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It seems US wants war

Yeah...uh you kind of forgot the part about trying to strangle iran economically which I imagine many nations would consider an act of war.
The seizing of the oil tanker was in retaliation for the british act of piracy against an iranian tanker in gibraltar.
As for the attacks on the other tankers there was no proof that iran did it,tho if you are going to wage economic warfare against iran you might first want to consider the potential repercussions of such a policy,not to mention that iran by virtue of its geography and its control of the strait of hormuz is the gatekeeper to the upper persian gulf and in real terms effectively controls the oil tap for almost a third of the worlds sea traded oil and gas.
Iran claimed that the drone was in its airspace and considering the number of us drones that iran had shot down or otherwise captured within iranian airspace over the years I think that its claims are just a little more credible,also the iranians could`ve easily shot down the p8 boeing patrol plane that was following the drone,yet they spared the lives of the 35 personnel on board......I dont see that ever happening again in future,do you?
As for the aramco attack the houthis took full public credit for that,but if the saudis thought that iran had done it why didnt they respond,or did mbs need the chumpster to hold his hand while he did[lol!]
You also seem to have forgotten the us long and repugnant history in the me region,you know overthrowing governments[including irans],propping up dictators and supporting their wars of aggression[saddam in the 80s],oh and speaking of wars of aggression lets not forget the invasion of iraq that was based entirely on flimsy lies....."weapons of mass destruction" ring any bells?.Oh and the attack on syria and the illegal ongoing occupation of its territory.
Lastly you really might want to take a look at americas actions in the middle east over the last say 80 odd years,I`d recommend starting with professor Noam Chomskys book Towards a new cold war[1982],tho I hope you have a very strong stomach as it makes for some very grim reading.

I am very aware of US involvement in the ME, and what funding the mujahideen, and the wahhabi madrassas attended by their Soviet-orphaned youth, and what chain reaction that has caused.

But you give the best-spin on every response. Not a single hint that maybe your team isn't always on the right side or telling the truth. Or a justification.

Your country is young. The youth don't share the same anti-Western, hard-line theocracy that you do. That is why your panicking.
Don't be a such a cuck, man up Iraqi nationalist.

raqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi condemned on Friday the "assassination" of Iranian Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis in a U.S. airstrike in Baghdad.

The airstrike on Baghdad airport is an act of aggression on Iraq and breach of its sovereignty that will lead to war in Iraq, the region, and the world, he said in a statement.

Abdul-Mahdi called the airstrike a "massive breach of sovereignty," saying "the two martyrs were huge symbols of the victory" against the Daesh terror group.

raqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi condemned on Friday the "assassination" of Iranian Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis in a U.S. airstrike in Baghdad.

The airstrike on Baghdad airport is an act of aggression on Iraq and breach of its sovereignty that will lead to war in Iraq, the region, and the world, he said in a statement.

Abdul-Mahdi called the airstrike a "massive breach of sovereignty," saying "the two martyrs were huge symbols of the victory" against the Daesh terror group.
Everyone breached Iraqi sovereignty since 2003 and this barking dog abdulmahdi didn't have anything to do except condemning the american violations while ignore other violations also he forgot if wasn't for america he wouldn't be a prime minister today lol.
Making war is not the same as making wars. It means that when we want to, we are unmatched.

Making wars, although we have done so, is completely different. Iraq II was an unmitigated disaster and would qualify as making wars. But within that, we demonstrated just how scary we are at making war.

Power is powerful's last resort. It is not pretty that you had power and you abused it. Don't you think? I hope you are not proud of this scarry face of yours because if you are - people who hate USA will be justified and you wouldn't want your country to be remembered as a powerful illogical state on the face of the earth that advocates freedom for itself and denies everyone theirs.

Please advocate peace back in your country. USA can do more for world peace then the entire world combined and we all know why.
Iran-backed Iraqi militia commander Qais al-Khazali also ordered his fighters Friday to be on high alert for an upcoming battle and said that U.S. military presence in Iraq would end soon.

"All fighters should be on high alert for upcoming battle and great victory. The price for the blood for the martyred commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis is the complete end to American military presence in Iraq," local TV channel al-Ahd which is close to his Asaib Ahl al-Haq militia quoted him as saying.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad urged its citizens to "depart Iraq immediately" on Friday.

Attaking US forces directly will result in the complete wipeout of any units involved. Ask the Russians, they tried it in Syria.
Khamenaistic regime is most coward regime in human history. They can only fight helpless kids in Syria. Don't worry.
Look who is talking?. Israel is the biggest name when it come human right violation
Everyone breached Iraqi sovereignty since 2003 and this barking dog abdulmahdi didn't have anything to do except condemning the american violations while ignore other violations also he forgot if wasn't for america he wouldn't be a prime minister today lol.
If he wants to become an ex-cuck, chance should be given. It's now time for revenge, not for cuckism. At least you agree Iraqi army was attacked and Iraqi sovereignity and parliament was put under US shoes last days.

