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Kurdish terrorists kill 10 in attacks on Turkish forces


Apr 28, 2012
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United Arab Emirates
Ten members of Turkey's security forces have been killed in an attack by Kurdish rebels close to the border with Iraq and Syria, officials say.
Around 100 guerrillas from the outlawed Kurdistan Workers
Party (PKK) besieged four state and security installations
simultaneously in the small, mountain-ringed town of Beytussebap
at 10 p.m. (1900 GMT) on Sunday night.


BBC News - Turkey troops killed in Kurdish rebel clashes in Sirnak
Kurdish Rebels Kill 10 in Attack on Turkish Border - ABC News

I think its time 4 turkey to penetrate syrian pkk bases.
The Kurds have really stepped up attacks lately...are there theories in Turkey as to why?
The Kurds have really stepped up attacks lately...are there theories in Turkey as to why?

Some says its because Turkey gave signs of interfering in a Kurdish controlled area in Syria, some says PKK decided that repeating small scale attacks has no benefit and started to take risk in order to take bigger steps, more specially they're trying to establish area control in a small piece of land.
The Kurds have really stepped up attacks lately...are there theories in Turkey as to why?

US(super hero of the world) not doing anything during the whole invasion. We are not fighting with kurds here. We are fighting with a terrorist organization that is recognized by United Nations.

Winter in this region is very sharp, they can't operate in winter. We have to start operations before spring to cripple them. But unfortunately we have democratic, peace loving hippies running the country so PKK finds living space and they use every inch of it to hurt us.

We are suffering because ruling party is negotiating with terrorists. We are suffering because.. well it's more "democratic" that way
US(super hero of the world) not doing anything during invasion. We are not fighting with kurds here. We are fighting with a terrorist organization recognized by United Nations.

Winter in this region is very sharp, they can't operate in winter. We have to start operations before spring to cripple them. But unfortunately we have a democratic, peace loving hippies running the country so PKK finds living space and they use every inch of it to hurt us.

We are suffering because ruling party is negotiating with terrorists. We are suffering because.. well it's democratic that way
So....Turkey's long-standing ethnic issues are the fault of the US? I'll bet there was no illness or death in Turkey till the US introduced it. But you caught us again! Gooood job genius.
So....Turkey's long-standing ethnic issues are the fault of the US? I'll bet there was no illness or death in Turkey till the US introduced it. But you caught us again! Gooood job genius.
I'm not putting blames here, we went inside Iraq and sweeped the whole region just four years ago while the invasion was still going on and everybody knows here what happened next.

You have left a weak central government in Iraq. That is part of the reason why PKK gained a foothold again.
Gulf Times ? Qatar?s top-selling English daily newspaper - Europe/World

Kurd rebels hit Turkish troops, 30 feared dead


Kurdish rebels wielding rocket launchers and machine-guns attacked a security base in southeast Turkey, triggering a firefight that left 30 people dead, local officials said yesterday.
Ten soldiers were killed and seven wounded in the attack in the province of Sirnak, the local government said, while other sources said about 20 members of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) were also killed.
Provincial governor Vahdettin Ozkan said the militants had attacked the security complex at Beytussebap, which lies about 40km from the Iraqi border, late Sunday.
Police and soldiers returned fire, triggering some of the deadliest clashes with the rebels seen in months.
“The fight against terrorism will continue in all its aspects,” Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag said in televised remarks.
Last month, 10 people including civilians were killed in a car bomb attack blamed on the separatist Kurds in the southeastern city of Gaziantep which caused national outrage.
The government had launched a large-scale military offensive against the PKK on July 23 that it said early last month had killed a total of 115 Kurdish rebels.
In one of the deadliest recent single incidents, fighting in June between Turkish soldiers and Kurdish rebels killed 28 people after an attack by PKK members on an army post near the Iraqi border.
In another incident in the southeast late on Sunday, clashes erupted when rebels refused to heed police calls to stop at a checkpoint on a highway in the province of Sanliurfa and instead shot at police, NTV television reported.
Three members of the security forces and one civilian were wounded, along with one Kurdish rebel in the fighting in the province which borders Syria, according to the private television station.
Rebels in the vehicle attempted to flee the scene but were blocked by security forces, and one left the car and blew himself up, NTV said.
It said police had received tip-offs that Kurdish suicide bombers had infiltrated from neighbouring Syria for attacks inside Turkey.
The PKK has stepped up its assaults against Turkish security forces in recent months, with Turkish officials and the local media linking the surge to the brutal conflict raging in neighbouring Syria.
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has threatened military intervention if the Kurdish rebels set up bases in Syria.
Some government officials believe that Damascus - once backed by Ankara - is helping the PKK in retaliation for Turkey’s support for rebels fighting President Bashar al-Assad.
The PKK, considered a terrorist group by Turkey and much of the international community, took up arms in Kurdish-majority southeastern Turkey in 1984, sparking a conflict that has claimed about 45,000 lives.
The fighting is focused in the mountainous region bordering Iraq and Iran, but the PKK has also struck in Turkish cities. Officials blamed it for a car bombing last month which killed nine people in Gaziantep, near Turkey’s border with Syria.

RIP / Innalillahe ----Raziun

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