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Jordanians accuse 'palestinians' of stabbing them in the back, again.

Look at how Gulf Arabs flock to Israel. This is a common theme in the region. Most nations have entirely ignored Palestine. Only a few countries in the region have refused to open relations with Israel

Hardly. They definitely scared you in 2006 and to think we're scared of you is also crazy. Iran are the kind of Muslims that rain BMs on US soldiers. This worries you.

Which nuclear facility have you blown up? All nuclear facilies are in tact and on schedule. A couple cannisters blowing up is nothing. Iran has fun hacking you and stealing valuable info. In fact, Iran can switch Israel off like a kettle! Lmao

You've assassinated a couple of scientists, with tit for tat assassinations happening in Israel. You can only do airstrikes in Syria which has limited success and has not deterred Iran in any way...if anything youve alienated your ally in Russia whereby they are not as warm with you as before. Talk about one step forward 3 steps back.

The only people crying right now are Israel about the deal which will be "very bad for Israel". So you admit you're malign and divisive, and not condusive to peace. This is why Israel is called a cancer and despite all these superficial normalisation deals, Israels enemies are getting stronger and entrenching. Your silly planes cant even reach Iran, and you know it, which is why your media has to lie about F35s going over Iranian territory without striking nuclear sites LOL your state can't even lie properly any more.
They reason they have this kind of thinking is because of the US protective forces that are deployed to Iraq and Syria.

If these barriers are removed, you will see the change in doctrine for Iran to a more aggressive stance. Thats why IRGC themselves stated the main priority is removal of US forces from the region
I think jordan should be the last one talking anoit backstabbing Palestinians. Also jordan is a vassal state controlled by a puppet dictator.
May our enemies fight each other to death

yes that has been the Zionist strategy all along since you were kicked out of Europe and guess what since WWII Europe has peace

Europeans never finished the problem and instead threw the problem snake into Middle East

now Zelensky is trying again for WW3 in Europe
Its your dream, they had beaten whole Arab in few days war and stop believing conspiry theories.
That doesn't mean that they will be able to do it in future & that too without US help. They were forced to hand back Sinai. Their biggest threat is Iran these days who has reached their doorsteps & is consolidating.
Israel is viewing 2006 as a victory as well,if you don't agree with this, why are you taking Israel's word? Turkey still had way more casualties than Israel, more tanks destroyed, helicopters shot down, etc.
Respect your Nationalism but you are nothing without US. The day US pulls back it's support all your neighboirs will be at your throat once again.
yes that has been the Zionist strategy all along since you were kicked out of Europe and guess what since WWII Europe has peace

Europeans never finished the problem and instead threw the problem snake into Middle East

now Zelensky is trying again for WW3 in Europe
Lol, what a retard, Europe had peace since WW2 because it absolutely destroyed all of Europe and forced Europe to unite against the USSR.

Jews still live in Europe, and Jews still control the world.

And someone probably didn't hear of Serbia and Ukraine apparently.
Putin started that war, if anyone wants WW3, that would be the Russians.

Respect your Nationalism but you are nothing without US. The day US pulls back it's support all your neighboirs will be at your throat once again.
No lol, our neighbors would be nothing without the US. The only one that restrains us is the US.
Every time you attack, you lose territories...... You don't ask yourself why, do you?
Only the defeated march in straight lines to the gas Chambers. The Palestinian kids stand up to your nazi storm troopers. Your future is not good. You know this

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