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It seems US wants war

Or these fuckers knew they were going to be kicked out like dogs anyways, so they decided sneaky terrorists as they are, to martyr Muhandis and Soleimani before leaving.
I think that two because I read that bush said any war with iran means iraqi Shia uprising so I think now after the decline of american power they try to act like what they did in vietnam when they did the last act of bombing to stop the viet cong before they evacuated and left.i think they did mistake by thinking Iraqi anger toward this useless government will make the iraqi Shia nuetral but in reality there are many who might not like iran but the hate the US more. For me I don't wish war with iran because it's still last safe place for our religion and people.
I think that two because I read that bush said any war with iran means iraqi Shia uprising so I think now after the decline of american power they try to act like what they did in vietnam when they did the last act of bombing to stop the viet cong before they evacuated and left.i think they did mistake by thinking Iraqi anger toward this useless government will make the iraqi Shia nuetral but in reality there are many who might not like iran but the hate the US more. For me I don't wish war with iran because it's still last safe place for our religion and people.
They cowardly bombed lebanon after they escaped humiliated.
They cowardly bombed lebanon after they escaped humiliated.
Yes because Vietnam was a good listen for them the same they did when they fough saddam in Kuwait they came with caolition of many countries and the oust kicked the iraqi army but they didn't go all the way to baghdad because they knew they can't win also little and unfair Kuwait war brought little trust to their soldiers who were suffering from the Vietnam nightmare even though most of the war was bombing iraqi troops by using supperior Air Force. I read before saying that the vietnamese couldn't win if wasn't for china and russia support with weapons while they forgot they themselves couldn't defeat Germany and japan who were already engaged in many wars without bombing their countries and weapons factories.
never. Iran is the threat which US used to extract billion of dollars from fools Arab every year. If that threat eliminated by war, than how can US will get billion of dollars from Arabs????????
There is no such response that Iran can do. Stakes are very high. Pakistan will definitely get affacted by it. China has invested in Pakistan and therefore, would advise Iran not to respond. Similarly, European Countries which sided with Iran on latest Nuclear Deal would tell Iran to back off. Russia would say this too. Turkey too. Moreover, there is no such thing Iran can do other than killing some Ameriacans here and there

There is no such response that Iran can do. Stakes are very high. Pakistan will definitely get affacted by it. China has invested in Pakistan and therefore, would advise Iran not to respond. Similarly, European Countries which sided with Iran on latest Nuclear Deal would tell Iran to back off. Russia would say this too. Turkey too. Moreover, there is no such thing Iran can do other than killing some Ameriacans here and there

Well american calculation has been always wrong, from withdrawing from JCPoA thinking Iran would stay in it to sending their drone inside Iran thinking Iran would not shot it down ...this time is no different ...
Iran FP isn't base on advice of this or that but base upon our national security & interests ...
It's just a matter of time, maybe a harsh military respond or something related to nuclear issue as we getting to 5th ultimatum....
american have already attacked many countries in region or occupied them through military bases or control them through their stooges the one they have not been able to touch is Iran the only thing they could do is attacking 2 cars in night from far far away while undermining other countries sovereignty .. they are angry 'cause they've failed so far ...
While you're killing children in Gaza?
Let me tell how Israel fights and how Iran fights.

1) On 19 November 2019 Iranian militia fired 4 rockets towards Israel from Syria. Israel intercepted them.


2) On 20 Nov 2019 Israel launched retaliation. Destroying lots of military targets covered by newest Russian air defence systems:


And what did Khamenai and Assad do? - They attacked refugee camp with ballistic missile killing dozens.

What will be Khamenaistic regime response?

1) Bomb school in Sarmin.
2) Bomb hospital in Idlib
3) Bomb bakery in Has.
4) Bomb refugee camp in al Qah.

Please vote.
Khamenaistic regime first revenge. Carpet bombing of Ariha city in Idlib:

Are you stupid or what??
He was in Iraq since 2014 and leading the anti ISIS forces something uncle SAM didn't wish.

He's been traveling in Iraq for the last 5 years and never got killed until now since the U.S. embassy attack which he comes after that and traveling along with the leader who's militia was responsible for that assault. Attacking the U.S. embassy is unethical and barbaric, but you will ignore it anyways.
He's been traveling in Iraq for the last 5 years and never got killed until now since the U.S. embassy attack which he comes after that and traveling along with the leader who's militia was responsible for that assault. Attacking the U.S. embassy is unethical and barbaric, but you will ignore it anyways.
A foolish comment from an American. Materially damaging embassies happened in whole world, even in west, that's not equal to killing embassy personnel. Further more that doesnt justify state-terrorism by an occupying force. You bombed Iraqi army (PMU), they came to protest in front of the nest of spies (US embassy), then you go and kill a general? foolish act.
A foolish comment from an American. Materially damaging embassies happened in whole world, even in west, that's not equal to killing embassy personnel. Further more that doesnt justify state-terrorism by an occupying force. You bombed Iraqi army (PMU), they came to protest in front of the nest of spies (US embassy), then you go and kill a general? foolish act.

You didn’t just protest you practically attacked it and put it on fire. Tried to go into the embassy but was blocked off in the lobby.

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