybe 99% of everything negative they ever heard about Israel was wrong?

You, Sir, are a gentlemen and a scholar.
Deep rooted anti-semitism is the main cause. Preaching tolerance takes decades.
I think the situation can be controled if Egypt/Jordan can have peace with Israel I am sure we can also co exisit all we ask is a peaceful Palestinian state and frankly we have no problem with Israelis living in the same region its religiously important to them too so respect should be mutual
I think the situation can be controled if Egypt/Jordan can have peace with Israel I am sure we can also co exisit all we ask is a peaceful Palestinian state and frankly we have no problem with Israelis living in the same region its religiously important to them too so respect should be mutual

You have a point but peace among Egypt, Israel, Jordan and Palestine as as hopeless as Pakistan and India peace. Israel has only back tracked in the previous couple of years and the peace talks that bore some fruit in the past decade have been rendered worthless.

It is ultimately upto Israel. Whether the Israeli population wants to live in peace or keep on fighting like they have been doing for the past 6 decades. A peaceful middle east is a dream of millions, if not billions.
One Thing i haven't Understood since the Joining of this Forum.

What is INDIANS Problem that Pakistan not accepting Israel?

Indians should be happy but Indian's Constantly tell us that we should have Relations with them.Who are Indians to tell us that????It's Our Country our choice.

Because they have a HUGE nose which they Poke everywhere !;)
chamcha geeri ho rahi hai bhaya:lol:

Love you Imran bhai:D:D

My first post on these forums.

There's a lot of incorrect information in some of these posts.

And you can give us the CORRECT Information right ?

Israel doesn't have any hostility to Pakistan or to it having nukes.

Well maybe we are talking about the statement of Kenya's President's about Pakistan in this thread !:confused:

(That's my opinion at least).

I wish there are more Israelis like you than like your President .
The only worry is that Pakistan would sell it's nuclear designs to Iran.


Why did US and UK give Nukes to Israel then ?

You do it its good we do it its bad:)
I find the Pakistani obsession with Israel both amusing and disturbing, especially compared with Bangladesh, whose citizens seem to feel little about Israel at all.

We've had a number of threads here about Pakistan and Israel - it's one of the things that prompted my appearance here - and it seems when one thread dies down - whether because phony allegations against Israel are disproved, or because Israeli behavior is explained sufficiently to Pakistanis, or something else - another one pops up to take its place, often reciting exactly the same stuff that had been disproved before.

Since every time it all peters out to nothing, can Pakistanis grasp the possibility that maybe 99% of everything negative they ever heard about Israel was wrong?

Mr Solomon in His typical style once again !

Change your style man i am bored of your opinions:lol:
Pakistan's nukes are a defensive deterrant. They were never meant as an offensive threat.

The same is true of Iran's nukes. Do you really think the Iranians would use the nukes, directly or through Hamas, in an offensive capacity?

Don't write nonsense to try and score cheap points.
Israel LOST all its planes when faced with PAF pilots.

It's one thing to defeat stone throwing Palestinian kids and untrained Arab armies. It's quite another to face a combat-hardened and professionally trained military force like Pakistan's.

Remember, in 1999 Kargil, India was losing to Pakistan and it was only when India and Israel joined forces that they were able to push back Pakistan.

when did ISREAL lost its plane aganist u
The simple reason why some people want better relations with Israel, while others don't:
Religiously, we have a lot in common with the Jews but ideologically we are worlds apart............................ Both factions satisfied(Hopefully)............
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