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Kingdom pressing Pakistan to abandon IP gas pipeline.

Even though you aren't wrong , but this is the reflection of the same kind of mentality that Pakistanis follow , considering the defense of Arabs and specially Royal family even to the extent of their own interests as some sort of religious duty !

The royals can be dealt with without blowing up innocent and desecrating our holy lands, lakh lanat for anyone even contemplating this. If Pakistani leaders had any himaat they would not take orders from anyone but the truth is they live and die on the wealth of others. Do not blame Arabs for Pakistani incompetence.
These niggas is wiling out with their contempt for Saudi govt right now. I ain't no fan either but they talking about attacking all Arabs for no reason.
Not all of them, just a select few, if it eases your soul! :P
These niggas is wiling out with their contempt for Saudi govt right now. I ain't no fan either but they talking about attacking all Arabs for no reason.

House of Saud has used us, but by no means we are enemies of Arabs.

We love all Muslims, and hate only those that hate us.

All I want is for my country to stay away from KSA Iran fight/sunni shia fight. Our people are not as shallow as this, and we should never follow this example.

Also I will not allow any bomb or even spit on the holy land. That is my religion. I don't mean all of it, but Mecca and Medina are the two cities that I will never allow anything to happen. And that is as a Muslim.
how many Pakistanis live in Saudi Arabia.?
how much did the saudi invest in Pakistan so far?
how much does Pakistan buy its oil?
why does pakistan enjoy free trade with GCC? no tax/custom
how much did......mmm secret < military?

final question why is pakistan FM coming to saudi arabia and not the other way around.

So let be put it straight.

This project with not go on until we give the green light.

Since we are being straight, lets be honest you are not dancing to your own tune.

Not all of them, just a select few, if it eases your soul! :P

It don't ease my soul brother because I already know how you really feel. Yeah some Arabs are full of sht and yeah most of those Arabs are in power but I do not and will not blame the common Arab, they did not choose who leads them unlike Pakistani people who continuously votes fools into power.

By the way the Qatari involvement was brought up by myself on this forum. Similar stuff happened in 1997 as well, we sent them official warning, but then later on the fat **** came to power and he even pushed it harder. No problem. There are literally thousands of people in the armed forces and key positions, who have a high enough IQ and similar thoughts, they will all get even. Drop for drop.

Yeah I read your thread, one of the best on the forum. So what are they waiting for?? Everyone knows Pak Military is in charge if they want to spank Qatar and Bahrain they can, heck Iran would gladly help so what is the holdup?....
I think, that's one solution to solve Saudi mentality problems. We should bomb on them bigger than Hiroshima, Saudi has numerous of Al Qaeda terrorists, salafism, and took advantage of Makkah/Medinah shields which Pakistan must gain control this land. I bet GCC watch it helplessly and shattering.

Pakistan had enough helped Saudis in the past but Saudi betrayed us again nor favor.
Yara, Mecca and Medina are not going anywhere. The administration has to be changed, and for good.

Read about the three interconnected culprits who wrecked havoc on the planet, their fourth partner was Satan himself.

Read the following

Muhammad bin Saud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia << Read history of his dad and granddad.

House of Saud has used us, but by no means we are enemies of Arabs.

We love all Muslims, and hate only that hate us.

All I want is for my country to stay away from KSA Iran fight/sunni shia fight. Our people are not as shallow as this, and we should never follow this example.

Also I will not allow any bomb ir even spit on the holy land. That is my religion. I don't mean all of it, but Mecca and Medina are the two cities that I will never allow anything to happen. And that is as a Muslim.
Okay... the lunch is over... but how did you pay them back for it? That is all I am asking for.

I am not mentioning Pakistan simply because I do not find anything significant on part of Pakistan that favored the KSA.

What didn't favor the KSA ? Their interests were protected in the region , the Persian influence in the region checkmated , their wars fought , their armies trained and best of all - the extension of nuclear protection !

Pakistan's bomb and Saudi Arabia | World news | guardian.co.uk

The Pak-Saudi Nuke, and How to Stop It - Christopher Clary & Mara E. Karlin - The American Interest Magazine

Saudi Govt. Accused of Considering Buying Nukes From Pakistan -- News from Antiwar.com

Saudis consider nuclear bomb | World news | The Guardian

Four years ago, Saudi Arabia sent a defence team to Pakistan to tour its secret nuclear facilities and to be briefed by Abdul Qader Khan, the father of Pakistan's nuclear bomb.

