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Jamaat-e-Islami announces nationwide rallies against USA


Apr 7, 2009
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JI to mobilise people against US
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Staff Report

LAHORE: The Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) has announced to launch anti-US rallies and campaigns in the country from the next month to mobilise people against the US.

JI chief Munawar Hassan made the announcement during a press conference at Mansoora. Hailing the decision of releasing Maulana Abdul Aziz, Hassan said the government should also review its foreign policy, as the US government was working to ensure US hegemony in the region.

Hassan said the rallies would be taken out in Karachi, Peshawar and Lahore on May 3, 8 and 10 respectively. To a question, he said a rally in Quetta would also be announced soon. “We will mobilise our workers, who will inform the people about the threats facing the country,” Munawar said, adding that the US was continuously interfering the operations in FATA and Swat. He said it was a direct threat to the country’s solidarity.

He said the JI would use wall chalking, banners and advertisement as avenues to mobilise people. He said India and Israel wanted to declare Pakistan a terrorist state and the government must take action against it. He said the government should take the parliament and the public into confidence and launch a campaign to thwart the evil efforts of India and Israel. He condemned the drone attacks conducted by the US and termed it a violation of international law.
AFter all that is happening, this is what the Jamate Islami are doing? This will solve our problems?

The Jamate Islami's multi million dollar complex at Mansurah will be one of the first targets of any potential TT takeover, and trust me, they won't spare the Jamati leadership. We all know what the Deobandi TT think of Jamate Islami and its founder, Maulana Maudoodi.

This is the common Ikhwane Muslimeen disease of doing the wrong thing at the wrong time....They never learn.
This is hardly the time we need protests in the country, however since judiciary is restored and nothing left for our pathetic opposition to do politics, they have decided to join the anti american bandwagon.
I think people are more aware then JI. Ofcourse I agree that there are clear indications that India was behind Srilankan team attack and Munnawa Police Traiing Attack.
Funny how the reasons they give are justified by people on the forum yet still the fact that they want to publicaly rally against them is hated by almost everyone because the reason for the rally is to stop the drone attacks and as for blaming India they think that RAW is destabalizing the country ofcourse anyone who would consider the people of FATA as sovereign citizens would realise that it is unjustified. Although I feel that people would ask me to look at the bigger picture and feel that it is justifiable but unfortunately after what the war has done to the region I am afraid this part of the picture has become so bad that however big the picture may be it is permanatly damaged.

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