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Majority of Americans support military action against Iran ................

Nope. God has saved Israel for that. Your rulers.

back on topic Americans dont know that they are controlled by Israel. I do hope right wing groups don't do what Hitler and co did in similar circumstances in Germany when they take their country back from Zionists. That would be a shame.
God works in mysterious ways. One of them is how a single Vietnamese-American can provoke the latent racism out of so many MEasterners. :lol:
gambit said:
Looks like you failed. Miserably. You focus so much on US and our faults that you ignored your own. The problem remains over the decades and now you pretty much have no choice but to focus on US now because you are disgusted with your own failures that you allowed to fester and grown. Good job.

Our “failures”?

If you mean we have made mistakes, too, then you are right. I never denied that. And we are the biggest critics of ourselves.

We don't expect you to be flawless or saints, either.
But “making mistakes” is something, and being bloodthirsty monsters is something else. You guys are going more and more towards the latter.

God willing we won't fail, but you guys are definitely headed for the biggest failure of history in your current course.
do majority of them even know wt iran is? :rofl: jokes aside, thats wt mass media does
according to this video, many americans don't know much about the world...
ofcourse it does not refer to all americans..

Wow, they did not even know their own country starts with a U lolz. I don't blame them, since they do grow up watching nonsense and believing in crap.
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God works in mysterious ways. One of them is how a single Vietnamese-American can provoke the latent racism out of so many MEasterners. :lol:

You mean a victim of Stockholm Syndrome. Its amazing how Americans manage to find quislings everywhere. They then become American opinion
=gambit;2697013]Do not bother with this generosity. We who have:

Relax dude you already have the green card they wont send you back.

A military that roams the world at will.

Yes they Go around the world at will say Vietnam Afghanistan Iraq accept when the locals send them back with there free will.

Businessmen that travels and searches the world for opportunities.

And once found they Move there facilities to China and India or other destinations

Religious missions and contacts on every continent.

Last i checked American Government is a secular institution plus Jesus wasn't born in queens.

Invented the Internet that enabled global communication. The Iranian government slaughter of its own citizens, for example.

We know Al Gore didn't:rofl: but yes Americans did ,but Those so called Iranian citizens were as much Iranians as you are desperate for American Citizen ship willing to have there country of birth destroyed to get that green card

Do not need or even want your pity.

I bet you never travel to southern states

But according to people like you, we are stupid. :lol: So when is that 'hidden' Imam coming?

Its not according to him its according to Young Americans Geographically Illiterate, Survey Suggests

Young adults in the United States fail to understand the world and their place in it, according to a survey-based report on geographic literacy released today.

Take Iraq, for example. Despite nearly constant news coverage since the war there began in 2003, 63 percent of Americans aged 18 to 24 failed to correctly locate the country on a map of the Middle East. Seventy percent could not find Iran or Israel.

That s not his website if i am not mistaken:angel:

As far as the Imam is coming No date is given but we do no when the world will end.

According to a Christian group, Judgment Day is May 21, 2011, soon after which all human beings on earth would be dead. March 27, 2011: A religious preacher heading an independent Christian ministry from Oakland, California, has made a grim prediction that the world is coming to an end on 21st May 2011.:rofl::lol::oops:

American Preacher Harold Camping predicts end of world on 21st May, 2011
God works in mysterious ways. One of them is how a single Vietnamese-American can provoke the latent racism out of so many MEasterners. :lol:

you just proved our point Americans cant tell where what is on the map here is a clue for you no one here is from Middle east.
nothing new...... US puppt of isreal do theyre best to defame Muslims and the Muslim communities in America ............
I personally do not trust the validity of this survey. My take from reading 'readers comments' on most major newspapers in the US every day is most Americans want their troops to be out of Middle East and begin another war is the last thing we want.
Which war was fought at US soil? they did not see war.... not experience it...war is hell as their defense executive said.

US history goes back more than 300 years - Their capital was ransacked in 1812. Pearl Harbor was attacked in 1941 - in 1960s the Americans lived through the nuclear threat and they had the nuclear shelters built in almost every house. They went through much in their history.
Seems like dejavu.. we've all seen this before. It was roughly 9 years ago when a certain nation was building WMDs and was about to attack US and Israel with those WMDs. And of course 85% of Americans gobbled up those lies. No reason why this sad excuse of a nation won't gobble up that garbage again. History, of course, repeats itself. God bless America.
I personally do not trust the validity of this survey. My take from reading 'readers comments' on most major newspapers in the US every day is most Americans want their troops to be out of Middle East and begin another war is the last thing we want.

Should There be irrefutable proof brought to light that Iran is working on obtaining nuclear weapons under the cover of the NPT, I'd support military action as well.

Living in a world with a NPT made of toilet paper and a semi-hostile nuclear Iran is less expensive than ignoring it.

Going back again in 10 years because the Iranians cant figure out the consequences for deceit against a nuclear treaty including the United States is cheaper in American lives and money than trying to change their theocracy. So no occupation
Which war was fought at US soil? they did not see war.... not experience it...war is hell as their defense executive said.

More Americans died in the Civil war than all major wars since combined.
Should There be irrefutable proof brought to light that Iran is working on obtaining nuclear weapons under the cover of the NPT, I'd support military action as well.

Living in a world with a NPT made of toilet paper and a semi-hostile nuclear Iran is less expensive than ignoring it.

Going back again in 10 years because the Iranians cant figure out the consequences for deceit against a nuclear treaty including the United States is cheaper in American lives and money than trying to change their theocracy. So no occupation

Perhaps you ever think of American's perspective might not be the only perspective in the world. And besides why should American populace bear the burdens of being the only policeman in the world. Who appoint us to that position anyway? Let the UN consensus handle the NPT and the countries that have the nuke to share that burdens. Or better yet call for the illumination of all nukes if they are being so righteous.

The glorious days of America is long gone and no one welcome our troops in their land anymore.

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