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Israeli nightmare "Appearance of an other Nasrallah in Gaza"

Sinwar doesn't know what we intend.

I'll tell you information no one knows, around 500 Hamas terrorists were killed when Israel tricked them into entering their defensive tunnels with that land invasion stunt we made. We bombed those collapsed those tunnels and the terrorists inside were killed like rats.
Yeah i believe you beny, the same way you sent F-35s above Iran and they came and left without being detected.

The most known feature of these guys such as Sinwar and Nasrallah is their Honestly. Honesty is the same Factor that makes them unpredictable for liars of USA and Israel.

Let me tell you a secret of mine, thousands of Iranian supported forces are stationed near your borders waiting on the exact moment. Guess what your intelligence knows that perfectly but hides it from your public to avoid Wide spread turmoil.

The fun part, not only your so called governnors can't reveal it to public, on the other, no one in west believes your call for help ironically.

Gantz's barking was in that context, he cannot convince western powers of the fact that Israel is in danger. Guess what west doesn't give a hoot about it too. That was why Gantz was saying we will act with or without west, that made me laugh since it was a cry of an stranded Israeli rat who has no way except that crying bi1ch. He received the signal from Washington, he knows what witdrawing from Afghanistan means to Israel and Israelis.

We shall meet beny sooner rather than later. It might be the only reason that we are hopeful to life. Goes to show Iranian love for Israelis that we are Burning like butterflies around a Burning candle to meet Israelis. :)
Yeah i believe you beny, the same way you sent F-35s above Iran and they came and left without being detected.

The most known feature of these guys such as Sinwar and Nasrallah is their Honestly. Honesty is the same Factor that makes them unpredictable for liars of USA and Israel.

Let me tell you a secret of mine, thousands of Iranian supported forces are stationed near your borders waiting on the exact moment. Guess what your intelligence knows that perfectly but hides it from your public to avoid Wide spread turmoil.

The fun part, not only your so called governnors can't reveal it to public, on the other, no one in west believes your call for help ironically.

Gantz's barking was in that context, he cannot convince western powers of the fact that Israel is in danger. Guess what west doesn't give a hoot about it too. That was why Gantz was saying we will act with or without west, that made me laugh since it was a cry of an stranded Israeli rat who has no way except that crying bi1ch. He received the signal from Washington, he knows what witdrawing from Afghanistan means to Israel and Israelis.

We shall meet beny sooner rather than later. It might be the only reason that we are hopeful to life. Goes to show Iranian love for Israelis that we are Burning like butterflies around a Burning candle to meet Israelis. :)
What honesty? In all our wars with you, honesty was the last thing you had. Hezbollah is an Iranian puppet pretending to care for Lebanon rather than Iranian interest while using Lebanese civilians as human shields, like this incident recently at a Druze village
While also pushing the Lebanese people into conflict for good for nothing Palestinians that raped and criminalized Lebanese people.

And Hamas is pretending to care for the Palestinian people while diverting humanitarian resources to build military hardware and infrastructure near, below and at civilian infrastructure and population, entering Gaza time after time into senseless and unwinnable wars against Israel.
Sure buddy . :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::partay:
Don't believe me. I know better.
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Don't believe me. I know better.

Your own army:

This latter effort was seen most clearly in the IDF’s strikes on what it dubbed “the metro,” a curious name for what it said was a system of Hamas bunkers, tunnels, underground command centers and weapons caches under the Gaza Strip. The airstrikes, which began on May 13, were conducted according to plans that the military had been drawing up for years.

However, the attack on “the metro” did not go exactly according to those plans, which included a ground invasion that was meant to drive Hamas fighters into the tunnels and bunkers in order to maximize the blow to the terror group. Though the IDF halfheartedly attempted to trick Hamas into believing that such a ground maneuver was underway, the ruse largely failed and the military believes that far fewer Hamas operatives were killed in the airstrikes than the already low number that it initially assessed.

