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Israel's Pain gets worse as Pakistan's WMD capability grows.

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It wont be America or some buddy else, rather it will be your own India. They will try their best to avoid such a situation. And you know why, not because You guys love us but because you would like to save your own A$$.

You are making baseless assumptions. Please let us know a reason why India would join a WAR against Pakistan.

In any situation of war with Israel we will drag India into this bloody mess, and because of the geographical proximity you will suffer the most, even more then Israel . No doubt we will be goners but nothing will be left on your side as well. now you can deduce yourself, if something is left in your upper chamber, why would India become a protective shield of Pakistan in case of any chance of war between Pak-Israel.

You are confusing here.
Please confirm whether India will join it by own will or you will "force" us to do so.
We know in such a scenario, we would suffer. So again a reason India should/would not become part of it. We have our own issues to deal with. Why should we get involve in someone else's mess.

Our policy is,

"Hum to dubay hain snam, tum ko bhi lay dobayingay "

That too is well known. ;)
Ur history proves u wrong, in no way can we trust u

Well well , Same can be said about you and this is why you would always live in uncertainty , Helping zionists once again to Attack Pakistani soil would be "Fatal" for Both Enemy States.
Wooo after reading the thread i realize the extent to which our Indian Friends are mental Slaves of Israel.

I do not want to involve in flames. You too are requested for the same.

Come on Guys Israel might have all the high tech gadgets and they might have destroyed 400 Aircraft in a Day.But against whom the Arabs.lol.

You are right. You are strong enough. The point is, they are not too weak either.

Our Indians friends seem to be impressed by Mossad.Well no doubt they are the best but Indians don't seem to have learnt something about ISI too.ISI is that Organization which can defeat a Super Power with a few million dollars and hold up another one.ISI is that Organization of which enemy is so fearful that they have to station million men in order to carry on their Occupation.

You know what ISI too is respected where it is due. BTW, you were certainly part of repeling Soviet forces but this was a JV. ISI alone could not have managed it.
Also, If you are hinting towards JnK I can only say you are trolling.

Of Course because of the 2500+ kilometers distance between Pak and Israel any war would be fought with only WMDs resulting in the destruction of Both Countries.Unless either Pak makes a strong Presence in Syria and Israel Makes a strong Presence in India.

Why would Syria and India like to get into other's mess?

All in All Pakistan is not Arab that Israel can just bulldoze it.If Israel has the experience of fighting against 5 enemies we also have the experience of holding up to 10 times bigger enemy.

You are right upto some extent. This is what I am pointing out.
Its amazing how a country thats a tiny speck on world map has become the pain in the azz for almost every Muslim country... whats even more amazing is the fact that almost every one here on the forum wants Pakistan to finish off Israel .... just one question though....If All the Arab Countries put together ....using all their petro dollars... have not been able to harm a hair on Israel's azz ...what can Pakistan do with all its so called Nukes in Place......dreams ...oh dreams......

You seem to be in a great Pain so have a tranquilizer and go to sleep;)

Arabs Lack one thing called Unity But our History is evident , whenever we did something our people stood up as one !

So yes We "Will" finish that tiny little piece of Crap IF they Tried To Attack Pakistan Once again.:pakistan:
Ok let me start with ..............

when we started with the peaceful bus service you were doing Kargil in our backyard.....

^This is a Troll .

Stop discussion indo Pakistan to show your hate towards us.

BTW peace process was started by Pakistan not India.
All in All Pakistan is not Arab that Israel can just bulldoze it.If Israel has the experience of fighting against 5 enemies we also have the experience of holding up to 10 times bigger enemy.

Very Well said .:cheers: :pakistan: :pakistan:
Israel Is a country which stood alone and won the battle against the arab countries in which pakistan was also part.. Israel Destroyed more than 400 Arab aircrafts, and Now If you are coming to say that Pakistan is way better than the combined arab countries, then Iam sorry You will be laughed upon badly.... But Israel is better than Whole Arab countries combined, and To destroy pakistan It just has to release Mosad, they will finish off the things... They dont need to Send Israel Airforce..

Sweet dreams buddy:smitten:

This is what exactly they are doing now .
Why would Syria and India like to get into other's mess?


Coz in the past u tried to help Israel attack our Nuclear installations but at the last hour India has to pull out of the plan .Indian said that Israeli fighter plans cannot land in India for refueling if they attacked Pakistan's nuclear installations.
Personal attacks. :no:
Though I agree Pakistan is certainly not a weak nations in military terms. But neither Israel is. Plus Israel has clear cut advantage in technological terms where Pakistan has superiority in numbers. However both nations are sevaral thousands miles apart therefore it is Israel who is on slightly upper side, but too convincing.

Again rant par best.
You certainly have saner minds who thinks in a logical way. Not like kids here who claims they can run over that nation anytime.

Again I say Israel can not win over your nation due to several reasons. You have enough defences in place.
BTW, I am with you on reason that Pakistan should develop minimum relation with Israel. If Pakistan can have diplomatic relations with India (its arch-enemy) there is no reason not to have Israel in the list.

Why Israel would join India against Pakistan. And why India would agree on it. India is not subject of discussion here.

Now you are talking sense. If both nations have power equilibrium with each other there are very less chances of any adventure. Beside this, there is no too big clashes on interest here.