Attaking US forces directly will result in the complete wipeout of any units involved. Ask the Russians, they tried it in Syria.
It will be a geurilla war like how taliban fights. You won't see where the enemy walks/sleeps/fights.
Yes you did it... you bent over for Saddam after 8 years of fighting.. and bent over for the US and gave up HEU after a few years of increased sactions... and right now you are bending over for Russia and China so they throw you a bone when screws are tightened...

yes you did it.. You have always done it... and you will continue doing it, because that's your nature...
Either you live in another world or highly uneducated:
On Saddam, it's the first time after 3 centuries we didn't lose an inch of our soil .. Saddam:

"...Brother President Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani: in this decision, everything has become clear and everything you have sought and has been focusing on is realized..."
What he wants? this:
دیوارنوشت معروف سربازعراقی آمده‌ایم که بمانیم همینجا خواندم که کسی در موزه خرمشهر می‌گفته بعد‌ از آزادسازی خرمشهر(شهید) بهروزمرادی روی دیوار نوشت
آمدیم نبودید

On bending over for the US and gave up HEU then explain me why trump has got out of it if we bent over??
Look who is talking?. Israel is the biggest name when it come human right violation
Couple weeks ago pro Iranian militia fired rockets towards Israel from Syria.

In retaliation Israel destroyed large number of Assad and Iran military targets in Syria, causing hundreds of millions $ damage.

Hours after Israeli strike Assad and Khamenai targeted refugee camp in Has killing women and children.
Attaking US forces directly will result in the complete wipeout of any units involved. Ask the Russians, they tried it in Syria.
Russian did a wonderful job in Syria since 2015 with high effiency, as for your claim, it is just a claim, no hard proof.
Power is powerful's last resort. It is not pretty that you had power and you abused it. Don't you think? I hope you are not proud of this scarry face of yours because if you are - people who hate USA will be justified and you wouldn't want your country to be remembered as a powerful illogical state on the face of the earth that advocates freedom for itself and denies everyone theirs.

Please advocate peace back in your country. USA can do more for world peace then the entire world combined and we all know why.

I am very anti-interventionist when posting on US-centric forums. I understand why the Taliban has a legitimate reason to hate us, while Daesh were salafists who killed mostly other muslims. But just like everyone else here, I expect my armed forces to respond when it is legitimate. And and Quds force is a legitimate target if they attack us,until we get the heck out altogether, which I hope is soon.

Israel and KSA are why our governments haven't reconciled. It is unfortunate.

Russian did a wonderful job in Syria since 2015 with high effiency, as for your claim, it is just a claim, no hard proof.

I don't know what sources you can read here, but there are plenty. Even audio recordings.


I am very anti-interventionist when posting on US-centric forums. I understand why the Taliban has a legitimate reason to hate us, while Daesh were salafists who killed mostly other muslims. But just like everyone else here, I expect my armed forces to respond when it is legitimate. And and Quds force is a legitimate target if they attack us,until we get the heck out altogether, which I hope is soon.

Israel and KSA are why our governments haven't reconciled. It is unfortunate.

I don't know what sources you can read here, but there are plenty. Even audio recordings.


I am aware of some mercenaries lose from their side, but the way your president picturing some fantasy stories out of it on twitter is just absurd, and few hundreds?Plus killing some mercenaries without Rus military support does not equal to "wipeout" Russian in Syria.
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So you saying Iran never has attacked the U.S. in Iraq? Why was the Iranian general in Iraq immediately after the embassy attack? So he can enjoy his vacation?
Are you stupid or what??
He was in Iraq since 2014 and leading the anti ISIS forces something uncle SAM didn't wish.

Hopefully, this time Iranians will get the war they so desperately wanted on Iranian soil.

I think Iranians miscalculated because the last time Trump cancelled the air strikes at the last minute.
You are a very low and dumb human being if still you support USA actions in our region after how much pakistan suffered since 2001 . Killing a Irani general is unethical and barbaric. And war in Iran will definitely affect Pakistan. After lot of sufferings and sacrifices a war in Afghanistan just ended and you are hoping for another regional war which bring another dark era in Pakistan?
Iraq - an emergency session of the Iraqi parliament to be hold on Saturday to discuss the issue of the American presence in Iraq
Iraq - an emergency session of the Iraqi parliament to be hold on Saturday to discuss the issue of the American presence in Iraq
Couple days ago they said on arab forum that Iranians are planning to kick americans out of Iraq. You know it seems iran have strong influence and will win in the end because nobody need the US after ISIS defeat. In the end of the day the one who have the strongest influence in Iraq will kick the other out the US have money and weapons but iran have religious and political influence on iraqi Shia Islamists so I think iranians will not leave Iraq soon.
Couple days ago they said on arab forum that Iranians are planning to kick americans out of Iraq. You know it seems iran have strong influence and will win in the end because nobody need the US after ISIS defeat. In the end of the day the one who have the strongest influence in Iraq will kick the other out the US have money and weapons but iran have religious and political influence on iraqi Shia Islamists so I think iranians will not leave Iraq soon.
Or these fuckers knew they were going to be kicked out like dogs anyways, so they decided sneaky terrorists as they are, to martyr Muhandis and Soleimani before leaving.

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