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London riots: Violence erupts for third day

We've had riots here in Hounslow too, cars burnt, some pedestrians attacked, shops broken looted and everything vandalised.
We have a little Pakistani and Indian community here, they were up in arms earlier, wanting to defend the neighbourhood, worried about their jobs, they don't want their only job opportunities to go to waste. At least it's bought the community together

Police here are too soft! we need Pakistani thana police! or Chuck Norris, which ever is available.
Pakistan foreigner office should advise it citizens to avoid travelling into riot laden United Kingdom- and should boycott UK until the voice of the oppressed people are heard-

Are you crazy? Oppressed people? These are just some yobs with disregard for others, they can rot in jail for what most of the UK cares.
We've had riots here in Hounslow too, cars burnt, some pedestrians attacked, shops broken looted and everything vandalised.
We have a little Pakistani and Indian community here, they were up in arms earlier, wanting to defend the neighbourhood, worried about their jobs, they don't want their only job opportunities to go to waste. At least it's bought the community together

Police here are too soft! we need Pakistani thana police! or Chuck Norris, which ever is available.

Same happening in Birmingham, the groups of looters didn't bother when they saw shop keepers and others out with weapons.
Nope, please do not exagerate, these kind of riots i have seen just once i.e. when BB got assinated. There I see the complete shopping malls torched apart from vehicles. The people have got a chance to get the gadgets which they usually see on billboards. Humaray haan itni lut nahi michti ;)

ok point taken.

in other news..desi shop owners..specially pakistani desis have been calling family and friends to vunteer for standing guard at their shops over night...
tonight desi areas will be well guarded...some shop.owners have managed to rally over a dozen people to.stand guard at their shops...The police simply isnt doing enough.
they run after yhe youths..they run to the next street and riot there..then police comes thre they run back to where they.were and start again...its a game of cat and mouse for the youth which they are enjoying.
Are you crazy? Oppressed people? These are just some yobs with disregard for others, they can rot in jail for what most of the UK cares.

the old ones have lived their lives and want to die peacefully-- its the young one who usually bring revolution-- Like Egypt- Syria- Libya-- Now UK- viva revolucione-
Same happening in Birmingham, the groups of looters didn't bother when they saw shop keepers and others out with weapons.

Yh, Some Pakistani youth and Singhs of this area were out with cricket bats and hockey sticks...
there was a small group of idiots heading towards the shops, they were chased away, saw it myself.

Good stuff!
the old ones have lived their lives and want to die peacefully-- its the young one who usually bring revolution-- Like Egypt- Syria- Libya-- Now UK- viva revolucione-

Sir, you know that youth in the middle east are fighting for democracy and freedom whereas hooligans here are fighting for plasma screen television free of charge.

please don't sympathise with them, they have devastated our communities, they've torched cars, broken into shops, destroyed people's livelihoods and even gone as far as beating up and attacking pedestrians.

Last night I saw footage of a block of flats burnt down, for what?
Now there are 30 more families without homes now, just sad.
the police here is "chootiyaa"

there are reports thatvthey are stopping residents and shop owners from standing guard on their premesis...
they say it will startvall out street wars...but these youths need a taste of their own medicine...they need to taste a punch in their face and a golf club up their back side...the law is very protective towards them and even tbe police feels helpless.
Sir, you know that youth in the middle east are fighting for democracy and freedom whereas hooligans here are fighting for plasma screen television free of charge.

please don't sympathise with them, they have devastated our communities, they've torched cars, broken into shops, destroyed people's livelihoods and even gone as far as beating up and attacking pedestrians.

Last night I saw footage of a block of flats burnt down, for what?
Now there are 30 more families without homes now, just sad.

See.. this is the problem.. we want to be so 'politically correct' that we try to safeguard the entity we belong to.. well these are 'riots' and these are declared as 'riots' by the government.. so no need to call them hooligans or looters.. they are 'rioting'.. that means government has to pay for whatever is lost in these 'riots'

And to be honest with you.. i am feeling that there are two separate activities going on right now.. One is the normal group of young kids who are just breaking into shops and taking away what they can get their hands on.. and the second group is the serious one.. they are trying to alight whatever triggers hate against youngsters..

It looks like a sinister plan is in action.. check the videos.. the ones breaking shops are mostly 13/14-18/19 years old.. and the ones who are throwing petrol bombs seem older people with balaclava, even the hands are covered..
Today, I was there in the worst hit area of London (Hackney)

Yesterday the helicopter was flying in that area and there was a BBC footage recorded when the people were breaking shop at Mare Street, Hackney, London.

All seemed fine to me - looks like everything is almost under control...
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what went wrong ? why are these people going nuts it has to be more than the youth killing

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