A UN official said: "There's obviously a lot of restlessness in the Middle East. Regional insecurity tends to produce a quest for a nuclear umbrella. The Saudis have the money and could provide it to Pakistan."

It is widely believed that Saudi Arabia has been a sole financier of Pakistan's own integrated atomic bomb project since 1974, a programme founded by former prime minister Zulfi Bhutto.[6][7] In 1980s, Chief Martial Law Administrator and President General Zia-ul-Haq paid a state visit to Saudi Arabia where he unofficially told the King that: "Our achievements are yours".[6] This cooperation was allegedly enhanced by socialist prime minister Benazir Bhutto in 1995 and in 1998, the conservative Prime minister Nawaz Sharif took Saudi Arabia in confidence before ordering the nuclear tests
Since 1998, the Western diplomats and intelligence agencies have long been rumored to have an agreement whereby Pakistan (would) sell Saudi Arabia warheads and its locally developed nuclear technology if security in the Gulf deteriorate, although both countries sharply denied the existence of such agreement between them.[7] In 2003 it was reported that Pakistan and Saudi Arabia had entered a secret agreement on "nuclear cooperation" providing Saudi Arabia with nuclear weapons technology in return for access to cheap oil for Pakistan.[8]

Free lunch , would you say ? :azn:

This project with not go on until we give the green light.

I think we have paid in things far expensive than money :azn: as an answer to your questions - I have listed a few in my posts ...

Unfortunately for you , the pipeline is laid upto Iranian border and the work has begun on the Pakistani side :wave:
Mate, have you dealt with them personally, at governmental, military and intelligence level? I have to a certain degree and rest of the gaps have been filled by close relatives. Enjoy your clean third person view. :D

I can see where we are headed due to this proxy war. I rather have them blowing themselves up, than one citizen of my country.

Yaar can you really put the blame on Arabs or Iranians?? All the money in the world would not matter if fellow Pakistani was not willing to gun down another Pakistani for that cash.... Do not say religious motivations either because if one really wanted to know what Islam was they would not take someone's word for it and actually go and do some research. What they have been taught is not Islam. Taliban are not Muslims, in fact any Muslim willing to shed Muslim blood for their own gains is a Munafiq. This is not me being a Takfiri either, this is just saying it as it is and the house of Saud left Islam long ago, God willing the Arabs of Hejaz and Najd will realize that soon enough.
Since we are being straight, lets be honest you are not dancing to your own tune.

Pakistan will definitely take what it serve its interest the saudi will get what they want every body will be happy I assure you. people are underestimating Saudi-pakistian relations. It's probably one of the closest relationships in the world between any two countries. says Prince Turkey Al-Faisal.

at the end just an onlinerrr saying what pops in his head don't take me seriously. :D
And for no reason you idiots are insulting Arabs.

Who supported our people when they were in need?

Obviously, not us?

We were busy with our lives in the west.

When the floods hit Pakistan, our President ran away to his mansion in the UK.

Well then who helped the innocent people of Pakistan?

Our army:






So where were you, when these people lost everything?


I never wanted help from KSA or anyone else during our disaster, but they did help our people more than our own government.

So should we be namak haram?

We must repay them and their goodwill, and then be on our way.
Yara, I'm a single minded person. Once I have made up an opinion after thorough real life observation, I look only for a solution. People bring me in, at the end, when the **** already has hit the roof. When you get up to fix unsalvageable situations, then you don't do minute calculations and have "talks" to iron out minor differences. You come to a person like me. :P

Yaar can you really put the blame on Arabs or Iranians?? All the money in the world would not matter if fellow Pakistani was not willing to gun down another Pakistani for that cash.... Do not say religious motivations either because if one really wanted to know what Islam was they would not take someone's word for it and actually go and do some research. What they have been taught is not Islam. Taliban are not Muslims, in fact any Muslim willing to shed Muslim blood for their own gains is a Munafiq. This is not me being a Takfiri either, this is just saying it as it is and the house of Saud left Islam long ago, God willing the Arabs of Hejaz and Najd will realize that soon enough.
how many Pakistanis live in Saudi Arabia.?
how much did the saudi invest in Pakistan so far?
how much does Pakistan buy its oil?
why does pakistan enjoy free trade with GCC? no tax/custom
how much did......mmm secret < military?

