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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Israeli Rabbi announced it is the right time to build the “Third Temple”:

the “I Pet Goat 2” video referenced in above video is below and at 3.07 mins in the video it is shown attack on Masjid e Aqsa by a missile:

And I think in response to “I Pet Goat 2” turkish animation company have produced “I Pet Goat 3”, so I give Turkey at least credit to counter even animation movies ... while we are as always eating biryani and halwas...:

My prayers are that the ending in reality will be as per “I Pet Goat 3”.BTW people with “keen eyes on world events” better understand “I pet goat” videos above...
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Anyone have a rocket count?

Last I checked its like 630 fired/480 into Israel in last 24 hrs and around 200 were in last few hours, 137 of those were in 5 minute barrage
Yeah some IDF intel sources said it was a guided rocket, waiting on more details.

There was a drone that fired at some Israeli soldiers from across the border in Gaza earlier in the day
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A regular army kills people in custody and bomb civilians then its OK if Hamas hit empty car then hue and cry, truly most hypocrites Jews and their supporters are.
I don't see Israel lobbing 250+ missiles on cities for the sake of it, Instead you see them performing concise strikes on PIJ leadership and other militants. The majority of Casualties were militants meanwhile all the militants have done is kill and target civilians mostly. Sorry there is no justification here whatsoever for such aggression.
The Israeli media experience

I don't see Israel lobbing 250+ missiles on cities for the sake of it, Instead you see them performing concise strikes on PIJ leadership and other militants. The majority of Casualties were militants meanwhile all the militants have done is kill and target civilians mostly. Sorry there is no justification here whatsoever for such aggression.

It shows how hypocrite and blind you are.
Anyone catch the explosion on the live stream?

Enlighten me?
I think most people on the forum have realized that talking to you is like talking to a brick wall, The Israeli's have forced the hand of the Palestinians, they have no other choice but to fire and fight from densely populated area's because there are no other area's to fire from, and mind you the area is so densely populated because the Israeli's keep encroaching upon Palestinian land and kicking them out. You talk about them firing rockets indiscriminately and hitting civilians, well that's because most of their rockets are unguided and imprecise maybe if the Israeli's stopped killing any respectable Palestinian scientist or industry they could develop some more precise weaponry so that collateral damage is reduced. These Palestinians are fighting for their lives and when your pushed to such limits you have two options, you use what is at your disposal or you surrender to your enemy and in the case of the Palestinians that would be worse than death

Boy did he dance around that one particular question on the of condemning the killing of Palestinian children. Hard to believe how afraid they are to be truthful showing any support against Israeli indiscriminate killing of children, regardless of what they perceive them being used as human shields or collateral damage.
I don't see Israel lobbing 250+ missiles on cities for the sake of it, Instead you see them performing concise strikes on PIJ leadership and other militants. The majority of Casualties were militants meanwhile all the militants have done is kill and target civilians mostly. Sorry there is no justification here whatsoever for such aggression.
A huge portion of the deaths are children. **** off
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