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Lack of Action on Kashmir - What Are We Waiting For?

Why do you need army to do the rightful, you purest of Muslim? Why not start marching toward Kashmir, the oppressed needs you.

Allah almighty will give you victory if he find you worthy !!

If all fails I will do exactly that!!! But Im warning my Muslim Brothers that our ultimate goal is the afterlife. We are not terrorists, we are Muslims, Allah's lowly servants in this world.
Why to wait for other to fail? You dont trust Allah?

And why others are failing, Allah dont support them?

The choice is ultimately Man's to make. Fight in the cause of Allah or just remain as a blind sheep in this world.

Then start your fight at home- If you really mean to protect the oppressed and fight against the evil corrupters- They are enough close to home for that- No!

They will be the first to go, Traitors of the nation who have blinded the masses into thinking this world means something.

Soon, Indians. You are afraid of a Man like me because Im a believer and if someone with the same convictions like me comes to Power you know its game over for you oppressors and the lovers of this world.

Indeed they have a greater fear of you in their hearts than of Allah.
That is because they are a people who do not understand.

(Sūratul al-Hashr no.59, Āyat 13)
Soon, Indians. You are afraid of a Man like me because Im a believer and if someone with the same convictions like me comes to Power you know its game over for you oppressors and the lovers of this world.
Maybe you and someone from RSS should square off one on one-Fight to death- One stone 2 bigots dispatched for the good of mankind.
Maybe you and someone from RSS should square off one on one-Fight to death- One stone 2 bigots dispatched for the good of mankind.

Trust me I have enough faith to take on the world! Rss sanghis are nothing! With the Help of Allah, InshaAllah, The corrupters and the oppressors of the world will be gone!
Apples to oranges. Its been over 50 years the kashmiris have been facing oppression , how much time does one need?

And if this street happens to come while Im fighting in the cause of Allah better believe the only way I will look is forward to Allah's Mercy!

That is the failure of our nation. We have fought wars 3 times in Kashmir and failed to liberate it entirely. Clearly we need to prepare a better strategy for war.
That is the failure of our nation. We have fought wars 3 times in Kashmir and failed to liberate it entirely. Clearly we need to prepare a better strategy for war.

Clearly we need to put more Trust in Allah and the Victory will belong to the Muslims.
Trust me I have enough faith to take on the world! Rss sanghis are nothing! With the Help of Allah, InshaAllah, The corrupters and the oppressors of the world will be gone!
Man go get a life- Take care of your family. Just find a hobby and stay in school and get a good education. All this bravado looks very childish.
Man go get a life- Take care of your family. Just find a hobby and stay in school and get a good education. All this bravado looks very childish.

It looks childish to the deaf, dumb, and blind.

I just want to go back to Allah. Are you ready to meet your Creator?
It looks childish to the deaf, dumb, and blind.

I just want to go back to Allah. Are you ready to meet your Creator?
I dont think Allah- is my creator- But again I believe I will meet my creator once I have served Gods purpose for which I was born for in the first place-You are free to meet Allah if thats what you want (We call that suicide- which is also against what is taught in Islam)
I dont think Allah- is my creator- But again I believe I will meet my creator once I have served Gods purpose for which I was born for in the first place-You are free to meet Allah if thats what you want (We call that suicide- which is also against what is taught in Islam)

Dont make mockery of Allah's words. Attaining His Mercy in His Cause is not suicide. I reject the satanic forces evil plot to pin the Muslims as terrorists. I know you fear the believers.

From your flags, it seems you are in the right place at the right time.

Im not a dumb terrorist who will kill innocent civilians. I will take on satan and his forces head on. What Kind of People Do you guys think Muslims are?

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