I think they are doing work which your lot isn't capable of doing , right ? Or are you doing them a favor by allowing them to work ? :azn: Do not even get me started on the manner on which they are treated in the GCC !

I think it would still be less than the cost of lives and damage to infrastructures we have done for you checkmating Iran's influence and protecting your interests in the region since the 80's and we still have a mess to clean up ! Majority of that investment in Madarsas and other religious institutions is visible in every day news in Pakistan of bomb blasts and acts of terror !

Deferred Payment doesn't mean " Free Oil " by any chance , does it ? ...

Enlighten me about the so called " Free Trade " ...

In return of military protection against Israel :azn:

we have done nothing just adhering to our islamic principles.

I will be very happy if you do the same with regards to Iran and do not consider them an bigger enemy than Israel ! Because they haven't occupied any Arab land ... :azn:
What didn't favor the KSA ? Their interests were protected in the region , the Persian influence in the region checkmated , their wars fought , their armies trained and best of all - the extension of nuclear protection !

Pakistan's bomb and Saudi Arabia | World news | guardian.co.uk

The Pak-Saudi Nuke, and How to Stop It - Christopher Clary & Mara E. Karlin - The American Interest Magazine

Saudi Govt. Accused of Considering Buying Nukes From Pakistan -- News from Antiwar.com

Saudis consider nuclear bomb | World news | The Guardian

Four years ago, Saudi Arabia sent a defence team to Pakistan to tour its secret nuclear facilities and to be briefed by Abdul Qader Khan, the father of Pakistan's nuclear bomb.

A UN official said: "There's obviously a lot of restlessness in the Middle East. Regional insecurity tends to produce a quest for a nuclear umbrella. The Saudis have the money and could provide it to Pakistan."

It is widely believed that Saudi Arabia has been a sole financier of Pakistan's own integrated atomic bomb project since 1974, a programme founded by former prime minister Zulfi Bhutto.[6][7] In 1980s, Chief Martial Law Administrator and President General Zia-ul-Haq paid a state visit to Saudi Arabia where he unofficially told the King that: "Our achievements are yours".[6] This cooperation was allegedly enhanced by socialist prime minister Benazir Bhutto in 1995 and in 1998, the conservative Prime minister Nawaz Sharif took Saudi Arabia in confidence before ordering the nuclear tests
Since 1998, the Western diplomats and intelligence agencies have long been rumored to have an agreement whereby Pakistan (would) sell Saudi Arabia warheads and its locally developed nuclear technology if security in the Gulf deteriorate, although both countries sharply denied the existence of such agreement between them.[7] In 2003 it was reported that Pakistan and Saudi Arabia had entered a secret agreement on "nuclear cooperation" providing Saudi Arabia with nuclear weapons technology in return for access to cheap oil for Pakistan.[8]

Free lunch , would you say ? :azn:

I think we have paid in things far expensive than money :azn: as an answer to your questions - I have listed a few in my posts ...

Unfortunately for you , the pipeline is laid upto Iranian border and the work has begun on the Pakistani side :wave:

What is all that BS? Did you even read them??? I would say please do read them, I did. Once you do you will realize your mistake in posting all that.

For the sake of brevity, I will post just this much from the last link -

"Until now, the assumption in Washington was that Saudi Arabia was content to remain under the US nuclear umbrella."

US nuclear umbrella... does Pakistan even feature?

The others are just blogs, and the first blog is outright lie. I too am a member of Chatham House and I can testify that Julian Borger is lying!

Could you not produce even a single mention by any KSA official?

And that "Our achievements are yours"... seems like Pakistanis are imposing those favors without anyone asking for them lol

Please try to post something not so subtle as "it is widely believed... felt... thought... etc". If the umbrella was really such a big thing, then let us see at least one statement by ANY KSA official hailing that umbrella.

Apparently, the lunch money hasn't been paid, be it in full, half or even quarter.

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