You know what sir, I never wanted to enter into this dirty debate in the first place, you can see my first two posts on this thread are an attempt to calm down the situation. But then there some brave souls on your side, whom crossed their limits, and kept crossing again and again, so I was forced to reply them.

Now talking of personal attacks, I never attacked them but their stupidity and their intentions to humiliate us. And yes if you regard those personal attacks then also add the word Intentional to it. Everyone should feel free to report it, if it has crossed the limits. Mods are there to judge.

Secondly talking of rants, There were no rants in my post, but direct replies to your countrymen.

Lastly I would like to tell you, here, there are people from your side and even from our side that do not want healthy and meaningful discussions. Rather to put it more correctly, I would say they are unable to comprehend it in the first place.

You would never see me replying to those respectable Indian posters, in this tone. And we enjoy good discussions at length, till some one from this special class arrives and spoil the party.

Post Edit

BTW this the third Thread from yesterday meeting the same fate, because of some honorable members here :disagree:


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Coz in the past u tried to help Israel attack our Nuclear installations but at the last hour India has to pull out of the plan .Indian said that Israeli fighter plans cannot land in India for refueling if they attacked Pakistan's nuclear installations.

I know it is tiresome and I apologize but can you please have a source of the above?
I do not want to involve in flames. You too are requested for the same.

oh Well you are right i shouldn't had said that.

You are right. You are strong enough. The point is, they are not too weak either.

But it seems some of your Indians Brethren consider Pakistan as Arabs.Just look at the comments.Pakistan would be destroyed in Seconds.lol.Come on Man we have been fighting with you guys for 6 decades 10 times bigger.At least give us some credit for our Survival.

You know what ISI too is respected where it is due. BTW, you were certainly part of repeling Soviet forces but this was a JV. ISI alone could not have managed it.
Also, If you are hinting towards JnK I can only say you are trolling.

Come on Yar our ISI did the main thing everybody else just Provided the money.And money is no big deal.India has lots of Money but still it hasn't been able to make an aircraft engine.Man Money is important but not everything.
First ISI defeated USSR and now is slowly defeating Americans.And if you are not afraid of ISI what's the Point of Keeping a Million Men army in such a tiny space.Man you even Exceed North Korea in this matter.

Why would Syria and India like to get into other's mess?

And how is the Fight with Israel not a matter of Syria and destruction of Pakistan not an interest of India.

You are right upto some extent. This is what I am pointing out.
Sir I am right Completely.Defeating Arabs is one thing but that doesn't mean you can just wipe off others too.
@adeos amigo:

I agree with you.
Basically I was surprised because I rarely saw you in such mood. Anyways you or I can't help it out. There were, are and would always be (unfortunately) uninformed members who say they can destroy a nation in some given time. However they do not have any idea regarding how to build one.

I hope you won't take my post too seriously. No one could run over your nation, except in dreams. :lol:
Its amazing how a country thats a tiny speck on world map has become the pain in the azz for almost every Muslim country... whats even more amazing is the fact that almost every one here on the forum wants Pakistan to finish off Israel .... just one question though....If All the Arab Countries put together ....using all their petro dollars... have not been able to harm a hair on Israel's azz ...what can Pakistan do with all its so called Nukes in Place......dreams ...oh dreams......

dude. u r so wrong.

In isreal every body is a soldier and even women are
In Arabv countries it is not so.

The free weaponary they get is somuch that if all Arab staters joined together will not have that amount of modern weapons dude.

Now Arabs have failed to develop their weapon systems having had all that money, we have talked about failure of their leaders before and u must have read it Dude. No need to repeat here. go read again. Dude.

The reason being that the equipment when sold to Arabs is operstd by foriegners. Why? whereas they will give all the chnology free to Israel. dude.

read this article and u will know the truth that if u already dont know it.

The Mother of All Scandals by Eric Margolis
I know it is tiresome and I apologize but can you please have a source of the above?

U are not aware of the fact that in Zia time Israel in cohort with India tried to attack Pakistani Nuclear installatiions.

This is story repeated million times on this forum and all over the `medis fron time to time and is a story of mellania. and u donot know it. Very strange.
Come on Yar our ISI did the main thing everybody else just Provided the money.And money is no big deal.India has lots of Money but still it hasn't been able to make an aircraft engine.Man Money is important but not everything.
First ISI defeated USSR and now is slowly defeating Americans.And if you are not afraid of ISI what's the Point of Keeping a Million Men army in such a tiny space.Man you even Exceed North Korea in this matter.

Not that i have disregard for ISI but lets also not get too optimistic...First of all CIA played a good enough role...Secondly money/ammunitions playes a major role in intelligence agencies...Please note that such agencies are also run by human beings unless you think otherwise...

And how is the Fight with Israel not a matter of Syria and destruction of Pakistan not an interest of India.

Umm how come fight of Israel and Pakistan is a matter for Syria or India??? As an adversary we would like you getting thrashed but tell me any pressing need for us to join that war??? Please understand war's are bloody costly...they ruin economies(you might have seen its impact on your stock exchange when Kargil a limited conflict happened)...Tell me any existential threat on India or Syria if Pakistan or Israel end up as winner????

Sir I am right Completely.Defeating Arabs is one thing but that doesn't mean you can just wipe off others too.
There is no doubt about that...Having said it Israel is also not going to be a peace of cake for Pakistan by any stetch if imagination..Vice versa is true as well...
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