Yet the IDF top brass maintains that the campaign against Hamas’s underground infrastructure could not have been conducted better, as the terror group was growing increasingly aware of Israel’s ability to strike its tunnels. The military therefore believes that if it had not used those attack plans then, albeit in a less effective way than originally hoped, they would have eventually become worthless.

around 25% of Israel is Arab muslim. There're christians too. And god knows what else lol.
Point is, where is the nightmare? We've seen Iran promise lots of nightmare for decades, but instead we only see nightmare for all in the region except Israel.. explain that?
I'll agree with the Turk here. It's funny hearing the Iranians going like "We are going to reply with such strength!" blah blah every year.
And Hamas going like "We will give them a lesson they will never forget".

And then it all comes down to this:
On February 13, 2017, Yahya al-Sinwar was elected head of the Hamas political bureau in the Gaza Strip.
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One of the achievements of the recent war in the Gaza Strip was the realization of the unknown potential of Yahya al-Sinwar, the head of the Hamas political bureau in the Gaza Strip. A person who was released after enduring the hardships of the Israeli prison in 2011 in a prisoner exchange operation and immediately entered the Hamas political office based on his political background. Palestinian leaders and even the Zionist regime, although they knew al-Sinwar's character well before the Gaza war, al-Sinwar's courageous behavior during and after the war and his strong speeches brought terror to the Zionist camp. Because Israel is afraid of the charismatic face of another prominent figure in the resistance and does not want to see a copy of the original version of Hezbollah Secretary General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah in Gaza.

In this regard, the Zionist regime's media have announced the formation of a special team to re-evaluate Al-Sinwar's character. The Zionist newspaper Haaretz wrote in its Monday report that post-Gaza security circles had prepared a new profile for Yahya al-Sinwar, the leader of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement in the Gaza Strip, as they concluded that Sinwar's approach and actions after the Israeli aggression, he is proving to be an unpredictable commander!
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The report adds that due to the importance of Al-Sinwar's character to the Zionist regime, Israeli intelligence services and senior army officers, as well as senior officials from the Israeli Internal Security Service (Shabak), senior psychologists, body language experts and analysts gave various speeches in compiling the new profile of Al-Sinwar.

Who is Al-Sinwar?

On February 13, 2017, Yahya al-Sinwar was elected head of the Hamas political bureau in the Gaza Strip. He is one of the founders of the Hamas (Majd) security service, whose main responsibility is to pursue and detain Israeli spies.

Al-Sinwar returned to his former position as one of the leading leaders of the Hamas movement and became a member of the movement's political bureau after being released from Israeli prisons during a prisoner Exchange, operation with Gilad Shalit in 2011. As the representative of Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades in the political bureau, he was responsible for coordinating the bureau and commanding these battalions.
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Al-Sinwar had previously ordered an extensive investigation and evaluation of Hamas field leaders, ending the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip in 2014, which resulted in the dismissal of a number of prominent Hamas field commanders.

In September 2015, the United States placed Al-Sinwar on its international terrorism list.

The dimensions of Al-Sinwar's personality that have terrified the Zionists

The Zionist newspaper claims that al-Sinwar's character has changed in recent months from what the Israelis have achieved, and that he has gone from being a pragmatic figure to one who makes immediate decisions.

A look at the contents of various Zionist media shows the character of Al-Sinwar in the following dimensions as dangerous for the Israelis.

A: The charismatic personality of Al-Sinwar throughout Palestine

In the Gaza war, Al-Sinwar became the only Arab leader ready to go to war against Israel in defense of Jerusalem. This was a high score among the public. The security source added: "Al-Sinwar, as a politician, but as a person who defended Jerusalem in a full-fledged war, has attracted the attention and surprise of many public opinion."

Zionist sources emphasize that Al-Sinwar, unlike other commanders of the Hamas movement, considers himself the leader of the entire Arab and Palestinian nation in Gaza and the West Bank and the occupied territories of 1948.

