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Israelis worry over U.S. defense cutbacks

I do agree with the bold part, Isralies do not have the mentioned problems with us,while Arabs do.But we can't generalize,many Arabs and Palestinians support Iran too.But the best options is to leave Palestinians to choose their destiny through a referandum.If they agree with a 2 state solution, Iran will accept that too,as it has always said.But you know,Israel will never allow that.It has a keen interest to keep this fight going.Even U.S pressure on it to statrt peace talks had no results.

I know very well what contra affair is.
But would you mind telling me how 2000-3000 TOWs anti tank missiles and few spare parts saved Iran from 'collapse'? There is no need for exaggerations.

Besides,Israel was the middle man in contra,and just transferred U.S equipment to Iran through its channels.
Those are but the deals that were revealed. The point is that Israel thought the extremists could have been stopped but their influence only grew after the war. Dictatorship rules Iran now and there is no escaping a dictators fate.

I'd rather see it happen by the people, if there are among you who desire life more than death.
Ptex, Iran has helped Israel in the '70's too. Iran financed some Israeli military programs back than, like the Jericho missile. One Israeli official in the '70's even stated:

''In Iran they treated us like kings. We did business with them on a stunning scale. Without the ties with Iran, we would not have had the money to develop weaponry that is today in the front line of the defense of the State of Israel.''

The Secret War with Iran: The 30-Year Clandestine Struggle Against the World ... - Ronen Bergman Ph.D. - Google Boeken
Israel wants to get rid of the land it has annexed, not add more inbred illiterate Arabs to threaten us with their mass reproduction.

Israel did not have a superpower like the US to back us until after we already humiliated those hundreds of millions of Arabs again and again. Six day war is called what it's called for a reason.

I welcome any nation that helps the world become a better place. China can do much to better this world.

One simple question, between Islamists and Pan-Arabists, which one Israel worries more about it?
Indeed, we can't generalize, but many Arabs dislike Iranians/Persians from their heart. Its something historical and cultural. For instance, Iran was popular in the Middle East in 2006, but only because it supported Hezbollah in their conflict with Israel. If we don't talk loud about Palestine and Palestinians, no significant amount of people in the Arab world will back Iran. They see us, no matter what happens, as Ajams. We can have some public support for a couple of years, but that will fade away, like now, because it is artificially created.

I support a two-state solution, but I can understand Israelis too. Give too much to Arabs and they will take your hand. When Palestinians start thinking about their people in stead of their hatred for Jews, things will be much better. I can respect Hezbollah for that, not because they fight Israel, but because they have social projects for their people. Unlike corrupt Palestinian officials backed by lazy Qatari sheikhs.

I partly agree with you. Especially with Hamas and Palestinians. While Hezbollah has shown to be a loyal and very disciplined organization, I cant say the same for the bipolar corrupt people in Palestinian authority and Hamas.

One day, they back a brutal Iraqi invasion of Iran. The next day they will say "thank you Iran for fajr rockets". But then only to have that piece of sh*t Khaleed Meeshal (leader of Hamas) openly show support for the FSA and condemn Assad (someone who hosted Meeshal, and supported his group), and move to Qatar. Iran needs to break of with these motherf*ckers. They have no discipline, no loyalty, and can at any moment stab you in the back! In other words "trimming the sales after the wind". No wonder, they have no country!
Iran should just abandon Hamas to Egypt, and then whatever the f*ck happens to them, whatever... Good riddance!

However I do think Hezbollah has been a good disciplined organization. So agree with you there.
But Israel seems to back those FSA Islamists against the Pan-Arabist government of Syria.

Israel isn't backing FSA. The Islamists are worse than Assad, that is why we stayed away from this conflict. I, personally, believe the FSA could be much worse than Assad.

Ptex, Iran has helped Israel in the '70's too. Iran financed some Israeli military programs back than, like the Jericho missile. One Israeli official in the '70's even stated:

The Secret War with Iran: The 30-Year Clandestine Struggle Against the World ... - Ronen Bergman Ph.D. - Google Boeken
I am aware of what Iran did for Israel but it wasn't a one-sided relationship. We were allies and we helped each other out.
bcz Syria goverment is an important ally of Iranian Islamic goverment.....
I think they are like most Iranians:
they don't like Asad but they are scared the FSA is worst
and to say the truth i am surprised a lot of Europeans feel the same too, opposite to the TV media (newspapers are different)
I think they are like most Iranians:
they don't like Asad but they are scared the FSA is worst
and to say the truth i am surprised a lot of Europeans feel the same too, opposite to the TV media (newspapers are different)

I think when (IF) FSA win the civil war, US will say they are terrorists and take the Syria ( war on terror )....a best way to overthrown AL Asad and then take the Syria....bcz then Syria is weak and ppl are not with FSA....:triniti:
russia and china are not stupid enough to side with Zionist animals who wage war across their region. russia and china will stay loyal to iran
clearly proofs that Israel is the aggressor in both palestine and iran conflicts, you claim they want to attack you but as you said Israel is the strongest country in the Middle East. Would seem unlikely that weaker nations like iran and palestine want to 'wipe you off the planet'
Israel isn't backing FSA. The Islamists are worse than Assad, that is why we stayed away from this conflict. I, personally, believe the FSA could be much worse than Assad.

The FSA and especially their Jihadists allies will be much worst than Bashar al-Assad for the Syrians and the rest of the region. When or if al-Assad falls the country won't be overrun by Zionists and Americans but rather it will descent into anarchy like in Iraq or Afghanistan or in Libya. What is happening today in Syria is simply setting up the conflict for tomorrow. There are now about 10000 to 15000 local and international Jihadists fighting in Syria today. And more are joining them each day. These people will not go back home and take up their old professions after they are finished with al-Assad in Syria. They will simply relocate themselves to other parts of the region like Iraq or Lebanon or perhabs even Jordan. This will be a major headache for Israel in the future.
The FSA and especially their Jihadists allies will be much worst than Bashar al-Assad for the Syrians and the rest of the region. When or if al-Assad falls the country won't be overrun by Zionists and Americans but rather it will descent into anarchy like in Iraq or Afghanistan or in Libya. What is happening today in Syria is simply setting up the conflict for tomorrow. There are now about 10000 to 15000 local and international Jihadists fighting in Syria today. And more are joining them each day. These people will not go back home and take up their old professions after they are finished with al-Assad in Syria. They will simply relocate themselves to other parts of the region like Iraq or Lebanon or perhabs even Jordan. This will be a major headache for Israel in the future.
What do you want, a cookie? I just said that i do not support the FSA.

Assad, for us, is the devil we know.
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