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LeT hideouts should be hit by drones: US experts

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Jul 2, 2010
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United States
WASHINGTON: The United States should use drones to target Lashkar-e-Taiba hideouts if Pakistan does not destroy them, says a bipartisan US task force.

In a report to the Obama administration, the task force warns that another Mumbai-like attack could lead to a full-fledged war between India and Pakistan.

“What we’re suggesting is that we include LeT in this target list, because if the Pakistanis aren’t willing to see this as a threat and indeed an existential threat to them, then we see it that way, and we’re going to prosecute it,” Richard Armitage, former deputy Secretary of State, said.

Mr Armitage, while talking to the media after the release of the task force’s report on Pakistan and Afghanistan, urged Islamabad to realise that the Haqqani network also posed an existential threat to the Pakistani state.

“I would hope they would see the Haqqani network in the same way they see Pakistani Taliban, that this is ultimately a threat to them as well,” said Mr Armitage.

“On Lashkar-e-Taiba, they have to see this as something that could, in a single stroke, cause war between India and Pakistan, something that I think would delight Al Qaeda no end,” he observed.

“And why do I say this? LeT is trouble. As I’ve already indicated, if they have one more strike, another Mumbai-type attack, I do not think the Indian government can be held back.”

The US, he said, needed to take the LeT threat more seriously because they were also in Afghanistan.

“They’re killing us. I take it personally,” Mr Armitage said.

“If we can’t be successful in the jawboning, pressuring or sticks, and carroting them into this, then in the long run, we’re dealing with very dangerous situation,” Mr Armitage warned.

Daniel S. Markey, the report’s lead writer, said the report suspected an unstable US-Pakistan relationship because lesser progress by Islamabad against combating terror would hamper their ties.

“If we were to suffer an attack from Pakistan, we would be forced to, I think, take a very different line,” he argued.

“So it’s a recognition of that political reality, which leads us to look at what those alternatives would have to be. It’s not a desire to go there, and it’s not an inherent threat or anything that we’re trying to level against the Pakistanis,” he said.

“It’s a recognition of the strategic reality that we both face and how uncomfortable that is for both sides,” Mr Markey added.

LeT hideouts should be hit by drones: US experts | DAWN.COM | Latest news, Breaking news, Pakistan News, World news, business, sport and multimedia

How about to please the indian populous we just nuke all of Pakistan once and for all! but then who the indians and the americans will whine about and blame their failures on.

How about to please the indian populous we just nuke all of Pakistan once and for all! but then who the indians and the americans will whine about and blame their failures on.

Thing like this people say that time when Americans planning drone attack in FATA and other Pakistani areas ... :rofl:

But at the end they are doing it on regular bases
Hope this also starts early
Thing like this people say that time when Americans planning drone attack in FATA and other Pakistani areas ... :rofl:

But at the end they are doing it on regular bases
Hope this also starts early

Well my friend people who live in houses made out of cr@p shouldn't complain about the stench coming from the neighbors! So I guess u should worry about the sh!t hole that your country is in (despite the ignorance that many show here, and refuse to believe it) we will take care of our own house, and as far as the attacks on Pakistan and the people who wish to see them happen they can take the drones and missiles and all the other stuff and shove it where the sun dont shine.
Well my friend people who live in houses made out of cr@p shouldn't complain about the stench coming from the neighbors! So I guess u should worry about the sh!t hole that your country is in (despite the ignorance that many show here, and refuse to believe it) we will take care of our own house, and as far as the attacks on Pakistan and the people who wish to see them happen they can take the drones and missiles and all the other stuff and shove it where the sun dont shine.
lol..... we are in a deep sh!t ??? we are not facing any attack that you people face daily, which is indeed very sad.. is there any safe places in pakistan??
Dont know why India always wants some one else to do their dirty work,
Try doing it yourselves :devil:
Well my friend people who live in houses made out of cr@p shouldn't complain about the stench coming from the neighbors! So I guess u should worry about the sh!t hole that your country is in (despite the ignorance that many show here, and refuse to believe it) we will take care of our own house, and as far as the attacks on Pakistan and the people who wish to see them happen they can take the drones and missiles and all the other stuff and shove it where the sun dont shine.

We wish that you only take care of your own house and dnt interfere in other
But we all know the reality
Even your own ex president accept that
lol..... we are in a deep sh!t ??? we are not facing any attack that you people face daily, which is indeed very sad.. is there any safe places in pakistan??

Yes it is indeed a matter to LOL quiet loudly as it shows that how pathetic of a human u are and may more who play along that line. And no you are not in deep sh!t as the Maoist attacks that regularly take place are happening on the moon, and also some other insurgencies here and there are taking place on mars.
Dont know why India always wants some one else to do their dirty work,
Try doing it yourselves :devil:

Use your sense India not told USA to do this

They know where are terror camps so want to finish those camps
Yes it is indeed a matter to LOL quiet loudly as it shows that how pathetic of a human u are and may more who play along that line. And no you are not in deep sh!t as the Maoist attacks that regularly take place are happening on the moon, and also some other insurgencies here and there are taking place on mars.
lol again.... what kind of maoist attacks you are talking about ??? pls provide the details for the last 1 month.... dont u see the reality in your own backyard??
lol again.... what kind of maoist attacks you are talking about ??? pls provide the details for the last 1 month.... dont u see the reality in your own backyard??

And why should I do that for you are ur fingers broken or u just dont know how to use google.

And just because it didnt happen in the last month or so that dont mean it didnt happen, and or it dont exist.
Are u blind or just naturally slow, haven't u seen all that is being done by Pakistan fighting a war for the whole world and still getting ridiculed in return. And what are u guys talking about, a country that had conveniently in the past aided insurgencies and terror in other countries to get what you want. So if I was u I wouldn't be talking much but then again an indian is an indian, all u guys think of when you hear the word Pakistan is hate, aah the obsession.

I shouldn't have called u slow, after all ur nick is DODO.

Pakistan fighting on war with terror.... but only with those who causes problem for you ...
And BTW You are own responsible for this problem

What about Terror in Kashmir ?? LeT??

:lol: May be DRDO is slow but developed systems for them self not painting others stuff and call them our.
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