Al-Sinwar's recent epic and influential speeches have played a significant role in raising the concerns of the Zionist regime. In one of his speeches, he praised the Arabs living in occupied Palestine and the Arabs of Jerusalem, emphasizing that they were the ones who stood up and protected the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Sheikh Jarrah area, proving that the Zionist regime's Judaization efforts had suddenly failed and been Encountered.

B: The spirit of the people and the struggle

Another issue that raised the concerns of the Zionist regime was the presence of Al-Sinwar in a field visit to the streets of Gaza without significant security measures and his meeting with many Palestinians who had lost their homes as a result of the Zionist attacks. An Israeli security official said it was surprising how Palestinians approached him and how he celebrated post-war celebrations, a behavior we have never seen before.
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Photo : Al-Sinwar holding a gun seized from Israeli soldier

The security official stressed that pictures of al-Sinwar sitting on a chair in front of his ruined house after the recent Israeli aggression on Gaza shows the purpose for which he published the picture and that he wanted all Palestinians and even Arabs living in Occupied Territories know that his house, like that of other Palestinians, was destroyed by the Israeli occupiers. The image had a significant impact on Palestinian public opinion, and after it was posted on social media, many Palestinians posted pictures of themselves sitting in a chair similar to this one in solidarity with al-Sinwar.

C: High power in psychological warfare

Zionist sources warn that despite the heavy casualties suffered by Hamas during the days of the struggle, the Palestinian people, as a result of al-Sinwar's actions and speeches, came to believe that al-Sinwar had won the war. He did not surrender to the Israeli army and established solidarity between Gaza and Jerusalem.

In one of his speeches, he raised the panic of Israeli public opinion: "I am confident that our brothers will enter the Intifada in the occupied territories inside Israel. I am absolutely convinced that we have more than 10,000 people ready to fight Israel inside the occupied territories."

D: Takes a decisive stance

Taking firm positions is another component of al-Sinwar's personality that has raised Israeli concerns. After the Gaza war, he had a brief meeting with the UN envoy to the Middle East, but soon called for an end to the meeting and departure from Gaza because of UN envoy's "arrogance."

E: Full coordination with the military branch of Hamas

Zionist sources introduce another factor of concern of the Zionist regime as the complete coordination of Yahya al-Sinwar with the battalions of Martyr Izz al-Din al-Qassam, the military branch of the Hamas movement, and believe that the differences between him and Mohammad Zaif, the commander of these battalions, have disappeared.

And: Testimony

Al-Sinwar's spirit of martyrdom is another point that has been considered by the Zionist regime's security circles. When Zionist War Minister Beni Gantz threatens to assassinate al-Sinwar, he responds by downplaying the threats: "The best gift he can give me is to assassinate me." He adds sarcastically to the threat: "I am now leaving here by car and returning home. Naturally, the Zionists know where I live, so I am waiting for them!"

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Haaretz cites an example of the Zionist regime's strategic changes in the light of existing perceptions of al-Sinwar's character, and writes that the postponement of the so-called flag march in occupied Jerusalem was for the first time in the wake of Tel Aviv decision-makers threatening Hamas and al-Sinwar himself. The Zionist official pointed to al-Sinwar's role in Israel's decision and said: "This is something we are afraid of and we are careful about it. We are afraid of a commander who has become an unpredictable leader."

Israel's deep concern over the Al-Sinwar phenomenon stems from Tel Aviv's experience with the charismatic figure of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, according to the Israeli media, and who takes his threats quite seriously. Therefore, the Israelis are afraid of al-Sinwar becoming Nasrallah II, a phenomenon which, despite repeated claims and threats and the mobilization of all the security and military potentials of the Zionist regime, they have not yet been able to eliminate.

In this context, while concerns in the Occupied Territories about the leadership of al-Sinwar in Hamas have increased, the situation in the Gaza Strip is normal and the resistance forces are still seeking to increase their power. They are to achieve their main and final ideal.
Nightmare? Hahaha
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